Friday, March 29, 2024

MARCH MADNESS:...Idiot Republicans...Airplane Lands In Detroit...GOP Fool Watches Passengers Deplane...They're Aliens, He Posts On X...They Were A Basketball Team In Town For NCAA Play...



McALLEN, Texas |...It was high anxiety time in Michigan yesterday afternoon as several buses pulled up to an airport hangar for arriving passengers. Illegal aliens! Coming from the southern border!! Oh, no, not us in Detroit!!!

It happened, Maria.

Here's how the embarrassing pratfall was reported in [ A Republican state legislator in Michigan railed against several buses of "illegal invaders" landing at his local airport Wednesday, but he weathered harsh criticism after it was discovered the buses carried a college basketball team.

Rep. Matt Maddock (R) (shown wearing coat & tie at left in photo above) said the Gonzaga University basketball team, which was in Detroit for its March Madness Sweet 16 match-up on Friday, was a group of "illegal immigrants."

". . . . .Happening right now. Three busses just loaded up with illegal invaders at Detroit Metro. Anyone have any idea where they’re headed with their police escort?" Maddock wrote on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

Maddock included photos of an Allegiant Air plane and a fleet of team buses, which appeared identical to the aircraft and buses shown in Gonzaga Basketball posts about the team landing in Detroit at about the same time Maddock made his comments.

The post circulated quickly, with dozens of users pointing out the mistake and making fun of Maddock. Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) commented on the post, calling Maddock out for his assumptions.

"Hey, Einstein, your state is hosting the Sweet 16. Could it be a team bus? If it is, will you resign for your spectacular stupidity?" Swalwell wrote. ]

Maddock went dead silent.

He had been mentally castrated. Another hell-bent, anti-immigrant Republican falling from grace in flames.

They're just stupid, idiots...



  1. Typical knee-jerk reaction. No surprise. But funny.

  2. Gonzaga plays regional top-seed Purdue this afternoon. Good game!

    1. Gonzaga University is from Spokane, Washington, they're not migrants.

  3. And, as always, this moron has gone quiet.

    1. Loser. What was he doing on that airport backroad?

    2. Of course. He's likely hiding behind the couch at home. Loser is too kind a word for him.

  4. Louis Gossett Jr., 1st Black man to win supporting actor Oscar, dies at 87 - "An Officer And A Gentleman"

  5. Trump attends funeral for NY cop. Tragically and pathetically opportunistic appearance turning a funeral into a campaign stop.

    1. Trump has four criminal cases and some 80 felonies around his neck and the cops welcome him?

    2. @9:48 Echo that.

    3. The man starts an insurrection then uses a funeral to talk about law and order. The man has no shame

    4. Trump believes in law & order, only not for him.

  6. Trump goes after Judge Merchan's daughter by name. Come on Trump! Show the country proof of your innocence! Enough delays already. If he can't prove it, then he is guilty right? I think the prosecutors have more than proved their cases. I think the delays are proof that he is guilty, as an innocent person would want to clear their name as quickly as possible. Political theater.


  7. I live in Mexico. Trump's racist words are having an effect here as well. White Americans that live here have become afraid and mistrustful of their Mexican neighbors.

    1. Sorry to hear that. But why are you mistrustful of local Mexicans? Odd.

  8. Republicans are blaming immigrants for the bridge disaster in Baltimore. They know different, but they're going to blame immigrants - like, for everything.

    1. I believe the only thing that could have prevented this situation would have been to use tugs to guide the ship out and under the bridge.

  9. Democrat Rep. John B. Larson of Connecticut spoke on the House floor to slam the Republican Study Committee plan to cut $1.5 trillion in Social Security benefits, and called for action to strengthen Social Security by making the wealthy pay their fair share.

  10. About that dumbass Republican and the buses: There's a term that I developed some years ago to describe this, and it's called hysteria du jour. Basically, the Right-wing is a perpetual outrage machine. The rich and powerful men (and it's usually rich and powerful men) have a need to keep the rubes in a constant state of rage. It helps them manage, manipulate, and fleece the rubes.

    The problem is that over time, the outrages keep getting bigger and bigger....the rich and powerful men have to keep finding new and more outrageous things to whip the rubes into a frenzy. So, they're constantly trying to outdo themselves.

    1. How do people like him get elected? I know how: we elect them! Even though I am not from his state, I am embarrassed.

    2. If these guys weren’t too lazy to check their facts before posting, they wouldn’t be embarrassed by their stupidity. This is exactly the kind of misinformation that hangs around the net for years, even when debunked, even when multiple authorities try to set the record straight. A couple of years from now some genius will make a “documentary” about all the “illegal immigrant flights” and you can bet that this incident will be presented as fact. I mean, the hysteria part.

