Monday, November 6, 2023

TRIALS:...Trump Testifies Today...NY Court Will Then Decide How Much He Will Pay For Defrauding The State Of New York...



McALLEN, Texas | He's up next, like this morning. That would be one Donald J. Trump walking up to the witness stand in his $250 million fraud trial.

It comes as the trial is winding down, but it's just him and daughter Ivanka left off the diseased family tree. Sons Donald Jr and Eric testified last week, offering curt, well-rehearsed answers to questions about who within the Trump organization was responsible for inflating the value of assets when meeting with bankers for loans and deflating them when filing taxes.

It's been a television news comedy without good joke writers, unless you believe the Trumps' testimony has been laughable.

This excerpt from [ New York Supreme Court Justice Arthur Engoron has had enough, apparently. The gag order silencing Donald Trump in the $250 million bank fraud trial is now extended to Trump’s entire legal team, according to a judge’s order issued Friday.

In his written order, Engoron banned Trump’s attorneys from commenting on his courtroom staff.

"Since the commencement of this bench trial, my chambers have been inundated with hundreds of harassing and threatening phone calls, voicemails, emails, letters and packages. The First Amendment right of defendants and their attorneys to comment on my staff is far and away outweighed by the need to protect them from threats and physical harm," Engoron wrote in the supplemental gag order, noting that he has an "unfettered right" to consult with his staff throughout the trial.

Violating the new order would come with "serious sanctions," he warned. ]

So, knowing Fast Donald's penchant for addressing the press on the steps of the courthouse at every opportunity, one wonders whether he will be able to restrain himself today.

He'll testify. And he'll likely say what his sons told the court, that it is his accountants who are to blame for the massive fraud.

The thing is Engoron has already found the Trump Organization GUILTY of fraud.

This testimony is solely for the purpose of allowing Engoron to feel good about his final decision on just how much Trump will have to pay the State of New York for defrauding it.

Good luck, Don...


1 comment:

  1. He's toast. And he knows it, but will beg for contributions.


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