Tuesday, April 2, 2024

LIARS:...Our Politicians Have Grabbed Hard To The Nasty Habit...Cops Do It Too...Hey, Americans Love Lying...On A Resume, It's Okay...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...So, you see, everybody lies. It's the world we live in. Everybody. From our friends and pastors to our politicians. We hear lies about personal histories (things our friends, family and acquaintances did and did not do as military people and as working professionals), about our accomplishments, about who we really are and about our social meanderings.

Your neighbor is a high school dropout, but he insists on telling you he is a professional - not one course in college study or expensive coat & tie in his closet. Lying grabs him some cred, goes the line in the streets. It is what veterans also know as "stolen valor," when someone who never served a day on Navy base or Army post claims he did. Silly lies. Little lies. But lies just the same.

Our best-known national politicians now live the lie. Live it daily. Self-aggrandizing also goes on the resume. Lie often glossed over by another lie. The opponent is this and that, lies. Today, it goes without saying that lying is some sort of badge for most elected officials. They can't help themselves, not when they, too, believe that everyone lies.

Once, in an earlier America, it was actually frowned-upon. Once, a politician who lied would quickly find himself on the outs, forced to resign, which they did readily. Not these days. If it's not a lie, it's a refusal to acknowledge facts. "Why did you resign the post, sir?"

There is no answer.

The guy resigned a top-level political post and never told his friends or supporters exactly what happened, why he or she resigned. That's a part of the story. And, for those of us in storytelling, the information belongs. Oh, well. There will be no info and the brain will have to frame its own reasons, often a bad one or two.

Cops lie. Some of the best fiction, we're told, can be found in police reports.

Governors lie. An invasion at the border, ours has been crowing. When busloads of supporters show up to see for themselves, they find a calm stretch of the South Texas border, they find local residents in full frowns, they find that the hot story has been exaggerated. The word "invasion" has a clear meaning. What we have seen of the Mexican border and the on & off surges in immigrant arrivals is not an "invasion," not as any self-respecting military man would define the word.

But the lie accomplishes its task - it roils the citizenry, sparks interest in resolving the manufactured crisis and, ultimately, it serves one man's political purposes.

A lie draws no blood. Perhaps that is why lying is so easy, so handy, so apropos in the moment a politician reaches for a lie or two. Same for a straying wife or husband in the world of adultery. You lie for advantage, the cheapest there is.

The car is fully paid-for, they will tell you, when the bank owns the note.

I suppose I have lied a time or two. I mean, more than likely to women, never to my employers or banker. I actually thought it was cute, or, perhaps more correctly, being cute. I'm so sure I was also lied-to. My U.S. Navy recruiter told me I'd be able to "put in" for favored duty stations. Well, I did "put in," but I never got assigned to places I wanted.

Over the weekend, I heard several times that our religious leaders have been lying about the very ethnic makeup of Jesus Christ. The imagery at my church is of a tall, handsome, long-haired White man. Non-liars say Jesus was actually a dark-skinned Middle Eastern man.

Oh, well. Perhaps too many photos of the White Jesus, too many stained-glass windows with that image, have been printed and sold to ever make the needed correction.

It's actually hard to find a part of society where lying is not a player. Grocery store operators are said to now be lying about why prices have risen and stayed risen. One onion selling for $1.08? A concha of Mexican bread fame at $1.28? They lie and say the point of origin (farmworkers and bakers) are the problem, the gougers.

Eh. I know. It's just a dollar here and there. But why lie? Because it's the American Way?

Well, yes.

Does that explain Liar Extraordinaire Donald J. Trump?




  1. Trump says dems are trying to destroy America, while his base hates the constitution? while he bashes our veterans dead and alive? while he attacks our institutions? while they carry confederate flags and try to overturn a fair election? while he praises our enemies and insults our allies? while they purge voters? THOSE ARE BIG LIES!!!

  2. Don’t forget his “stocks“

    1. yeah, forget about them. Or lose your arse.

  3. trump bail should be denied, trump would then wait in jail for this many trials. And good riddance.

    1. A load of people agree with you.

  4. I am a Republican i will never vote for Trump

  5. My wife lied about being pregnant when we first met. happen to you?

    1. No, but my first girlfriend never told me she owed $15,000 in credit card debt. That ended it.

    2. Biggest lie I get from some clients: the check's in the mail.

  6. It sure was nice of the appeals court to lower Trumps bond so that he could pay it. I wonder if they do that for everybody?

