Sunday, December 10, 2023

BLOGGERS:...No Shows After Humiliating 49-21 Brownsville Veterans High State Playoffs Loss...Losers Want Nothing To Do With Losing...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Maybe it is as they say - Losers hate losing. Or perhaps it's just another example of a dusty, border community not ever facing its failures. This falling town could use some balls.

For two long weeks, it rallied loud & proud around the Brownsville Veterans Memorial High School football team performing like out-of-towners. The young Chargers were everywhere in Brownsville, on T-shirts, posters and in daily conversation at bars and restaurants.

We are in the state playoffs, they all crowed.

In the freakin' semifinals. One victory from the State Finals at AT&T Stadium in Arlington - home field of the Dallas Cowboys.

Leading the winner's choir were the local bloggers.

All pushed the team onward, some with photos and stories, others with photo montages. The Chargers had them on their side like beans lining up with any Mexican lunch plate in town. Go Chargers, they bellowed.

This came freely after the over-achieving Chargers beat the then-undefeated, state-ranked PSJA North Raiders on their home field and after the Chargers beat vaunted, also unbeaten Corpus Christi Miller at home in front of more than 10,000 rabid supporters.

The opportunistic bloggers filled their online pages with glowing, gasping reports of the coming possibilities. The Chargers can do it, they went on. They can win STATE!!!

But the Chargers faltered badly against bigger, faster Smithson Valley last Friday, eliminated convincingly in a 49-21 thrashing that actually was worse than the score may indicate. Well, it was 49-0 in the fourth quarter, the Chargers managing three scores against second- and third-stringers thrown-in by the sympathetic Rangers coaches.

The loss was felt by those Chargers backers who'd made the hours-long drive to Corpus Christi, who filled their side of the stadium, who cheered from the opening play to the last one. They were there.

Bloggers took it up the wazoo like a Boy's Town prostitute and said nothing.

There would be no stories full of killer adjectives or fighting verbs. Blogger Juan Montoya (shown in photo below) posted a photo of the game crowd with the silly "Fue horrible, Fue horrible" headline. It was a horrible defeat, but Montoya, the only local blogger with actual newsroom experience, left it at that.

Blogger Jerry McHale, shown in photo atop this post, said nothing. The usually effusive 74-year-old posted nothing. He was spent, perhaps. Or maybe he is one of those locals who run from anything resembling defeat, because they are losers.

McHale had thrown the Chargers on his back for two weeks, posting a string of positive write-ups and photos. He was going with them all the way to state. Sucking success, we would say, is his cheap style.

That pathetic approach also applies to his perennial blogging shadow Jim Barton, shown above in photo at right, who also posted nothing about the Smithson Valley game. The 75-year-old had even taken his readers to Parker County's Aledo, Texas in the Dallas-For-Worth Metroplex for a looksee at the potential State Finals opponent for the BVM Chargers.

On the defeat, nothing came from house husband Barton, owner of an unsightly Dairy Neck and Trump-like Little Hands.

Like a lost fool, he opted to go downtown and take photos of old local fuckers standing at corner intersections, as if that's where the day's news lived. Barton has no Real Journalism experience.

There would be no finale report, no haunting coda to this story from these boys.

The mighty Chargers had been beaten and these mediocre bloggers, especially Elderly-About-Town Blogger McHale and No-College, No Job Barton, were not about to share any sort of responsibility in that embarrassing disaster.

They've lost for so long that they'll fight it from here on out...



  1. Losersville is home to losers.

  2. They even look like losers!

  3. Typical Brownsville. Welfare town.

    1. Never heard of any of those guys. But I'm from McAllen.

  4. Anything from those guys is crap. We in Brownsville know it.

  5. taking photos of old local fuckers. Sounds like the title for a coffee table book.

  6. Disappointment affects people differently. these bloggers just couldn't deal with it. Their age plays into it.

  7. Nice takedown, sir. Those lousy bloggers deserved every kick in the ass you gave them here. Losers always act like those guys acted.

  8. Dumb blogger McHale predicted Vets would win 42-35! Now, he says nothing. What a wimp.

    1. He's 74. Going senile maybe? He forgot there was a game!


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