Monday, May 20, 2024

CARTOON OF THE DAY:...Hard To Laugh At This, But What Else Can You Do With Stupid?...Republican Cultists Show Their Colors...Something's Gotta Give...



  1. It's a wonder we keep allowing this. Associate Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife, Ginni, make no apologies for their Trump lovefest. SCOTUS colleague Samuel Alito's wife is okay with flying the American flag upside down ('Stop The Steal") outside their home...

    1. Samuel Alito Sold Anheuser-Busch Stock During Right-Wing Boycott....Just another million here and there.

  2. Prosecutors expected to rest their case in Trump hush money trial by tomorrow. No word on whether defense will offer any witnesses. Trial should end by Friday.

  3. Why does "under indictment" always follow MAGA?

  4. Trump is losing his marbles. He can't stand up-right always leaning towards the podium in order to get support. He was lucky he didn't fall down during that speech to the NRA in Dallas over the weekend. Next time he might not be lucky.

  5. Mayra Flores now on DIET TOUR, after the "All You Can Eat" Campaign? ja ja ja ja ja Le duele.

    1. She's posting about God on her FB page. saying we should "put" God first. Like we can do that. God "puts" us wherever the hell he wants. Mayra Flores, as always, has it backwards.

    2. @8:47 She thinks it's all about her.

    3. I really thought Mayra's "God" was Donald Trump.

    4. mayra is going nowhere in this election. Somebody tell her.

    5. I don't know of anyone who is voting for Mayra. She is such a faker.

  6. New 9/11 Evidence Points to Deep Saudi Arabia Complicity.
    Two decades of U.S. policy appear to be rooted in a mistaken understanding of what happened that day.

  7. NY Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik Loses It When Fox News Host Reminds Her She Once Called Trump a ‘Whack Job’

  8. Chief Justice John Robert's has lost all control over the SC. He can't run and hide; this is on him. Americans want to believe they are working for justice for everyone, but he has allowed some members on the court to put themselves up for sale to the highest bidders.

  9. Vote BLUE so that REAL ethics reform - with teeth - can get passed. Expand the court, after impeaching Alito and Thomas.

    1. This despicable individual Samuel Alito should be thrown out of the Supreme Court.

  10. Iran's president was killed in a helicopter crash. Someone get me the Israeli Mossad on the phone.

    1. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin: US Had "No Part To Play" In Crash That Killed Iran's President

  11. We can all thank Mitch McConnell for giving Trump a pass on impeachment. If he had carried through on Trumps impeachment we wouldn't be dealing with this crap now.

  12. If Justice Sonia Sotomayor flew upside-down flag GOP would call for her resignation

  13. Three words that will make America great again: GUILTY as charged!

  14. Trump's naps at trial are a 'middle finger' to the jury deciding his fate, lawyers say

  15. There is no issue there is a double standard here with the Republicans, but to suggest a wife cannot act independent of her husband is 100% misogynist. Both sides are making a mockery of decorum. Had a Republican called a female Democrat "BUTCH" the democrats would have pounced on it as homophobic. But a Democrat calls MTG Butch and it is not a homophobic term. Both sides have lost all respect by the American people.


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