Wednesday, November 8, 2023

REPUBLICANS:...Surprise!... Blogger Jim Barton Has Tiny Hands...Didn't He Rag Trump About His?...Yes, He Did!!!...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | He's the one forever ragging on Republican Donald J. Trump. Yeah, the dairy neck dude you see in photo above. Oh, he's also been ragging us at The McAllen Sun, but we're immune to his pedestrian attacks.

Jim Barton is his name.

He's a backbench, low-readership Brownsville blogger, the only one without a college education (no degree) and the only who has ever donated a dead wife to science.

Yesterday, the 75-year-old posted this photo alongside a lame story about the age of 75 being "the new 55." Yeah. We're still laughing. He damned sure looks a few months past 75 to us, and we're usually pretty sympathetic to the dreams of our elderly citizens.

But - damn! - we also noticed that this guy has "tiny hands." Yeah, like Trump (see photo below), the one Barton earlier mocked for having "tiny hands." How can that be? A blogger criticizing someone else's small hands when his own are also small?

It happened yesterday on Jim Barton's comatose blog, and it likely is still there, unless he deleted the silly story and weird photograph. A very insecure man, Barton tends to do that when his stories don't work out, like when he blows it and has to remove it ASAP.

It is just a stunning development to see Barton with such smallish hands. He needs to trim his nails, but maybe he doesn't so that his fingers will look longer. You think?

Yeah, what else are we supposed to think?

Look at Trump's hands in the photo and then look at Barton's hands in the photo atop this post. It is uncanny. The similarity is convicting.

We do not want to ever again hear Barton ragging on Trump's tiny hands. What a hypocrite!

And what's next - chubby Barton's weight same as Trump's? Barton's fattened neck, common in most 75-year-old men, is a freakin' rugby football! Look at Trump's neck! Yikes!!!

Unemployed House Husband Barton, formerly a motel clerk and a shrimp boat unloader at the Port of Brownsville, keeps posting and posting and posting denigrating photoshopped "art" of yours truly on his silly Laundromat Bulletin Board blog, so, okay, this could just be us balancing the competitive ledger. Heady News organizations worth their weight in salt are never friendly with the competition.  

Tiny hands...poor guy...poor wife...



  1. Tiny hands? LMAO!!! Poor wife is right!!!

  2. It never fails. This guy probly was projecting everything he said about Trump.

  3. Sir. You look so much better than this guy. Would you mind posting a current photo of yourself, well 2023 anyway? Thanks

    1. There's one there on the upper right of our Blog's front page. Click on it to blow it up, Jim. You're such a low-flying shithead, Barton...always angling like a grown man without a formal education...sad...

  4. Little hands equal little banana. They say that in the Philippines.

  5. Never heard of this blogger. Is he anybody?

  6. Men with those types of eggheads cannot be trusted. My doctor told me that.

  7. People who throw stones always live in glass houses. This guy should just stop blogging. He's no longer credible!

  8. Chubby men always have little hands. It's just the way it is.

  9. Does this guy have a big L on his forehead? By any chance?


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