Monday, April 15, 2024

DONALD TRUMP ON TRIAL:...First One Up Today In New York...Falsifying Business Records...The Hush Money Case...He Paid A Porn Star To Hang Low...



McALLEN, Texas |...As John Lennon once sang, "'I Dig a Pygmy,'" by Charles Hawtrey and the Deaf Aids...Phase one, in which Doris gets her oats!" Well, the soothing/grating sounds of legal music will surely sail across the fruited plains. It's Donald J. Trump on trial this fine, mid-April morning, and the whole country is in the house.

How long has this been going on, as another song would add about here.

Too long.

But we're at the starting gate. It's Popcorn Time in America, lads. Hit the couch heavily and settle in for some riveting testimony. The fan is on high, yes. The fiddler is in the room, his bill in hand. Time to pay up. Is he guilty or not guilty?

Inquiring minds - and a shitload of bloggers - want to know.

As per The Associated Press: [ . . . .Trump is charged with 34 felony counts of falsifying business records. The charge carries up to four years in prison, though whether he will spend time behind bars if convicted would ultimately be up to the judge.

The counts are linked to a series of checks written to former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen to reimburse him for his role in paying off porn star Stormy Daniels. Those payments, made over 12 months, were recorded as legal expenses in various internal company records.

To win on the felony charge, prosecutors must show that Trump not only falsified or caused business records to be entered falsely - which would be a misdemeanor - but that he did so with intent to commit or conceal a second crime. ]

Of course, 77-year-old Trump has denied all allegations. Yet, say non-believers, why would he hand over $130,000 to a sexy Babe? He also paid off lovely Playboy foldout Karen McDougal, allege the confidant prosecutors.

So, in today will walk presidential candidate Trump, the first former president to face a criminal trial in the whole hog history of these United States. Hey, not even Tricky Dick Nixon, Baby. This is a genuine "first ever."

This isn't his worst potential pitfall. Trump has three other cases on his hefty back, the insurrection one also in NY, the lection meddling case in Georgia and the classified documents charges in Florida. Excuse me, while I kiss the sky, yeah.

I dunno, I dunno how I feel about all of this legal wrangling.

My bet these days is that Trump will never see a prison cell. He's a former president and, to many, convicting and sending his big butt to jail would be too-South America. Plus, he's a white dude, and we all know about rich, white guys and the always-there Get-Out-Of-Going-To-Jail card. It's just a fact of multi-tiered American life, see.

 So, do enjoy it as dramatic TV.

It won't be televised, but you can bet the networks and some peripherals will gush-in with updates all day long. Trump's the punching bag, and news outlets will unload on his over-sized political carcass.

And I'll know it's true, 'cause I'll see it on TV (sorry, John Fogerty)...



  1. The minute the Supreme Court decision says that Trump has no immunity that Trial for Jan 6th should be immediately ready to go, not months after the decision. Those Defense Attorneys have had enough time to prepare.

  2. Former Republican here. A never Trumper. Get the crazies out of our government!

  3. To put it mildly, trump is sick in the head. It's sad to understand that there are still people anywhere who would consider putting him in charge of this country again. Some are as sick as he is, while others simply don't pay enough attention to what's really going on to learn the truth. They choose to listen to what trump and his acolytes say, without bothering to check on any of it.

  4. MAGA: Can't fix stupid but the hats make it easier to identify.

  5. He’s never going to be able to sit quietly while people talk about his criminality. I predict a major meltdown.

  6. There is nothing more satisfying than seeing Trump frazzled. Your time is coming, Donnie!

  7. Jail time is not a great punishment for Trump. Losing the election is the worst thing that could happen to him. The courts don't control that. We do. Vote Blue.

  8. The Republican Party is irretrievably broken.....they've become the disloyal opposition. Ugly racist politics is all they have.

    Vote them out.