    3. This clown guy should contact Donald T about being his running mate. This sounds just like MAGA's leader.

    4. If I was Gonzaga's leadership, I'd file suit for defaming our students and creating unnecessarily distracting headlines apart from the tournament.

  11. Glad the Olympics is not being held in Michigan anytime soon.

  12. Democrats = for hard working people. Republicans = for corporations & Millionaires. which one are you?


  13. Trump: first former president to be both morally and financially bankrupt.

  14. Let’s show them a blue wave this fall! Purge the Republicans of the MAGA extremist, then rebuild the party with republicans with integrity, if possible.

  15. To the Michigan idiot Republican: Even if he had been told that they were students from Gonzaga, he would still have asked "What part of Mexico is that?" LOL


    1. If that Republican lawmaker seriously thought "illegals" were being secretly bused around the nation, he could have called the police and asked why they were escorting buses from the airport. Instead, he chose to spread lies about college kids.

    2. Republican mindset: are those people tan? Guess they must be immigrants.

  16. Gonzaga!...Will Not!...Replace Us!

  17. Trump's "Truth Social" stock (DJT) dropping again today. DJT stock is another Trump gimmick to pocket cash. Trump is the major stockholder in DJT. Trump will offer some of his shares for sale and pocket the proceeds. If DJT tanks, as it will, Trump has taken his money out. The rest of the investors can fight among themselves.

    1. It's all a smoke & mirrors sham.

  18. I see MAGA types interviewed on Youtube channels and they are all bitter, old, racist white guys. MAGA has NO young people?

  19. Trump again threatening a judge's kids. When will it be enough? What is the line he has to cross?

    1. Don't you know - Trump is above the law.

  20. Some talk that Republican George W. Bush will come out against Trump. I'll believe it when I see it, but he should.

    1. He should do it. Join Obama and Clinton in support of Biden! Trump know.

    2. W hasn't been very active since leaving the presidency in 2008. He increased the deficit by billions and staged that wrong-headed invasion of Iraq. When it was Saudi Arabia behind the attack on NY

  21. Members of the Cesar Chavez’s family endorsed President Biden’s reelection bid today, according to the Biden campaign.

    The endorsement comes ahead of a Robert F. Kennedy Jr. event Saturday invoking the famous labor leader. The independent candidate is hosting a campaign event in Los Angeles titled “celebrating the life & legacy of Cesar Chavez.”

    But the Biden team has ties to the Chavez family — the campaign manager for the 2024 cycle is Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the granddaughter of Chavez.

    1. People who have been supporters of the Farmworkers Union since the 60’s, know the RFK Jr. is a nut. His own family has come out against his political aspirations. A few pictures of RFK acting like a Kennedy, won’t change that truth.

  22. My Daddy was a WWII veteran and a proud Republican. I am so glad he DIDN'T have to see what has happened to his party.

    Thank you, President Biden! U saved our economy!! Proud to be AMERICAN UNDER THIS PRESIDENT

  24. The best way to protect Judge Merchan's family is to put that orange thing in prison forever. Enough!

    1. They keep making the error of believing they can define a line that he will not cross. They can’t. Trump will always cross any line they define. And that means until they are actually willing to revoke his bail and throw him in jail, he will just keep making fools of them.

  25. On Fox News and other right wing media the immediate default storyline was "could it be terrorism?" No, but that didn't stop talking heads from making the gigantic leap from a maritime disaster in Maryland to the border in Texas somehow conflating the immigration crisis with a power failure on a cargo container that "might have been" terrorism. That's not journalism that's fearmongering to boost a certain political party and a certain candidate. Expect more of the same as the election gets closer. Every disaster will somehow be spun to implicate immigration, woke policies and Joe Biden.

  26. Georgia Republican official and outspoken election denier caught voting illegally 9 times. Brian Pritchard is his name.

  27. Watching Donald Trump destroy the GOP has been one of the wildest things I can recall in my near 50 years.


    1. The fact that Trump, to this day, hasn’t been charged with treason is baffling to me. Yet we allow him to assault our norms, our decency but most of all our American laws daily.

  28. I'm so sick of hearing millionaires begging for ppls last five dollars. Trump has done more damage than anyone could guess. He looks awful.

    1. He’s selling bibles to make money for his trial for paying off a porn star.


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