Saturday, March 30, 2024

FREEDOM MATTERS:...It's Been Fought For Enough...No, No Dictator Here... American Servicemen Did Not Serve, Or Die, For This...



McALLEN, Texas |...The artistic thinking is that sometimes words just get in the way, or that they take way too long to add up for some over-riding thought one wants to convey. A clear, thoughtful drawing often does it swiftly and succinctly.

Like the one above.

It is a sentiment I have felt and shared of late - those four years I spent in the U.S. Navy...for this?!

For enduring moron, draft-dodging Donald J. Trump?! His self-serving spiel does ring hollow, doesn't it, like a compliment so off-base that it angers. He's seeking the hallowed presidency one more time under the freedom veterans fought for and died for, an obscenity of the first order.

It's true that the November election cannot get here fast enough. This loser, a racist at that, is not who we are, or have ever been. Maybe some sectors in the South, not the collective if judged as one.

How many Americans have died in our wars? Too many. 671,000 in World War II. 58,000 in Vietnam, the conflict at issue when I served as a Corpsman, two years at Navy duty stations and two years with the U.S. Marines, back then a part of the Navy and under Navy medical care.

To think that an anti-America foghorn like Donald Trump can so easily upend this concept of freedom is unthinkable. Some say they believe in him, that his election will mean a better America.

Those Americans are fools.

A fascist dictator sees "everyone" as being beneath him, as being under his thumb, as being his loyal slaves. No room for questioning. No recourse against the heavy hand of political/government power. He will sic the goons on you. 

Veterans, especially our older veterans, cannot begin to believe that they served for nothing, for this...



  1. The world saw how Trump refused to believe the election results. He’ll do it again if he loses again. If he wins what makes you Trump supporters think he won’t attempt to stay in the White House past term limits? He’s the biggest danger this country has faced politically in over 100 years.

  2. Disgusting, if you ask me. U.S. Army here.

    1. And good for you on posting the photo of the Hispanic serviceman and servicewoman.

  3. Is our Governor Greg Abbott a veteran?

    1. Nope. He's been paralyzed since age 26.



    1. as a retired teacher of 25 years, one thing I eventually learned was this: without explained consequences and follow through the behavior will not stop and will in fact become bolder. I fully expect trump to continue his diatribes on anyone trying to suspend his will to do so.


  5. He shouldn't be allowed to threaten anyone, much less the judge and certainly not their family members.

    1. Trump’s greatest fear is an honest judge!

  6. Trump's Truth Social stock tumbled again overnight. People who invested are losing their ass.

    1. Every investor will lose it all. Trump ventures always tank. He grabs his money and splits. Dumb bastards.

  7. Donald Trump faces backlash after sharing fake video featuring a hogtied Joe Biden in back of a pickup.

    1. That is surely not allowed, isn’t it against the law to show President Biden lying tied up in the back of a truck.

  8. Family of Brian Sicknick, Capitol officer who died after Jan. 6 riot, slams Trump attending wake for slain NYPD cop.

    1. Trump is such a faker. You'd think NY cops would see that and keep him away.

  9. Is Las Vegas taking bets on whether Diaper Donnie will even make it to November?

  10. Let's get this straight he was 60, married, just had a baby when he sexed-up Stormy Daniels, and the GOP thinks it's okay in their GOP freak book to have extramarital affairs and later sell the Bible because he is God? What freaks! Keep them out of my neighborhood!

  11. I really wished that a leader like Liz Cheney would start a new party for conservative independents who were displaced from the GOP by this MAGA madness.

    Although I am not a fan of Joe Biden, I will (reluctantly) vote for him in November. I would literally vote for anyone other than Donald Trump.

  12. Trump: "What Biden is doing to me is illegal!"

    Also Trump: "Nothing a President does is illegal."

  13. What's your read on how the valley is going to vote?

    1. I believe both of our current congressional reps - Democrat Vicente Gonzales in District 34 and Republican Monica De La Cruz in District 15 - will hold their seats. There's not much noise in either race, though...

    2. You may be right.


  14. The first judge that sends Trump to jail should get the Presidential Medal of Honor. Immediately.

  15. Trumps words and suggestions can have dangerous consequences and it’s time for the courts to react. Stop making excuses and take action. Trump is manipulating the legal system to benefit his cause. Nancy Pelosi‘s husband was viciously assaulted in his home by a MAGA supporter because he believed the lies Trump told. Eventually someone will be killed.

    1. Don't limit his gag order!
      Arrest him!

  16. Replies

    1. I think Donald disgusts her but at the same time she's as greedy as he is, so it's worth staying for the money. A typical gold digger.

    2. The only reason she had a kid with the Tangerine Traitor is to guarantee a payout when she leaves.

  17. Yes, Donnie, please pick Tucker Carlson as VP running mate. That will make the moderates and independents decision easier to pick Biden.

  18. In a 2018 speech, Joe Biden discussed lewd comments that Trump had made about women and registered his disgust by suggesting a willingness to physically fight the then-president.

    “If we were in high school, I’d take him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him,” Biden said at the time, adding that any man who disrespected women was “usually the fattest, ugliest SOB in the room.”


Have your say, but refrain from personal attacks and profanity...