  9. Hollywood Blockbuster Crime Drama about to play as follows:

    Episode 1 The liar (Hush Money)
    Episode 2 The Thief (Mar a Lago documents)
    Episode 3 The Rioter (Jan 6)

  10. Trump was never president to me!!!

    1. He disrespected the office and dirtied it!!!

  11. Never have we ever have such a delusional and deranged presidential candidate.
    Never again

  12. Trump arrives in motorcade? it's sort of ludicrous that a man that's charged criminally by the courts should receive secret service protection. let him pay for it himself. the bum!

  13. I'm old enough to remember the Clinton impeachment hearings, when "CHARACTER MATTERS" was a mantra of the Republican Party.

    I guess that was written in pencil (a/k/a: situational ethics).

  14. Trump arrives in court. Where's Melania?

    1. She knew he was a pig when she married him, but hey, gold diggers gotta do what gold diggers gotta do. No sympathy!

  15. Surprise! Looks like only Trump will cash out - Donald Trump’s social media startup tumbled on Monday, extending a two-week slump, after the company took a first step toward allowing the former president and other insiders to capitalize on their stakes.

  16. Trump complains upon arrival at courthouse. Yada Yada Yada…Go inside and sit down in your defendant’s chair! Accountability is waiving at you!

    1. Trump is slowly deteriorating physically. He may not make it to November.

  17. Diaper Donny for prison 2024

  18. This trial and all others involving Donnie Gordo should be televised. Americans need to see it all before they vote. Not that I'm on the fence.

  19. Trump looks really exhausted today, maybe he just needs a QUIET JAIL CELL so he can sleep.

    1. Anyone else WISH that things would change and the documents AND J6 cases could start BEFORE Election Day?

  20. Everyone keep in mind; this trial is not about Trump having an affair and denying the affair and paying $130,000 to the woman through his attorney. It's about hiding this fact by falsifying business records, a felony. He must be held accountable, just like any other criminal. Hopefully justice will prevail.

    1. All it takes is one juror to vote Not Guilty........and Trump skates away.

    2. Trump loyalist bribe, you mean? possible but not likely, i'd say.

    3. No, he does not need only one juror. A hung jury just means a mistrial and a retrial.

  21. Make Accountability Great Again!

    Send him away!

    1. Yeah, we should go "South America" on Trump. He's damaging my country.


    2. Nothing like this has EVER happened. We NEVER had such a dirty president.

  22. Trump's addiction to the spotlight and publicity is partly responsible for his daily, nonsensical tantrums. If someone would take his phone away, he could stay quiet for a while, but that's a pipe dream in itself.

  23. Trump Media shares tank after company says it could sell more stock. Shares dropped 15% today. Loser investment.

  24. This week is going to be so difficult for defendant Trump. He's got to sit in that very hard chair every day. He can't just get up and walk out when he's bored or angry. He's going to have to sit and ferment in his depends until the judge allows him to take breaks.

    Lady Justice is hanging over trumps head and I'm here for her.

    1. Oh, please misbehave. He needs to be held accountable for all the unlawful things he's been doing for years.


  25. Trump's best chance would be to argue that he can't be tried as an adult.

  26. Republicans saying the world would be at peace with Donald Trump. Yes, once he's in jail the world will be at peace.

  27. "Republican Florida Gov. DeSantis Signs Florida Bill Blocking Local Heat Safety Rules For Workers." Just like Greg Abbott did in Texas. No water breaks for these workers, even in the hot summer months.

  28. All of Trump's court cases need to be televised. It's the only way to prevent Trump from coming out of the court and making B.S. statements without any pushback.

  29. It appears they have him sedated so he will shut up.

  30. This is the first of many cases that will go down in history for future cases.
    No one has ever defiled the American President position like this before.
    This is a new low for our history.

  31. "His mouth kept going slack": Trump appeared to doze off during his first Manhattan court appearance - And it was only the first day of the trial.

  32. This is not Republican or Democrat prosecution - in the USA when you break the law you go to court - Trump is paying his due to breaking the’s that simple.

  33. No one had a problem with Michael Cohen going to jail as the co-conspirator in the illegal use of campaign funds and election interference, but charging the main conspirator with the same crime is "outrageous" to maga.


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