Saturday, December 23, 2023

THE NATIONAL TIT:...For Tat, We Mean...Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Goeb Threatens To Kick Democrat Joe Biden Off State Ballots...Is This America, Or What?...



AUSTIN, Texas |...Dan Patrick, the flinty Lt. Gov. of Texas, has threatened to take President Joe Biden off state ballots, this in response to Colorado taking similar aim at his fellow Republican Donald J. Trump.

Here we go again, as Dolly Parton might say about here.

This cheap tit-for-tat keeps getting sillier and sillier. We say that as the Republican-led House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. readies its wacko impeachment of Democrat Biden

Patrick, the Houston native whose real last name is the very-German "Goeb," tends to be a bit emotional. And wildly partisan. But he's not alone on this one, nope. Republicans in three other so-called Red States, those governed by Republican politicians, have now echoed Patrick's call.

Should we laugh, or be worried?

I say we should laugh. But do take a moment to again wonder exactly where your country is on the civility meter. Off the charts, Baby - that's where. Patrick's threat is no more excitable than much of what is playing out in MAGA World.

The newspaper in Detroit now has a tape recording in which then-President Trump urged one of those quirky, quite illegal moves to draw votes his way in Michigan during the 2020 election he ultimately lost to Biden. It is yet some more ammo for federal prosecutor Jack Smith, who quickly jumped on the subpoena train to get his hands on the recording.

Trump is still in the crosshairs.

Yet, even with the ever-growing mountain of legal stuff against him, Trump remains as politically strong as ever, as seemingly above the law as ever. You'd think that time has stood still. At some point, the meaningful trials will begin, only it won't be, like, anytime soon. March, they say, for one of his criminal cases, although he's never done appealing some aspect of his legal troubles, so...

Of course, it's not just him.

The Republican Party, once a staid operation with names like Dwight D. Eisenhower and George H.W. Bush, is now the tough and mean Chicago Bears of 1985. Sure, perhaps even the cold and cruel Hell's Angels of Gonza Journalist Hunter S. Thompson's day. Oh, maybe yes, a coat & tie cartel of chubby men and chubbier women, a few trailer park loudmouths.

They're going to speak loudly, damn everybody else for America's troubles, dump on immigrants, blame the country's demise on those "poisoning" its blood - a blood, btw, that is whole hog mixed as all Hell is mixed with human losers. Who has the pure blood anymore? Not this reporter...and likely not you, either.

And certainly not those crazy, but maybe not so crazy Anglos who annually claim a drop or two of Native American blood for this and that government benefit, secondary education especially. You can look it up. It's there, there every year, without fail. Funny, but factual, yes.

Poisoning the country's blood, Trump says.

I dunno. Our millions of mixed-race people seem to be okay, living the American Way, wearing designer shirts and jeans, blouses and skirts and dating and going out to dinner and to wedding chapels in Vegas and to divorce courts in town - just like those with "non-poisoned" blood. Yeah, those two or three incest-spawned Americans.

You want to know where to look for Americans being Americans? I mean Americans of all colors enjoying each other - Porn. This much is true: Naked in bed, you're not a Republican or a Democrat. You're alive and living La Vida Loca, which is what the U.S. has been doing for the last 60-70 years. Porno. Black on white, white moaning it. Trump lived that life in New York during the lovely racial Disco heyday of the 1980s and early-1990s. At clubs like Studio 54 in Manhattan, where the booze and harder stuff and the thin African princesses danced until dawn, with the Trumps and the Jaggers and the rest of the sex-is-good crowd.

Poisoned blood? More like alcoholed blood.   

No, don't define America as being either Republican or Democrat.

These days, it's a shithole. Politically and, in a helluva lot of cases, socially.

Donald Trump, a lifelong New York Democrat who saw Republicans and knew he could buffalo them into lapping him with a presidential nomination, labeled a bunch of other countries as being "shitholes" and then delivered a red, white and blue outhouse right here, all by himself, with no opposition from his new political allies. None. Well, Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney, but those two were castrated by the party.

Blood-thirsty Republicans will keep clawing at the national bark, knowing full-well that no tree can survive losing its covering.

They seem to not care.

They seem to want another America altogether...There are only so many white, supple breasts in the country...



  1. Interesting, this new audio recording of Trump pressuring Michigan to not certify the vote for that state. That is, pure and simple, election interference and it, by itself, should be enough to keep him from ever running for an elected position again, let alone the massive amount of evidence against him in Georgia, J6, etc., etc.

    1. The President was using the Power of his Office to corrupt Michigan election officials. The same behavior that has him charged in Georgia. Michigan Officials should do the same.

    2. Just get Trump to trial already!

    3. I was a Republican. I, along with MANY others have registered INDEPENDENT since 2019. We want to choose, of our own free will, who we believe would be better to serve us. Keeping Trump out of politics should be the goal of every honest, hardworking person whether Republican, Democrat or Independent. He will do nothing to help America. Only waste time and money taking apart programs and laws that have worked well for many years.

  2. Interesting. I say this Colorado ruling isn't getting Trump more votes. His sheep will vote for him, the other 2/3s will vote for the other guy. It's already decided, most people won't vote for Trump.

    1. They're saying Colorado was never going to go for Trump, and, in fact, Republicans have totally downplayed the ruling. Now, if it were to snowball...

  3. True. That last line.

  4. Cool toon at bottom.


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