Sunday, March 10, 2024

JACK SMITH:...No-Nonsense Federal Prosecutor Creating Nightmares For Fishy Donald Trump...It May Be An Election Between Him And Joe Biden, But Smarty Smith Is The One To Fear...



McALLEN, Texas |...Him, your honor. "He's the one making Donald J. Trump's life miserable. Get him off our back! We're getting killed here, sir. Ma, Ma, we have no answers against this guy!" What? A trial. "Your honor, we're in the middle of a national presidential campaign! Who's got time for criminal trials?"

Jack Smith.

Jack Smith has all the time in the world.

Republican Trump is traipsing across the country seeking his party's nomination for the 2024 battle at the ballot box in early November. Jack Smith is busy cementing his cases against the former Democrat from New York who's moved to Florida and become the Sunshine State's leading Republican miscreant.

Smith has Trump by the short hairs, in a case alleging insurrection at the nation's capital and one accusing the ex-pres of fleeing the office after losing in 2021 with boxes of classified documents, reportedly including serious state secrets some say Trump may sell when he finds himself in that prison vice Smith is readying for his big, fat butt.

The contest against President Joe Biden?

Desperate Trump needs help with that, but it's prosecutor Smith he fears.

 This from [ As the current polls stand, the greatest impediment to Donald Trump’s return to the White House in 2025 is not its current occupant, Joe Biden, but the clear specter of a criminal conviction. The man working to secure just that on behalf of the US government, Jack Smith, a grizzled, taciturn career prosecutor, has cut an elusive figure since he emerged from the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) nondescript offices in Washington last June to announce he was indicting a former president for the first time in its history.

If the indictments - the first for allegedly mishandling US secrets, the second for attempting to overturn the 2020 election - were a political maelstrom threatening to split the country, Smith himself presents as decidedly muted.

With his stern demeanor and dark suits, the 54-year-old Smith would be indistinguishable from any other smartly dressed, but restrained, federal prosecutor were it not for his thick salt and pepper beard. ]

Yes, Maria, we're in for some action at the courthouse. You still think the OJ Simpson murder trial in L.A. was as good as it gets? Uh, hang on, doll. This one, or these ones, will be so much better, so much more interesting, so much more dramatic. Trump foil Walt Nauta, his Mar-a-Lago houseboy, plays Kato Kaelin in this one, Baby.

Yes, Jack Smith is tanned, rested and ready.

You can almost hear him, "If you listen to the prick, you must convict."

Bailiff, close the door. Send in the jury.

The defendant will rise...



  1. In this mess we are currently in right now, I continue to be grateful for all the people that are trying to hold Donald Trump to account. Especially Jack Smith who is doing all in his power in both federal cases. I just hope and pray that one of them will be tried before the general election in November.

    1. Voters will take care of the Orange One in November. Fear not.

    2. Millions of women will be voting for Biden and all Democratic candidates to fight back and take back their right to own their body. Republicans' abusive abortion laws are a danger to a women's health and wellbeing.


  2. I agree with Republican Lindsey Graham, you got to love the man, his honesty and humbleness. You will never see that in crooked Trump.

    1. Trump is going down. Can't wait for that day.

    2. Crooked Trump is the cancer in our national body. Get the surgical gloves knives.

  3. I'm so sick of the orange vomit. Never again with this seditionist! VOTE BLUE!!!!!!!!!


  4. I'll never get tired of Trump losing. Trump for prison 2024!

    1. He solved the border "crisis"? With 2 miles of completed wall? That Mexico was supposed to pay for? I laugh out loud every time I hear that loser speak.

  5. Biden hits out at Trump in Georgia rally: "He’s been sucking up to dictators all over the world"

  6. We also have to send Ted Cruz packing.

    Texans hate Cancun Cruz for abandoning them during the Deep Freeze and jetting off to Cancun to get a tan whilst over 700 of them died. And they hate him even more for Jinxing every ballgame he attends for the Houston Texans team!

    1. Ted Cruz. Trump said Ted's wife was ugly and Cruz took it. Wimpo.

  7. Republicans have made it crystal clear they oppose women’s rights. I am surprised I still am allowed to drive, vote, and be seen in public. Better enjoy it now while I can, am I right, Republicans?

  8. Replies
    1. Melania is voting for Joe Biden.

    2. Voting for Biden? LOL!!! Yeah, then she'll be free after he's imprisoned! Okay. Got it.

  9. Hey, love the time change. Almost lunch!

    1. I think I'm going to like the time change. Yep.

  10. The best thing is crooked Trump loses in November and, come December, he's in prison.

    1. Convict this criminal and put us out of our misery.

  11. With Trump daughter-in-law Lara Trump now being the co-chair for the RNC, I wouldn't doubt she will be under a close watch with the Ethics Committee on where the donations are going. Such as legal fees for example. wink wink.

  12. Message for wedgie Sen. Katie Britt: Sorry, but Americans care about the truth. Britt thinks we were all better off four years ago under Trump's lockdown, trapped in our homes getting conflicting health tips about pandemic? It was chaos under Trump. Supply lines broke down, emergency medical equipment was being hoarded by elites and masks were not suggested, then suggested, then made mandatory, then made optional by some and mandatory by others. That all happened under Trump. We’re all much better off now. Why are Republicans allergic to reality?

    1. Katie Britt is what happens when you take away a soccer mom’s wine!

  13. Trump is Trouble.

    1. No, Trump is in Trouble.

    2. Republicans, or rather modern Republicans, no longer live in reality. They live in a desolated hellscape of their own imagination. Maybe things could be better, but they are far from the conditions they speak on. The problems they speak on are either not real or at best created by their own obstruction.

    3. Well-done, Jack Smith & others. But why is Trump still around, he should've been jailed ages ago!

  14. Women against Trump Vote 💙 2024

  15. Trump takes vile to a whole new despicable and disgusting level.

  16. They said Biden was too old in 2020, now Trump is older than Biden was in 2020.

  17. Republican Sen. Katie Britt acknowledges anecdote used to criticize Biden’s border policies didn’t happen during his presidency. (She lied in the State of the Union response and now admits it)

    1. This "sex trafficking" event happened under the Bush administration.

      And it happened in Mexico.

      I have no idea why redneck Katie Britt decided to use this example when Matt Gaetz was trafficking children just a few years ago in the USA. Far more timely.

      Of course, she also failed to mention that she helped write a bipartisan border bill, but then when Trump told her to abort it, she voted against it.

  18. We cannot afford a loser corrupt criminal like Donald Trump. Maybe the Rednecks can, but I hope the American people will come to their senses.

    1. One of my biggest concerns is we already voted this clown out of office and he would not accept it and did a violent takeover. What’s to keep him from doing it again I believe that justice and prison is the only thing that’s going to stop him.

  19. On November election, my fingers are crossed. Which is odd since I usually only use one finger when someone mentions Trump.

  20. Katie Britt needs to resign for those lies.

    1. She won't. Republicans never resign.

  21. Problem with Media is that they have been very lenient with Trump. They keep saying Donald Trump is just Being Donald Trump. Imagine if anyone else behaved like him. Talked liked him Insulted people like him. Bullies need to be confronted. Face-up!


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