Monday, April 1, 2024

RAPISTS:...Sexual Attacks On White Women As Topic On The Campaign Trail...Assault By Hot-Blooded Immigrants... Fearmongering Up!!!..



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Sex crimes by hot-blooded immigrants. Beyond swimming the passive Rio Grande, we mean. The worst of crime. Crimes against American women, White women especially. That is the issue front-center in Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump's campaign.

In his active mind, it's always a brown-skinned man accosting a White woman. Never mind that Trump is one who's been convicted of rape in New York. No, that's okay - it was White-on-White sex.

The attack and murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley last February by an undocumented immigrant from Venezuela in Georgia fueled the narrative, this one sailing onward from Trump's initial speech for office in which he labeled all Mexican "illegals" as being rapists.

Who knows what the data would show? Statistics on Undocumented Brown men raping White women cannot be found, not as such. It happens every day in porn scenes, but that's acceptable. The FBI has statistics on rape by Americans, yes. Trump is not playing that tune. Perhaps, in his mind, White women being raped by White men or American Browns is okay, fine.

It continues as an issue at his rallies. He spewed the same fear over the weekend. You'd think these rapes are a daily occurrence. Maybe he knows something we don't. The media, however, does not seem to be a part of his spiel. Rapes are covered in news reports generally, by local outlets for the most part, unless it's one that grabs national headlines, like Miss Riley's.

Should we care about the fearmongering?

It's politics and, well, these days everything goes in that world.

This nugget from grabbed my attention: [ Republicans who are pushing for more restrictive immigration policy ahead of a pivotal election year continue to lean on an old strategy in their appeal to voters: broadly framing immigrant men as dangerous next to imagery of young white women victims. ]

It's not all that new. We've heard it in the past, although never this loudly coming from the mouth of a candidate. Mostly, it was the Black Card these White politicians played, especially in the American South. Looking at a White women could get you hanged, went the line. So true.

Supposedly, these new immigrants are looking for work and a better life.

But who knows? Perhaps we're not so in-the-know about these things.

Sex is a human need, yes.

I suspect, however, that it is not atop the list of a newcomer's must-dos once inside this country. I mean, what do White people imagine - every one of these guys pouncing on the first chubby White chick they see? Yeah, sure. The imagination also deals in votes. It's an easy one for the brain. And, for some, it is tell-me-what-to-think these days.

Donald Trump knows that. He reads his rally audiences; he fashions what they want to hear.

By now, well know that Trump is a master racist, one unashamed to throw out the worst in himself.

He loves women, is what he has said often.

And, on this, he likely figures all men love women. What he hasn't spotlighted is the possibility that these hot-blooded undocumented immigrants are also targeting Black and Brown women for sexual gratification.

But then, he may not care about the rape of non-White women...



  1. Immigration, Trump's number one issue, if he had it his way the only people allowed in the country would be Europeans, no people of color.

    1. Norway. he said he wants immigrants from Norway.

  2. Have you ever noticed? Trump isn't really FOR anything. He is AGAINST nearly everything and everyone. Does he ever have anything positive to say - even on Easter Sunday?

  3. Trump has to be the most offensive fool on the planet.

    1. Vote for Joe Biden for President 2024

    2. VOTE BLUE! Win back the House, keep the Senate.

    3. It's happening. No retreat.

  4. No matter how much sympathy you have for these people, you have to understand that we can't continue to allow this otherwise we have no country.

    1. We have welcomed immigrants for 250 years! And our economy says we cannot stop now.

    2. We're the so-called smartest country on the planet and we can't find a solution for this? Maybe we're not so smart, huh?

    3. It's a mess, that's for sure. As for the raping, that's likely exaggerated. In numbers anyway.

  5. I've never despised a person to this degree before, but Trump is so vile, so reprehensible, so devoid of even a shred of human decency that he's earned nothing but my utmost contempt.

  6. Truth Social stock tanking again. Of course it's going to tank. How else is Trump going to make money? He only files taxes that show a loss so that he makes his money off of a refund.

    That, and grifting the poorly educated.

    1. Only 5 million active users? That is a pretty small amount. If that is true the stocks will drop like a brick off a high cliff.

    2. Donald Trump’s social network Truth Social lost a staggering $58 million in 2023, with SEC filings showing Monday that the website and app, which went public last week, lost momentum as the year went on.

  7. It's time for evangelicals to dump Trump and return to Christ


    2. why is he even running for president. he should be in a psych ward.

