Monday, December 4, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...State Party Refuses To Ban Neo-Nazism And Antisemite Language... Local GOP Chair Disagrees With Odd Take On Clearly Racist Lingo...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas|...The socio-political detritus known as Nick Fuentes is doing just fine spreading Neo-Nazism and antisemitism as if no one will ever contest him and his diseased ilk. He's got the full ear of the Texas Republican Party, it appears.

The statewide political organization recently opted not to bar the racist language being spread willy-nilly by Fuentes (shown at center in photo above) and his supporters.

Morgan Cisneros Graham, chair of the Cameron County Republican Party and a member of the statewide committee, disagreed.

This excerpt from a report by [ Other committee members questioned how their colleagues could find words like "antisemitism" too vague, despite frequently lobbing it and other terms at their political opponents.

"I just don’t understand how people who routinely refer to others as leftists, liberals, communists, socialists and RINOs ('Republicans in Name Only') don’t have the discernment to define what a Nazi is," committee member Morgan Cisneros Graham (shown in photo at right) told the Tribune after the vote. ]

Language is a useful tool for those who can craft it for their own definitions and use. Fuentes is an expert at wording racism and bigotry, and now the Texas Republican Party has essentially endorsed his manner of fashioning hate.

It's a wonderment, yes.

But it won't stop until someone either gets hurt or a political body has the organizational balls to put a stop to it. Fuentes speaks the lingo of today's GOP, its so-called MAGA wing at least. This is the same Fuentes who has even dined with Republican Fuhrer Donald J. Trump at Mar-a-Lago, fer chrissakes.

That Ms. Cisneros Graham voiced incontrovertible opposition is a Big Plus for mainstream, Traditional Republicans, that however-smaller, more-reserved wing of the GOP.

There is no indication that Trump and his many followers want any sort of other conversation. Social Division is selling within the party and its vision of America.

We do heartily applaud Morgan, yes...



  1. Good for her, maybe there's still hope.

  2. Republican Party is a cult. Only way to look at it now.


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