    1. He also lacked the cash for the heavily and corruptly discounted $175 million bond, seeing as he had to use an insurance company. There's nothing about his life that isn't lies, fake, phony, or fraudulent.

    2. He's still on the hook for the $464 million court judgment if his appeal is rejected.

  7. Right on, Mr. Editor. It cannot be easy being a journalist in an age when lies are accepted more readily than truth.

  8. RIP GOP - Independent who felt I always had a choice when I cast my vote, I sure don't feel that way anymore.

    1. Here to join you. me, too.

    2. It's a growing number of us.

  9. The US economy has added 15 million jobs since Joe Biden took office. That's 6 million more American workers than there were before the pandemic.

    Let's face it. Trump was a bust.

    1. There is no comparison. trump's administration was woeful. ran up the deficit like crazy.

  10. When will we be fed up?

    I'm fed up, but generally willing to be patient. My patience was spent a long time ago. Everything that has happened is/was entirely predictable.

    Our government has been sitting on its hand impotently.

    Why? Fear of a perception of bias? Yeah, I agree the government is biased in favor of giving Trump more undeserved privileges than you or I would ever be afforded.

  11. I know of some countries where trump and enablers would be in prison already.

    1. White privilege ring a bell?

    2. I believe we all now know that's what's been going on.

  12. Trump somehow secured the $175 million bond. I'm finished waiting for the courts to hold him accountable. He has to get his comeuppance in November in the polls.

    1. And the money came from (Saudi Arabia), (Russia).

  13. Comments from Republicans comment that this is a "witch hunt" is pure delusion. Trump violated campaign laws PRIOR to becoming president. Hush money was paid BEFORE Trump became president. Trump has a lot of skeletons that he doesn't want the public to see. This was just one of many. To the Trump prosecutors: Happy Hunting.

  14. Trump stands there with that stupid smirk on his face. How could anyone not see through him? He’s so obvious.

    1. More and more, voters are seeing through him.

  15. it seems to me that Trump is in charge, cause these gag orders go nowhere. its way past time for any judge to get some guts and put him in jail.

    1. Jail him. So done with this baby and his BS.


    2. Trump makes me embarrassed to be an American.

    3. He is not going get away with terrorizing this judge.

    4. Put his ass in jail stop playing around with him and letting him know he's above the law.

    5. This would stop if they locked him up pending trial. He's presenting a danger to the daughter, the judge and needs to be held accountable.

    6. Idiots will give him donations.

    7. I saw that the daughter can press charges. This type of thing is illegal in New York.

    8. He should be locked up now, he doesn't respect the law at all.

    9. Put him in jail without internet or phone. Trump is not above everyone else. Enough talk put his ass in jail.

  16. Trump says what he says because he's got Secret Service employees protecting him. Think about it. And, at taxpayer expense.

  17. Where's Melania?

    1. She's packing.

    2. There is no marriage there. Another Trump sham.

  18. Florida putting abortion on the ballot. Bad, bad news for Trump.

    This will continue to be a hot button issue for the right for at least the next 10-15 years until the far-right base has dwindled to a tiny minority.

    1. Looks like a Ron DeSantis move against Trump. Love it!

    2. this is bad news for Republicans.

  19. With each passing day, Trump's meltdown becomes more pronounced. His money is under attack. His business is under attack. His criminal trials are fast approaching and he can't pay his lawyers. We see Trump becoming more unhinged every day.

    Trump may not make it to November. There may be a rubber room in his future.

  20. Trump’s net worth drops $1 billion after Truth Social stock plummets. Trump's stake in the company is worth a lot less now than it did just last week

    1. No surprise there. it was always a scam.


  21. If you were a real investor, I mean one who actually looked at profit/loss, EBITDA, float, debt ratios etc etc, I doubt you'd give 15c for this Truth Social garbage being peddled by Trump.


  22. The greatest honor I’ve had as an American, was helping to vote Trump out of office.

  23. Trump should not have pissed off Judge Merchan, especially when Merchan may decide if and how much time Trump will spend time in jail.

    1. I personally would not mess with a judge named JUAN.

    2. he's not ever been restricted into compliance before now; there's no reason to view this any different than all the other times he's gotten away with excessive violations.....sadly true....

    3. Make him follow the law - stop letting him dictate the terms and rules.


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