  8. As predicted: Trump's media company shares fall after raising going-concern doubts. SCAM!!!!

    1. Days after going public, it is now saying it may not be able to remain solvent? Why was this company even brought to the market? Wall Street is complicit.

    2. Where's Melania?

    3. Can you say "Loser stock"?

      If you want to lose a pile of money, waste it on this turkey.

    4. Melania is packing.

    5. Judge: Bailiff, please take Mr. Trump into custody.

  9. FACT: The founding fathers were not Christian. They didn't want religion dictated by the government. That's why the constitution states separation of church and state.

  10. it's a national disgrace and insult to voters that these mega rich people are allowed to pour so much money into politics in order to get elected officials to cater to their interests and ignore what concerns the majority. There should be a hard limit to the amount of money each individual can donate to a politician. Bribery!

  11. Donald Trump's shameful cash grab should anger Americans. We earn our money here! Isn't that what we tell immigrants!!!

    1. Trump has never worked a day in his life. He's fat and useless in anything physical.


  12. It’s way past his jail time!

  13. From Australia. Please vote blue, Americans. It's up to you.

  14. I saw your flyer at the airport coffee shop. Good topics and very professional blog.

    1. Yes, I do like that coffee shop, too. Thanks for the comment. Opinions matter...


  15. I'm 76 years old and a lifelong Republican but Trump has destroyed the Republican Party and I'm now independent. I will vote for President Biden and probably vote blue right down the ticket.

    1. It's understandable that some of Trump's rhetoric strikes a chord with older people who feel left behind in our country, but I have yet to hear any concrete policy proposals that will help those who are less well off. 10% tariffs on all imported goods? Those are essentially taxes that will hurt consumers by raising the costs of goods.

  16. No Trump, No Nazis. I know Trump, I know Nazis.

  17. I hear Trump racked up about 77 posts on Truth Sociopath last night. One for each year of his life? Or 1 for each year of his prison sentence? i actually found it boring and did not subscribe.

  18. Bad weather may ruin seeing the April 8th eclipse along Central Texas. Madhouse in traffic being predicted.

  19. Trump Tries to Stop First Criminal Trial for Stupidest Possible Reason: "pre-trial publicity." Huh? ha ha ha ha.

    1. he's the one creating that dumb publicity!

  20. How could any vet ever vote from Trump. Yes, he raped. Before he was elected, he was known to have not cared about Veterans at all. Trashed John McCain. Most any vet could kick his arse.

  21. It's interesting how any offensive thing Trump does, journalists assume "you won't believe."

    I disagree, because I assume that everything Trump does will be tailored to be both maximally offensive, objectionable and in a legal grey area.

    Therefore, I will believe Trump intends to do all the bad things he says he will do, because that is exactly what he does.

    He stretches the limits of the law, morals and ethics. If he's given more leeway legally, like immunity, he'll take that to its most extreme as well. So, expect him to do exactly what his lawyers say a President with immunity can do, which is essentially Putin's behavior.

  22. Trump wants to reduce NATO to a protection racket. I'm a navy veteran and lifelong Republican who cast his first vote for Ronald Reagan. I left the party in 2016. I could not stomach Trump and it has only gotten worse. The GOP has completely lost its soul. The number of Republicans that I could vote for today can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

  23. Trump crossed the line with that shot of Biden hogtied in the truck!!! Hold him accountable!!

  24. Trump Media stock tanks as new filing reveals heavy losses, 'greater risks' on Trump's involvement. Oh, oh.

    1. It sounds like another Trump entity heading to bankruptcy. Trump will cash in on this, of course, but will his newfound profit payoff go to his legal or lawyer fees, or into his pocket? Only time will tell.

  25. Trump son in law Jared Kushner should be in front of Congress explaining the $2 Billion dollars he got from the Saudis while he was still working in the White House!

  26. Why are they still calling this criminal the president?

    1. Agree. He's just another citizen.

  27. just saw this - A Starr County (next door!) woman turned in by her hospital who breached medical privacy, and then wrongly jailed and prosecuted for exercising her right to a medication abortion, has just sued the District Attorney who wrongfully prosecuted her for at least $1 million dollars for pain and suffering and lifelong injuries.

  28. I'm a 5th generation white as hell Texan. I went to college during the Reagan years and never fell for that right wing narrow mindedness. Always amazed to see the people who did jump into it because to me, it's like they turned off their brain.

  29. What!@ Trump telling his supporters he will be president for life. NO HE'S NOT!!!

  30. $1 billion Powerball jackpot tonight!

  31. I’m a believer in Christ and I will be voting for Democrat Joe Biden.


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