Monday, March 11, 2024

MAGA:...And Now! - "Ladies And Gentlemen. From North Carolina, The Neeeeewwwww ...Black Trump!!!!!"... He's Out To Spout The Same Lies...He's Hot And After The Rot...He's What The Death Of MAGA Looks Like?...



McALLEN, Texas |...Well, why not a Black one? America comes in all colors, doesn't it. We've yet to see a Brown Trump, although, well, there was Indian-American Vivek Ramaswamy and, of course, fellow Indian Nikki Haley.

Black Trump is here and his name is Mark Robinson. Uh, he's the lieutenant governor of North Carolina, but he's running for the state's top job, that of governor. Does he have a chance at winning? Well, Democrat Josh Stein, the opponent, says he wants 55-year-old, rotund Robinson to keep talking.

Robinson is talking MAGA tough, picking on former President Barack Obama's signature legislation, Obamacare. In Robinson's odd mind, Obamacare is nothing more than yet another manner of enslavement.

His spiel: Something about Americans not taking care of themselves and relying way too much on federal programs. Yeah, this guy's fast on the hoof when it comes to all-things-Trump. If the Mar-a-Lago maven has a darker doppelgänger, it's Mark Robinson. Same big mouth, same lies, same hate, same doughnut-fueled body.

But we read somewhere online that this is what we have to go through to rid ourselves of the cancer known far & wide as MAGA (the Make America Great Again crapola pushed by Trump for now going on nine years.

More and more, political pundits in this grass-whorled country are saying the death and end of MAGA will come in November, when national election results again tell Trump he is a loser. No White House for you! Next!!

We could dive into all the Republican Party is after, but so many others have done it and are still doing it, like these few words from "The GOP is content to restrict voting and muck with gerrymandering and the procedural rules rather than supporting a dictatorship. GOP’ers may realize that there is no such thing as a Republican Dictator. A dictator won’t need them or their party."

That "dictator" part is not one often mouthed by Republicans, even as they full-well know the definition of the word. How many times have they used it in the past, pasted it in paragraphs to do with the Russian and Chinese leaders?

That many?

It's been a serpentine tale of lust & disgust, for sure.

But we all know how this will end, don't we? Roughly eight more months of dizzying discourse before the November election. This dude Robinson, like his idol Trump, will not be celebrating the vote count.

MAGA is fast dying on the vine.

Everybody knows it...some people are just trying to make a little money off of it now...



  1. ... does anyone in the Republican Party have a brain ??????????????????????

  2. Americans like fads, like them arriving and departing.

  3. Psycho Tucker Carlson has already started to talk about a stolen election this weekend.


  4. I’m revolted every time I hear deranged Trump being called a “Presidential Candidate”. How on earth do our laws and Constitution allow something that unthinkable to even be possible??!


  5. I've lived all my 72 years in a democracy. I don't want to die in a dictatorship.

    1. I'm 65. I'm so proud of our country's decision to elect Joe Biden as our leader. His address has spoken for me. My convictions were precisely represented in his address. He knows what our country is, should be, and can be. He is indeed a very wise old man.

  6. MAGA drank the Kool-Aid and there is no serum. They are just lost and it's hopeless to get any truth and facts through to them. The only thing that can be done is to shun them and chase them back into their basements or under the rocks from which they came. Sad part is that it will be dangerous times if Trump wins the election, but even more dangerous if he loses. His own wife and favorite daughter won't even campaign with him. Very telling.

  7. Last sentence in the article goes with bottom photo of Mayra Flores. Cool.

    1. Ha ha ha. Mayra paying herself a $60,000 salary from campaign contributions? That'll end in November, which also will end her political career!

    2. Mayra Flores came to America to succeed after fleeing Mexico. ALL she's done is LOSE!!!

    3. Will Mayra try OnlyFans after she loses to the Democrat? Hmmmmmmmmmmm

  8. Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro ordered to report to jail on March 19th. LOL!!!


  9. I have always disliked offensive comments made by coloureds; especially by those coloured white.

  10. Judging by the "quality" of its members, the Republicans have become the low-bar party. They are totally lacking in creativity.

