Sunday, April 14, 2024

WORLD AT WAR:...Iran's Wild Drone And Missile Attack On Israel Fails...It's Only The Beginning...U.S. Helps With Anti-Missile Batteries...Joe Biden Warns Bibi Netanyahu Against Counterattack...



McALLEN, Texas |...It had been coming for days following Israel's earlier bombing of the Iranian Embassy in Damascus, Syria. A missile attack, is what U.S. intelligence was saying.

It came yesterday - some 200 or so drones and missiles.

According to reports, Israel fended off almost entirely, the number 99% being tossed around liberally in news stories. Credit the so-called "Iron Dome" anti-missile batteries availed to Israel by the U.S.

But don't expect the U.S. to stay in the fray. 

This from [ President Joe Biden told Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a call on Saturday that the U.S. won't support any Israeli counterattack against Iran. Biden and his senior advisers are highly concerned an Israeli response to Iran's attack on Israel would lead to a regional war with catastrophic consequences, U.S. officials said.

Iran launched attack drones and missiles against Israel on Saturday night local time in retaliation for an airstrike in Syria that killed a top Iranian general.

"More than 200 drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles were fired from Iran," IDF spokesperson Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said. Most of the threats were intercepted outside of Israeli airspace, he said.

A U.S. defense official earlier said U.S. forces in the region shot down Iranian-launched drones targeting Israel. Biden told Netanyahu the joint defensive efforts by Israel, the U.S. and other countries in the region led to the failure of the Iranian attack, according to a White House official.

"You got a win. Take the win," Biden told Netanyahu, according to the official.

The official said that when Biden told Netanyahu that the U.S. will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran and will not support such operations, Netanyahu said he understood. ]

This, of course, is tangentially connected to the ongoing Israel/Palestinian brawl in the Gaza Strip. The Israelis fully believe that Iran funds Hamas terrorists in the region, often also arming then with weapons.

It'll be interesting to see where else this goes.

The U.S. does not want a fast-spreading wildfire in the Middle East...



  1. The anti-missile cooperative capabilities with the U.S. and the layered defense system's successful performance is extremely impressive.

  2. America need to finance Israel.

    1. We give them billions. Israel has been the biggest recipient of U.S. foreign aid since its founding in 1948. That should stop. Bring the money home, for our people!!!

  3. Biden is a total failure. He put the US in harm's way by not controlling Netanyahu, and his terrorist cabinet. So, Isael steels Palestinian land so Hamas attacks those at a concert on the stolen land, and Hamas is the bad person. Israelis attack Palestinian villages on Palestinian land and Hamas is the bad person. None of these people are real Jews. Netanyahu and the Israelis who want to destroy Palestine are doing terrible damage to the Jews and endangering them. I have no problem with Israel defending itself by targeting a diplomatic mission in Syria which was helping Israel's enemies, but is ok for Israel to attack Palestinians on their land and wrong for Hamas to defend that land? If this war expands Biden will be known for yet another foreign policy failure, and rightfully lose in November. Then God help us all.

    1. Commenter, you make some good points, but you water- down your insight by labeling Biden as a "total failure." He is not that, not in this case. As you may have read (and discarded the info), he has warned Israel against counterattacking. Israel is our aircraft carrier in the Middle East, an ally that must be defended. It also, however, must not be allowed to use the U.S. in its regional disagreements...

    2. Jesus Christ shall protect the place where he was born.

    3. Biden's warning to Israel was empty to try and calm down the Muslims in the US. Also, to the commentor saying no harm in Israel you might want to check the news. Shrapmetal came down on Israeli's. Yes, a destruction of 99% of the missiles is impressive. Finally, until Biden demands Netanyahu resigns, he is a failure. Also, Biden pushed Ukraine into joining NATO and now cannot deliver help. His failure in Afghanistan is just bizarre. He claims our intelligence services did not know the leadership was stealing the food and wages of the soldiers. If that is true, then our intelligence services need to clean house. For nearly year groups were demanding the US step up evacuation of the translators. Biden did nothing. He is either not listening to his advisors or our intelligence services are a complete failure. Know history, in times like this people want strong determined leaders. He is handing the election to Trump, and if Trump wins may God save us.

  4. Unfortunately there will never be a peaceful ending.

  5. PLEASE Judge Merchan, don't THREATEN Trump with jail. PUT HIM IN THERE.

  6. Just hoping Iran didn't use any of that Biden Administration "freed up" $6B we insisted they use for "humanitarian" purposes.

    1. It was their money in our banks we froze years ago. We had to return it cause it wasn't ours.

  7. That’s pretty amazing…to shoot down EVERY projectile…and have NO damage whatsoever. That’s gotta be historic in itself.

  8. $50 says Trump won't testify at hush money trial. See folks, he's a liar.

    1. He won't. Trump's a coward. But I do hope Melania is there to hear how he fu*ked Stormy Daniels. heh heh

    2. How quiet are the Republicans? No one says anything. No one in the Republican Party can speak on this?

    3. Reminder: "Presidents are not Kings and Plaintiff is not president." - Judge Chutkan, January 6 trial

  9. Israel is going to make Iran pay. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but Iran will pay for the attack last night. Bank on it!

  10. The Middle East becomes a problem for us because it is Israel's problem? Uh, no.

  11. Hey anyone who says there would be no wars under Trump: Trump would do what Russia's Putin told him to do. That is not American. We have and need our allies. Trump loves Russia! Vote Joe Biden in November. We are The United States!!!

  12. Mr. Editor, if you follow Mayra Flores on X (Twitter), you will see that she is surrounded mostly by White people. Vicente Gonzalez is one of us!!!

    1. Not surprised at all. She has turned her back on her own culture. One of those Hispanics who think Whites are better. Voting for Vicente.....again.


  13. I'm British and have always admired the USA and its guiding light to the free world, Trump has unfortunately tainted the light, but I believe the USA law will bring Trump to justice and make America great again with truth.

  14. Trump: "We speak English here, not Spanish."

  15. The Israelis took out some top Iranian generals and in response Iran launched an attack Israel easily swatted away. Let it end there. It feels like right-winger Netanyahu won’t let it go, though.

  16. I have this question - Why did Iran tell Israel when and where they would initiate the attack?

  17. Governments want wars, the people do not.


  18. Why did Israel attack Syria? It needed an excuse to launch war.

  19. There is always the US to fight their enemies on their behalf. Israel will do everything to stir trouble and then slink away and let the US fight the fight.

  20. I have watched too many Republican Party politicians that (briefly) condemned Donnie after J6 do an about face to support him. It seems many fear the power DJT can wield against them. These same politicians are too weak or scared to stand up to him now.

  21. Hey, Israel, you attacked them first they attacked you back and now you decide to play the victim? Give me a break.

    1. if they have been attacked from all four sides in the region does it mean that no one wants them in the region?!

  22. This Mexican-American can't wait to vote for President Biden again.

  23. Four more years for President Biden!!! Biden 2024!!!

  24. The world is counting on us to stop Trump.

  25. Has Trump claimed a medical emergency yet? he does not want to be in court tomorrow.


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