Tuesday, January 30, 2024

HAIL, MARY:...Hot, Scorching Political Shit Spells Doom And Gloom In America...Redneck Convoy To The Border..."Heil, Hitler!!!" Is What They Wish To Shout...



McALLEN, Texas |...You could look across the landscape and see it. I suppose you could, if that's what you're looking for. Internal unrest, we mean. A nation in turmoil. Reds against Blues. Antsy whites against everybody else. Politics on a tear unlike any seen in modern times. A congressman wishing for a return to dueling in the nation's capital.

What to make of it, Maria?

Is it the arrival of lasting Doom & Gloom, or is this just the now-popular politics of rage and ruin? Yes, and yes. The country is in for a long, harsh summer & winter of discontent. No one wants to go easy; no one wants peace and tranquility. It's us against you, Baby. Deal with it.

America has been too comfortable, they say. Others fear their ethnic group's demise, or at the very least a devaluation. Line it up for Uncle Sam. He's wondering what the Hell is going on, too.

The cold Russians are on record as saying they wish for an American Civil War, something perhaps rising from anger over that breakup of the Ol' Soviet Union they still blame on the United States.

Gorbachev, front center! Tell them the truth. Tell them the USSR over-reached, bankrupted itself with no help from Ronnie Reagan. Star Wars? A mirage.

Just like this crazy talk of a new civil war in the Lower 48.

I've been talking with some old pals from the World of Daily Journalism, asking about this civil war noise.

"I’m gonna get political here," said one. "A second American civil war would never happen as vast majority of Americans are too comfortable for war."

What would it take, however, I kept going. A few armed uprisings, maybe. Perhaps a shootout at the Mexican border in which 12 or so visiting Rednecks would be mailed back home in a casket. Sparks will spark, we agreed.

More to the point went the idea that civil war is only in the minds of our low-rent, self-serving politicians, that no serious, career-minded district manager for McDonald's is even thinking about it. Profit projections? Yes, that has their minds on the end-of-year accounting.

Texas seems ready to play Fort Sumter in this re-make of a time in America when it was mainly Whites dying for the cause. They seem to be interested. A massive convoy is said to be headed for the Mexican border to aid Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott in his ongoing partisan silliness.

I've not caught the Invasion Fever and I live some 11 miles from the Rio Grande. Neither have most of my friends in town. We're busy with getting our asses to the breakfast restaurant, where we do discuss the political crap, but never to the point of ridiculousness.

Abbott has some fans.

Texas is still Red, led by Republicans at pretty much every meaningful level of government. They will talk tough and act it even more. It's in vogue, see. Republicans think they have America by the short hairs, that their time for staking claim to it all has come. It's now or never, as an on-the-commode Elvis would readily and gladly sing for them.

Hail, Mary?

Eh. For some of these flaming, fentanyl-fueled Republicans, the words would be: "Heil, Hitler!"

We'll keep tabs on the goings-on so you don't have to.

We know - what a waste of fucking time...



  1. The only concern is the voting mindset independent voters (if Trump is the nominee). They are already over 65% against him being president again. If that holds then history will not have Trump as #47 and Justice will prevail.

  2. Abbott can not provide Texas taxpayers a paper trail of where our tax money has gone or any tangible results. Someone needs to ask him why the Texas legislature keeps voting down E- Verify for businesses. We have nearly 2 million illegals alone working in Texas. Construction, agriculture, food processing, transportation, hospitality and so on. Now we have House Republicans refusing to strike a deal in Washington after finally getting democrats to the table 🤯

    1. A convoy calling themselves 'God's army' en route to the Texas border to stop migrants has raised $138,000 in donations.

    2. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas pens scorching letter ahead of House Republicans' impeachment hearing: "Your false accusations do not rattle me".

    3. This has nothing to do with the border. Russia's Putin is asking for Trump's help to stop American funding for Ukraine. Why did they tie Border to Ukraine funding? To give Putin reason to believe Is the only logical reason. Trump is a traitor and will bend over for Putin!

  3. She's hot and at NFL football games, but am not a Taylor Swift fan. She does have the ability to get younger people to pay attention to what is going on and getting them to vote. Bonus she has the right-wing crazies crazier.

    1. The NFL is rigged. Referees make too many questionable calls against certain teams. League has its favorites.

  4. Trump is the only politician I’ve heard actually talk about suspending the constitution. He’s talked about using the military to suppress entirely legitimate protests using the Insurrection Act. He’s talked about bringing treason charges against the then-outgoing chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. He’s talked about bringing treason charges against Comcast, the owner of NBC and MSNBC. He’s talked explicitly about weaponizing the government against his political enemies. He continues to talk about crushing an independent press. And of course he plotted and conspired to fraudulently overturn our last election. How much more convincing does anyone need that this is a very dangerous person?

    1. Trumps real estate competitors should file a class action lawsuit against him for the fraudulent loans giving him an unfair competitive advantage.

  5. Days before the Republican National Committee was set to convened in Las Vegas, hundreds of Republican officials gathered in a casino ballroom Monday to vent their grievances about the party — and warn that it is ill prepared for the 2024 election.

    “We are at war,” one man shouted from a microphone at the event, hosted by the conservative group Turning Point Action, lifting his arm in the air. “Where are the tools? Where are all the little things that the left is doing but we don’t?”

  6. While our attention is focused on politics, we don't notice how our planet is being destroyed by natural disasters. If we don't take action urgently, humanity has 5-7 years left when conditions will be still suitable for life.
    Figure out what is really happening to our planet and what we can do to survive.

  7. Trump will never ever ever be president again not in this lifetime it's never going to happen Biden will win again in November ask. Trump why he incited the insurrection on the capitol why he killed 15 innocent people and why he sexually assaulted and abused and raped E Jean Carroll.

  8. Congratulations to E. Jean Carroll and her brilliant attorney.

  9. Make

  10. If Americans of Palestinian decent don't want to vote Democrat then if trump gets in, let's see how that works out for you.

  11. Texas paid at least $135,000 to fly migrants from El Paso to Chicago, records show. - IMPEACH ABBOTT!!!

  12. The big question is why anyone would do any work for Trump unless they get paid up front.

  13. Judge Luttig is a committed Republican, has been for years. His assessment of Donald's disqualification is indeed spot on. Furthermore, the language of section 3 of the 14th amendment implies that "all persons" involved in actions of rebellion. The word "all" includes the then sitting demagogue we know as former president Trump. That the supreme court is now tasked with equivocating legally promoted semantics as a defense to prevent Trump from being disqualified is mind boggling and quite frankly, offends the sensibilities of the remaining court justices who watched the Jan 6th assault with their own eyes.

  14. Born and raised in Texas. People are just friendlier here. Not one "get that camera out of my face!" Welcome to Texas. Enjoy the people, the food and the weather.

  15. Man, I can't believe that this is happening!!! We have Americans turning on Americans here in our elections. Please stop dividing us. It won't stand.

  16. There are No veterans in Trump's family. I absolutely believe he is anti-America. He insulted a Gold Star Family and John McCain.

    1. Orange Dude got 5 draft deferments in 1960s, while 58,000 soldiers were dying in Nam.

  17. Trump is a dope AND a bird brain. He proves that on a daily basis.

  18. Redneck Convoy: unemployed whiteys?

  19. Hotelier Robert Bigelow donating $20 million to Trump campaign. He owns Budget Suites of America and is the founder of Bigelow Aerospace. I will never spend a penny of my money at Budget Suites of America.


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