Saturday, May 11, 2024

IT WAS THE WORST OF TIMES:...For Republicans, A Slow Roll To Death...Killing It Softly...Devotion To One Flawed Man...MTG Offers Death Knell Aloud...



McALLEN, Texas |...A good bloody, hair-pulling brawl could be had if we could get Stormy Daniels and Marjorie Taylor Green into the ring. Both are angry, ripped enough to do away with the Republican Party. Already, vibes point to a horrible night in November's general election.

Porn star Daniels has carved-up the troubled party's figurehead, one Donald J. Trump, in court, while Taylor Greene, shown in photo above, is now predicting the end of her party, a group of congressional do-nothings in total disarray.

This gravesite spiel came this week from Taylor Greene, Georgia's 14th Congressional District representative: . . . ."The future of our Republican Party is very bleak when Republicans in Congress can never follow through. When Republicans in Congress put America last and countries like Ukraine first. We aren’t going to have a future Republican Party. We’ll never win another election because we haven’t given our voters anything to vote for."

And she blasted FOX News.

That disastrous week in court for Trump? That testimony given by Stormy Daniels? It was just kicks to the head of the GOP's 2024 presidential nominee, a flawed candidate somehow still in the chase. Forty-nine-year-old Taylor Greene has long been a fan of the oft-indicted Trump.

Now, she wants to be the one to stick the agger in the party that wants so badly to throw her to the side of the road, to weaken her "power" in Congress and to lower her celebrity standing. You'd have to live in a trailer park to understand her, but she has been getting the headlines.

As for FOX, well, Marjorie believes it is not as benevolent and entity for the GOP as most Republicans might think.

FOX, she said this week, wants all Republicans to think and do what it offers via a string of daily talk shows and one-sided news reporting.

Loudmouth Marjorie's right, but when was the last time Republicans went elsewhere for news & information. They damn the mainstream press daily.

Not since the 1988-1992 era of softee George H.W. Bush, we would say...and that was a long, long time ago...



  1. No one is talking about a Red Wave at the polls this time around.

    1. Republicans are in full panic. They are going to get stomped, thanks to Trump. Poor fools.

  2. With her performance in the ongoing Trump trial Stormy Daniels deserves on Oscar and a star on the walk of fame. She has done more good service for our nation than the Congressional politicians.

  3. So, conservatives and evangelicals celebrate adultery now? The moral contradiction is hilarious, just as their attempts to rectify Trump's values with their so-called values.

  4. Mayra is not yelping about a Red Wave this time. Love it. LOL!!!

    1. I remember she scolded those Red Wavers after she lost to Vicente in 2022. No class.

    2. Mayra is losing in November. No damned way she can make up 11,000 votes. Plus, democrat Gonzalez has been a very good congressman.

    3. Mayra has nothing else to do. She'll lose and throw another tantrum. Vicente looks so stable next to her. JMHO

    4. is she out eating today? Asking for a friend.

  5. President Biden is a grown-up adult, a man, and a human being.

    Trump, on the other hand, is... what, exactly?

  6. Whether or not they had sex is irrelevant. He is charged with falsifying business records, a felony.

  7. The judge has been far too lenient on Trump. It's all but certain that Trump won't see any jail time, though the judge would be completely justified sentencing Trump to the max 4 years due to his egregious and unrepentant behavior. Being ex-president or current candidate is not a valid excuse.

    1. What Navarro and Bannon's verdicts are telling us is that what they did on Trump's behalf was criminal. It also tells us that what Trump did was criminal. The only way out of this for El Trumpo --the man who would be Caesar-- is to be re-elected and he'll be untouchable. He'll still be guilty, still be a total conman and traitor, but untouchable. It's why he has pushed so hard for total immunity, because if he loses in November, he could see serious prison time.

  8. I absolutely despise Donald Trump!

  9. Now in deep panic: Mayra Flores in Texas and Lauren Boebert in Colorado.

    1. Boebert seems to be doing a great job of keeping out of the spotlight. Something MTG seems incapable of. Boebert knows her fifteen minutes are over. Mayra still has 20 minutes.

  10. Trump flunky Steve Bannon going to prison. Four months in the big house for ignoring a congressional subpoena. Funny how all of these guys look like used cars salesman.

  11. Take nothing for granted! Vote Blue! Vote to protect our country and all of our people! Vote for President Biden and the Democrats!

  12. Trump Plans To Blow Off Barron's Graduation Celebration To Hold A Rally In Minnesota. Expected it, right?

  13. Firebrand Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., is up for reelection this year

    1. Georgia gets what it deserves IF those people re-elect MTG. Too bad the rest of the country gets stuck with her. too.

  14. We are a sad nation when a small, rural and what would appear to be a largely uneducated electorate can have such a major influence in national politics.

  15. Our Mayra Flores posted a Biden meme on her FB page saying the president is losing Hispanic support. If Only! Just shows Mayra's desperation. Anything for a laugh with this girl.

  16. I want to sincerely thank Ms Stormy Daniels for standing up to Donald Trump and for her testimony exposing his lies.

  17. Where's Melania?


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