Sunday, December 24, 2023

MITCH:...Republican Leader Mum On Trump's Colorado Problem...McConnell Leaves Baked Cheeto Twisting In The Wind...



McALLEN, Texas |...Not a peep. Mitch is not talking. Neither are some other prominent Republicans who likely can't stand Donald J. Trump but won't say it in public. There are those Republicans, yes. Perhaps even more and more these days.

Trump has been kicked off the Colorado ballot and is awaiting a U.S. Supreme Court ruling on that GOP colon lavage, but Mitch McConnell is not among Republicans defending the Mar-a-Lago Marvel. No, not even a partisan peep from McConnell.

The Senate Minority Leader is standing down on that decision by the Rocky Mountain State's supreme court that would effectively prevent Trump from winning a single Colorado vote, this on the basis that Trump violated the Constitution’s Fourteenth Amendment when he spawned an insurrection on January 6, 2021.

Has Ted Cruz said anything?

John Cornyn, Cruz's Lone Star State colleague in the U.S. Senate? Texas Gov. Greg Abbott?

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick has energized his weird frontal lobe in calling for removal of Democrat Joe Biden, the president. That would be words of retaliation. But action?

We haven't seen anything yet.

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to resolve the Colorado decision as early as January 4th, with Colorado expecting a quick ruling as it must certify its ballots by the following day. Ten or twenty years ago, we'd have had a smidgen of confidence in the nation's High Court.

Today, it is a mere shadow of its old self, as they say in Brownsville blogging.

Citizen confidence in the court is at an all-time low, dumb wanton bribery soiling reputations of at least two long-time associate justices, Clarence "Hand Out" Thomas and Samuel "Fly Me To Alaska" Alito - both appointed by Republicans.

It's a biggie, if we can still use that word in our ever-shocking national politics.

A ruling against Colorado would quickly bring Trump laughter of the sort often seen only in circuses when the bear falls off the barrel while the trainer whips his butt. A loss by Trump's side would, it is being said, bring an avalanche of similar rulings from other states not quite enamored with the dictator-in-waiting Orange Cheeto.

This ruling will come.

No punting of the case to a lower court.

No wimpish let-the-voters-decide-this shit from Chief Justice John Roberts, the court's babysitter. And it strikes me that this quietness coming from no-nonsense Republican Mitch McConnell is something of a foreboding dark cloud for Trump. In senate circles, Mitch still holds sway.

Has Willard "Mitt" Romney said anything? He openly hates Trump with a passion. The U.S. Senator from Utah usually has something to say on these things. Not on the Colorado ruling, however. Mitt isn't saying shit.

We could keep waxing poetic here, but we're merely marking time. Waiting on the High Court's ruling, like most Americans. It's the New National Pastime. Baseball is dead. Pro football is rigged. Basketball will never shed that annoying up & down the court bouncing and tennis shoe screeching on polished wooden floors that roil brain cells faster than a fellatio al fresco romp with porn star Stormy Daniels.

Say something, Mitch...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Photo of ugly woman above is gratuitous...]


  1. Trump just wants to win and he does not care how he wins, as long as he wins. So he doesn't follow the law, he encourages an insurrection against the Capitol, he ignores the Constitution, interferes with the election and then he LIES about all of it. We have an enormous amount of evidence that proves him unequivocally guilty and yet he continues to lie about it and his followers believe him and not their eyes on Jan. 6th. I find it hard to believe that he is not in jail now and will be disappointed if he does not go to jail soon. Hopefully the Supreme court does not bail him out as that would be so wrong on so many levels.

  2. Mitch is getting old.

  3. Innocent people want to clear their name ASAP. Trump is fighting it! He's guilty.

  4. Waiting on Cowboys game, but does anyone else other than grump believe that the writers of the constitution meant that the president could do whatever he wanted to do? illegal or not?

  5. There's a bear in this story?


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