Sunday, May 19, 2024

TWO GIRLS SHOPPING:...Republicans Seeking Congressional Seats Don't Get It...Longshot District 34 Candidate Mayra Flores Suspends "All You Can Eat" Campaign...District 15's Monica De La Cruz Keeps Shopping...



McALLEN, Texas |...You'd think they might want to talk about issues or policy to do with serving this part of South Texas, like lobbying Big Business to bring better, higher-paying jobs. Or maybe offer some heady solution to the Border Problem they forever crow about.

But no, our two Republican candidates for Congress would rather shop. Eat out pretty much daily and keep shopping.

District 34 candidate Mayra Flores has spent the better part of May hitting Rio Grande Valley cafes and restaurants, insisting she is merely promoting small businesses. She, however, has now shifted to other smaller businesses. That's Flores at right in photo above at a bookstore in Weslaco, hardly the center of any sizeable vote in the November General Election.

Incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez is said to be laughing.

Perhaps Mayra will soon look elsewhere, to where the area poor actually hangout - like pawn shops, plasma donation centers, used car lots, employment offices and second-hand thrift stores. She certainly does not know the pulse of the poverty-stricken valley.

In adjacent District 15, incumbent Republican Monica De La Cruz keeps shopping.

De La Cruz, shown in color photo at right, keeps parroting the "small businesses need help" line most of this year, in numerous visits to restaurants, gun ranges and boutiques. The 50-year-old, single mom and owner of an insurance agency, has yet to speak to needs and wants from her constituents. No, not a peep on how grocery store prices have saddled local poor with tough decisions on whether to buy medicines or plums.

Both 38-year-old Flores and De La Cruz have fallen-in with the silly party line of attacking President Joe Biden and defending their leader, the defendant du jour Donald J. Trump, currently enmeshed in a hush money trial to do with his sexing of Porn Star Stormy Daniels.

Yeah. Tone deafness is in these days.

Neither of these two gals has said a word of an impending Red Wave of voters in November, as they so sang long & hard in 2022.

Congressman Gonzalez and District 15 Democrat opponent Michelle Vallejo can only hope that Flores and De La Cruz stay on the taco food tour and on celebrating women's dress shops.

There isn't much for voters to think about with these two amateurish Republicans...



  1. Our recent comments problem seems to have been resolved. You may still see a "Failed to publish. Try again" message, but know that it is not from us here, but from Blogger, this platform's provider...

  2. mayra is going nowhere again. Monica better get her act together quickly.

  3. Do these two honeybuns have an opinion on Trump's upcoming verdict? Please Donnie take the stand. Be a man like Stormy says. What a show that would be.

    1. if he doesn't take the stand, what message will that send to the jury? Sure, the Judge will instruct them to not hold that against him, but come on, human nature says they will.

    2. If anyone else felt that the charges against them were fraudulent, they'd be sprinting up to testify and PROVE to the jury that Daniels and Cohen fabricated both the affair and his participation in the hush money scandal. Although it is out of the box for the defendant to take the stand to prove his innocence, this person is shouting his witch hunt theory on social media BUT does not mention it in a court under oath...interesting. There is the hole in the story.

    3. @9:29 You said it.

  4. As much as I personally like both these ladies, when both are addressing Biden's failures, inflation, rising cost of living, visiting daily eateries & shopping venues vs their plan to encourage entreprenurial investment in the RGV, building a job creation environment, public safety, health care & education may not sit well with those voters struggling to make ends meet while living pay check to pay check....making it possibly worse, is tapping campaign accounts to subsidize these adventures....could be a little early to bring out the firepower, but these postings are not very encouraging come November.

    1. As I've written in the past, Mayra Flores has a neat story to tell about her interest and rise in our politics. It's just too bad that she has thrown her bags onto the doomed MAGA DC-3 flight. As for Monica De La Cruz, one simply has not heard much from her in the way of why she wants a second term. Voters care, and voters in this election seem to be expecting more than just party psychobabble and cheap posturing. Speak to your people and their needs, these South Texans!!!

  5. Mayra seems so unsure of herself. She was wilder in the last election.

    1. She is sheepish. Acting like she's running for city council and not Congress. It's hard to tell whether she is intelligent at all!

    2. Mayra posted a "God" meme on her FB page today, about America not being great again until it praises God. Well, good! But I'll be damned if I let government tell me about my God!!! She's stupid. And what's her religion? You hear bad stuff of the mortal pastor she idolizes!!!

    3. Is she a college graduate?

    4. Democrat Vicente Gonzalez is a Texas A&M Law School graduate. Mayra went to STCC in McAllen. She will never speak to education.

    5. @12:52 Mayra is a respiratory technician

  6. Who would believe trump? He's not just a liar, he's a really BAD.
    Please put him in prison, sick of all the Republicans and Supreme court.

  7. Trial concludes next week. Look out, Donnie Boy!

  8. Prayers for The City of Houston
    May the storm calm quickly.

    1. No insurance when it’s an act of God. Sad day for many

  9. 58 yr. Mom & grandmother, Vote only Blue please

    In the 1930's Germans thought they needed a strong leader. Enough said?

  10. Monica De La Cruz feeling sorry for dogs as temperatures rise. Maybe a looksee at what you might be able to do on Climate Change? Oh, she doesn't believe in Climate Change?

    1. She has no idea.

    2. We don't need a divorcee in Congress. She even failed at marriage!!!

    3. Who's her ex - a Democrat?

  11. I yearn for a MAGA & Trump-free United States.
    Best thing to do is vote him out of America

  12. BLUE WAVE in November!!!

  13. Trump turns 78 next month! ha ha ha ha Old Geezer losing it.


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