Wednesday, March 27, 2024

THIRD PARTY:.....Kennedy Scion Picks Google-Founder's Ex-Wife As Running Mate... She's 38 and Loaded... Another Longshot Independent Stab At The White House...



McALLEN, Texas |...Nicole Shanahan is her name. National politics is her game. Not quite the known figure in any political setting, the 38-year-old is nonetheless buying the ticket and taking the ride. As of this morning, she's on the campaign trail.

You'll see her as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s running mate as he rides the cheap carnival ride known as a longshot candidacy for eventually hanging it at The White House. The odds? Long. Damned long.

But he's a Kennedy, son of the former U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, and, we should add, a headstrong Kennedy, at that. Yesterday, he made his first meaningful decision.

From [ Kennedy on Tuesday announced that he’s chosen a running mate for his third-party presidential run: Nicole Shanahan, an investor, Silicon Valley lawyer, and Democratic donor who was previously married to Google co-founder Sergey Brin.

This might seem like a strange choice. Shanahan has no political experience or national name recognition. Her image as a wealthy dilettantish sort has no obvious appeal to the disaffected voters that Kennedy hopes to lure from President Biden and Donald Trump.

But if you want to understand this decision - and why Democrats believe it poses a potential problem for them - follow the money. To get on the ballot in numerous states, Kennedy will need to fund a large operation. Shanahan has already proven willing to bankroll Kennedy’s efforts, shelling out $4 million to fund that 1960s nostalgia-themed ad about the Kennedy family during the Super Bowl, which the other Kennedys sharply criticized.

Kennedy does have other reasons to choose Shanahan. She appears to be at least partly ideologically aligned with him: While she told The New York Times that she isn’t an anti-vaxxer, as Kennedy is, she seemed to agree with theories that link vaccines for kids to things like autism. She also proclaimed herself moved by "pockets of silent support" for Kennedy’s bid, meaning she’s imbibed a gallon of Kennedy Kool-Aid about the country supposedly hungering for his third-party challenge. ]

I'd want to say that this is an intriguing choice, but, well, what isn't any more in our national political landscape? Still to pick his second banana is Republican Donald Trump. Incumbent President Joe Biden, the Democrat, has Kamala Harris, also an attorney, as his running mate.

Kennedy is 70 and maybe age is again at pay here, and why he would want a younger running partner. We all know that picking the Veep is always a crapshoot. Mike Pence? In 2008, Republican John McCain picked photogenic Alaskan Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential hopeful, only we all know how that went and where - nowhere.

The suspicion here on Ms. Shanahan is that her all-in, strong support for Kennedy is enough to get her huffing and puffing on the campaign trail. She has zero experience. That may or may not matter. It'll be all about how she speaks to the masses and how the masses react to her words and actions.

Here, however, you have a Massachusetts liberal joining hands with one from across the country in California.

The thing is both of those states likely will go - and were always going to go - with the Democrat.

November will come soon enough...but not before we suffer our Summer of Political Discontent...



  1. The candidate that is all name, recruits a running mate with no name. Not sure this kind of exposure will work out well for her.

  2. She sounds like a good choice, though it would be nice to know something about her views on issues.

    In any case, I wouldn't vote for RFK, Jr. I'll be voting for President Biden.

  3. Totally qualified to be VP. She slept with a lot of famous tech people, including Sergey Brin and Elon Musk!

    1. Musk denied it.

    2. Of course he would.

    3. What was cause of her divorce?

    4. But she's way more attractive than horse face Lara Trump!

    5. Shanahan is half-Chinese.

  4. He has zero chance of winning. Voting for him is a round about way of voting for Trump. Yuck.

  5. New York Jets fans can take a deep breath now…Aaron Rodgers was blown-off by Kennedy. He is 100% focused on football.

  6. REUTERS HEADLINE: "Billionaires sought to help fund Trump bond in civil fraud case, sources say"

    1. Other headline: Geraldo Rivera disses NBC firing of Republican Ronna McDaniel. ha ha ha

    2. Geraldo is still alive? I didn't know that.


  7. Just lock Trump and his lawyers up. this is getting really ridiculous and wasting Judge's time.

  8. Trump doesn't need money? Then why is he begging? The math ain't mathing.

  9. Willie Nelson moves 2024 Fourth of July Picnic out of Texas. hmmmmmmm

    1. A move against right-wing Republican Gov. Abbott?

    2. Texas heat maybe?

  10. First, he is Robert F Kennedy JR, not Bobby Kennedy. Second, there is absolutely no evidence connecting autism to vaccines. None. Period. 3rd, are you really considered a “Silicon Valley entrepreneur “ when your fortune comes from a divorce settlement from a real Silicon Valley entrepreneur?

  11. I have two wishes: one is to win the lottery; the other is for Trump to succumb to his diet and hatred. If I can only have one, I'll learn to live without winning the lottery.

  12. Joe Biden communication team needs to continue to Stay on the offense from now until after the election, don't give sleazeball Trump one second to spread his Lies.


    1. I absolutely agree that Trump is a threat to our free society and will work hard to make President Biden, President, again in 2024!!

