Tuesday, May 14, 2024

DO THAT TO ME ONE MORE TIME:...Candidate Mayra Flores Rides "All You Can Eat" Campaign In Congressional District 34 Race...Alas, Nothing New In Her Effort To Unseat Democrat Vicente Gonzalez...



McALLEN, Texas |...Perhaps we expect too much from our current politicians. And maybe they know it now. Representing others can be a drag when you're chasing something else, goes the line in Rio Grande Valley bars and cafes these days.

Take Republican candidate Mayra Flores, shown in photo above.

The 38-year-old keeps claiming the common journey of many New Americans who arrive here and instantly declare they have found the American Dream, whatever that may be these days. Born in Burgos, Mexico in the northern Mexico state of Tamaulipas, Miss Flores has done enough with her personal life to lay such a claim.

She is an American, educated in San Benito public schools and, later, at South Texas Community College in wealthier McAllen, where she studied the Respiratory Technician skills also mentioned in her resume, along with being a married mom of three and having a Border Patrol agent for a husband.

Today, she is seeking a life in politics, challenging incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzlez for the 34th Congressional District seat he has held for two terms. Miss Flores lost to Gonzalez by more than 11,000 votes in the most recent election, 2022.

We cannot tell you where or when the seed of politics entered her mind and life, but that experience most voters seek in candidates is and always is rather thin in Mayra Flores. Her background was one of work in healthcare, hardly the place for a loud, tough-talking MAGA Republican. But maybe she is a quick study; that is, she could decide to seek office, look at the landscape and glean a persona from those already in the field while crafting her new face and sound.

Her campaign style seems okay, one of mixing with the area's voting populace. All politicians do that, don't they?

We have been tickled by her recent approach of hitting Rio Grande Valley eateries to display what she says is support for small businesses. Sounds cool. But what the photos she kept posting on her Facebook page about her food tour did was reinforce a belief here that she is too intellectually shallow for the job she wants.

Can you picture Congressman Gonzalez doing the same?

No, he's damned busy doing the job, bringing home the bacon - seemingly announcing more federal monies for South Texas every week. Meanwhile, opponent Mayra Flores chomps away at quite-decent grub. The problem for her is that food does not vote, and what lingers in one's mind is that perhaps she should be doing some door-knocking.

An "All You Can Eat" campaign is a loser from the get-go. Mayra Flores appears entitled, eating out every day in a part of the state and country where most struggle to find good jobs, pay bills, get a roof over their heads and put food on the table.

Who knows, but we do hope that she has other approaches to her campaign.

We would advise her to speak to issues/policy instead of how much she enjoyed that played at Rooster's Country Restaurant in Harlingen or those BBQ ribs in Brownsville. Is she seeking endorsements? No word about that, or about voicing how this effort is different than her losing 2022 campaign.

Interestingly, her Facebook page is chock-full of support from her followers. But we do notice that a good amount of them are not from the Rio Grande Valley, or even from Texas. Most of those outsiders are clearly MAGA-types who giddily applaud her latest anti-Democrat rant.

District 34 includes the eastern portion of Hidalgo County, but we not seen Mayra Flores campaigning or eating in McAllen, where voters do turn out.

Maybe we're early with this report. She could roll into a City of Palms eatery today.

As for our early read on her chances in the November General Election, well, we would say that she has not done anything she didn't do in 2022. Nothing new, not even a faint holler or two about that Red Wave being on its way one more time.

Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, an attorney by profession, is doing the job he was elected to do.

A few days ago, we wrote that there is no reason to change horses in this race.

This morning, we still believe it...



  1. Tough to unseat a congressman who is getting things done. Voting for Vicente here.

    1. Look for our take on the Congressional District 15 race in the next few days. Republicans hold that seat at present, but things are shaking...

  2. Vicente con la gente.

    1. Mayra's got nothing.

    2. Let's see where she eats today.

    3. Burger King coming soon? LOL!!!

  3. Trump foe Cohen faces bruising cross-examination as top Republicans head to court with ex-president. House Speaker Mike Johnson and Vivek Ramaswamy join defendant in court today.

    1. You know, for as many people that Trump has thrown under the bus, it's a wonder that he has any support at all anymore. Trump is about as crooked as they come, and unless he has something, his goose is cooked on this. It's going to get very interesting in the coming days or weeks ahead. Trump has the audacity to thumb his nose at America with his antics.

    2. Republicans are sending in the clowns to support sleepy Trump. Congress? Doing nothing.

    3. JD Vance and Tuberville are not what we've always thought a sitting US Senator should be and act like. Usually, a Senator has respect for being smart and honest as a minimum standard. Look at the MAGA clowns in Congress, The Senate and Governors. Polluted the SCOTUS

    4. Trump is rotten to the core. The World is tired of Trump!

    5. A speaker of the House has got a real problem, because he is second in line to the Presidency. He is using his influence to impact the jury. If he actually has evidence, then this should be presented in a court of law not through the media. If he has evidence, and doesn't present it, he is obstructing justice. If he doesn't have evidence, he is lying to the electorate, and should be called out on ethics violations.

    6. It's a remarkable moment of DISGRACE when the election denier MAGA Speaker Mike Johnson shows up at the orange criminal's trial and calls the court system 'corrupt' and the case against Trump a 'sham,' while alleging without proof that the special counsel who's charged Trump in two separate cases has doctored evidence!

  4. mayra would be squashed in a debate with Congressman Gonzalez. No contest.

    1. But she keeps saying no one "is on my level"!!!

    2. She's a MAGA parrot. Nothing original about her. Plus, she's fake!

    3. Mayra eating but who is paying?

    4. Only Mayra knows who is paying and she's not talking.

    5. What has Mayra said about Trump's trial? Is she going to NYC and join other Republicans in the courtroom?

    6. The girl is packing.

  5. People go out and vote! Vote Blue all the way!

  6. Pregnant? The Republican Party wants to track you and any decisions you make


  8. The Democrats should not bailout MAGA Mike Johnson from losing his speakership after he said Trump's trial is a sham. Someone call Marjorie Taylor Greene.

  9. One would think that there are way more important things to do on Capitol Hill compared to a court room in New York. Guess the evangelicals need to be represented in a case that involves infidelity of a former president.

    1. Republicans are rallying behind their criminal. Let's show them the door in November! VOTE BLUE

    2. Democrats will be so pissed at speaker Johnson after this. See him get ousted soon.

  10. Trump lawyer: You told so many lies.

    Cohen: Yes, I was a Trump lawyer.

  11. Von Shitzinpants? LOL!!!

  12. I remember when people around the World danced in the streets because we thought the Orange One was finally in the rear view mirror,yet he is still here with his flunkies continuing his assault on the rule of law and common decency.

  13. Mayra Flores ate at Don Chucho Tacos & Tequilas in Brownsville today. Who paid?

    1. She's obscene now. jmho

    2. Mayra's latest post on FB: "If you have a business or service company here in South Texas or know of anyone that would like for me to stop by then let us know. We stop at all types of businesses, shelters, organizations, and really anything we get invited to."

    3. Commenter on Mayra's FB Page: "Why does your campaign involve you promoting businesses? Perhaps they sponsor lunch and dinner while you're on your campaign tour? Just curious." Flores said she covered the check.

  14. Shame on the Speaker of the House. Dereliction of duty.

  15. Overall, I think the public currently finds Michael Cohen to have achieved enough redeeming qualities to believe him now.


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