  11. It's waaaaay past Donald's jail time.

  12. Trump headed for his Hush Money trial, the one to do with his paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to stay quiet. The trial is scheduled to get underway on March 25.

  13. Republicans have lost numerous elections since 2015, when Trump arrived on the scene to steal their party. They will lose again in November. Fact.

  14. Trump gleefully hosted Hungary dictator Viktor Orban over the weekend. In Hungary they speak a language that no one's even heard of.

  15. The US approved over $14 billion for Israel this year. If Netanyahu doesn't feel that we should have influence on Israel. Then let's stop giving them money.

  16. Remove the Tax Exempt Status of American Churches and fund public education!

  17. In his final year in office, Donald Trump signed an executive order attempting to limit TikTok. The logic was perfectly evident: The popular social-media app is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party and employs a secret algorithm to determine which memes are presented to users, giving it enormous and unaccountable influence over American news consumption.

    But Thursday night, while the political class was training its attention on President Joe Biden’s State of the Union address, Trump reversed himself after meeting with a Tik Tok investor.

  18. I think that total destruction of the Republican Party has already been achieved. It's just sweeping up the debris now.

  19. I'll never get tired of Trump losing. He as so vile he never shut his mouth! Trump for prison 2024!

    1. Trump asks to delay Porn star Stormy Daniels hush money trial until US Supreme Court reviews immunity claim.

    2. Donald Trump is never going to be president again.


  20. Now that Trump has posted a bond to the court, I hope someone is watching where the money is coming from most especially when he just received a president from another country in Florida. Let’s watch that money!

    1. Donald Trump claims immunity from NY hush money criminal charges, but legal experts doubtful

    2. OH GOOD GOD!!!! I’m so damn tired of Trump.

  21. If Donald Trump is found guilty and imprisoned for these felonies, and SCOTUS subsequently rules Presidents are immune, he can be released. Biden can then have Trump shot without fear of prosecution. Win win.

  22. Why isn’t anyone asking where Trump’s bond $$$$ came from????? Money laundering??? Lock him up!!!

  23. Donald Trump filed for delay in hush money trial? What a surprise. We need a president that's running for America, not running from justice.

  24. Donald Trump posted $92 million bond for his sexual assault appeal in New York. I wonder if it was in dollars...

  25. Coincidental the Hungary president Viktor Orban arrives at Mar-a-Largo at the same time $91 mil became available and Trump agreeing to cut funding to Ukraine if elected. Can’t wait to see who visits before the $480 mil bond is posted. Putin next at Mar-a-Lago? Ha ha. Cuban-American Ted Cruz looking for Fidel Castro money to help Trump? Hey, don't laugh.

  26. Trump aide Peter Navarro to be jailed next week (March 19) LOL. More to come. I hope this short but effective time in prison breaks this guy.

  27. Hey Republicans, do you want a country like Hungary or Russia? Vote blue

    1. They want a country like Russia. Obviously. Rednecks like to be whipped daily. Dummies.

  28. Everyone following Dirty Donald Trump is really the loser and a sucker.

    Trump you are a disgraceful monster and you will never be president ever again.

    Careful bending over when you are jailed.

  29. We all know Trump's guilty, he just got lucky that Florida Judge Cannon got the case and is slow-walking it for him.

  30. Go Biden! Age is not a problem. Compassion, truth and working for Americans , defending women's rights, voting rights are the main issues. I will vote Joe Biden

  31. Trump likely got a "donation" from Tik Tok bigwig so that the Orange Blob would change his mind about banning it in the U.S.

    Tik Tok is a Chinese communist app. That's the entire reason why India banned Tik-Tok.

    Tik Tok told the Indian government that none of the information on their citizens would be accessed by anyone in Beijing. So the Indian government hired two internet security firms to see if they can track the Indian Tik Tok information. And the Australian company found that the information was going from India to Indonesia to Beijing.

    And then Tik Tok was forced to admit that ,yes, the information on Indian subscribers was being accessed by Tik Tok in Beijing. And then tick tock offer to build India their own independent server Farm. The Indian government just simply banned Tik Tok for lying.

  32. I always think that when people are praying around Donald Trump that he's thinking: "These people are losers and weirdos but I need their vote so I'll pretend to care about them."


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