  13. I was happy with Alabama seat being flipped to a democratic seat. One seat at a time America. Vote Blue.

  14. An amoeba has more brain power than these MAGA idiots. fact.

  15. adulterer Trump now selling Bibles. OK GOD, it's time to step in and stop this Sinner!!!

    1. To call him garbage is an offense to garbage. He has lied, riled his angry mob, then turns around and says he can't get a fair trial. Put him to jail already. Done, dusted, finished, meet your new husband, Don.

  16. One of these days, Trump will be gone, but the SHAME and DISGRACE of the MAGA CULT will remain FOREVER.

  17. Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

    Trump knew these cases were coming up BEFORE he declared for 2024 and he decided to run anyway (in an attempt to stay out of prison).

    Exactly HOW is that election interference????!

  18. Trump says the 2020 election is not over. He's still saying it. That fuels him.

  19. Cuts of Social Security benefits is again in the crosshairs of a Republican Party budget.

    1. Believe it. Other social programs too, like food stamps.


  20. Dear Donald Trump,

    Sell your Bibles like a hypocrite. It won't help. The only thing that can make you popular is if you go to prison, like everybody wants.

    1. Disrespecting any religious book as if you are selling vacuum cleaner, is indeed Despicable and carries the KARMA that the Depraved Don the Con and his associates must face.

  21. Democrat wins election in conservative Alabama after focus on abortion and IVF.

    Marilyn Lands elected to state legislature in deep red state by significant margin after centering reproductive rights in campaign.

    1. It was a shocker. In Louisiana? yes, shocking.

    2. Actually, it was in Alabama.

  22. Trump attacking the judge's daughter is pathetic. Judge Merchan, show some backbone...Arrest him for contempt.

  23. If Trump can't raise $175 million in the next week.... The judge will probably just give him another 10 days to raise 95 million instead.

    1. Serial criminal. Lock him up.

    2. Why is Joe Biden the only one that's holding con man Trump accountable. Why can't the judges do it, too? What are they afraid of?

  24. Robert Kennedy Jr is the big joke of the Kennedy Clan. Nicole Shanahan is an annoying amateur.

  25. Joe Biden, flame on!!!

    1. He's starting to throw stuff at Trump. Just the beginning.

  26. Why would someone run knowing they have NO Chance? what's the Real Reason and who is Behind This Kennedy? The last time Trump supported Kanye West and that took Votes away from Trump. It Backfired on the Most INTELLIGENT man to enter the White House according to Trump. If Kanye would not have run Trump would have Won. Republicans are backing Kennedy financially. How FUNNY.

    Trump sure knows Strategy.

    Biden and Harris 2024 Save DEMOCRACY

    1. Before voting for Kennedy, consider how his own family feels about him, the people that know him best: "The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country. Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. Today’s announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country." The message was signed by Kerry Kennedy, Joseph P. Kennedy II, and Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, in addition to Rory.

  27. Big mouth Republican Kari Lake loses defamation case in Arizona! She's a candidate for the U.S. Senate, but maybe not for long. YAY!!!

  28. We HAVE to vote against Trump and very single MAGA candidate that is up for re-election this year. Once the elections are over, he won't have any excuse to delay so he will have plenty of available time to attend each one of his trials, provided our judges don't give him what he wants and dismisses all his court cases before November. VOTE BLUE!!!

  29. Has Kennedy stated his position on abortion? that’s important in this election, the Republicans are trying to make it the border when in fact McCarthy promised if they won the house, they would bring immigration reform to the floor, and the house shot down a bipartisan bill without even reading it first. that’s not going to play well with Americans.

  30. I get that the case against Trump has to be as correct, thorough, and watertight as possible, but it still feels like an abominable insult against his victims, the people of USA, that main-culprit & chief-instigator Donald Trump still walks free and outside of jail.

  31. Hey, RFK, Lauren Boebert would have been a better choice. At least she'll give you a hand when things get hard.

    1. Good one. Boebert, the handshake queen.


  32. Will he swear on this sixty-buck bible before giving evidence in the PORNSTAR PAYOFF criminal trial? LMAO


    1. There will be no second term for Trump.

      In fact, he's in his fantasy second term right now.

      He's about as competent now and he was before he tried to overthrow democracy.

      He's done and he knows it.


  34. Please Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels have fun telling the facts and watching Despot Don squirm.

    1. Stormy has previously described Trump's tiny manhood. Not flattering at all.

    2. Ha ha ha. Yes. I believe she called it a "nub" of sorts on Jimmy Kimmel's late night show.

  35. Joe Lieberman, the 2000 vice presidential nominee selected by Al Gore, dies at 82.

    1. Rest in peace Joe Lieberman. They say he died from complications of a fall at his home.

  36. Forget loser RFK, every time I turn around, the orange one is getting more good news. When are we, the American people, going to get good news.

  37. The word out there is that most MAGAS are uneducated rednecks. Hmm. I wonder what would happen if people were required to take the citizenship test in order to qualify for voting.

  38. ABC News headline: Fani Willis vows to bring Trump election case to trial: 'Nothing ... will derail'

  39. Democrat Hakeem Jeffries, the new Speaker of the House. Vote Blue!


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