Thursday, November 9, 2023

DEBATES:...Long, Long Night For Animals...Nikki Haley Calls Vivek "Scum"...DeSantis Says Trump Is Yesterday...A Nation Sighs...



McALLEN, Texas | As debates go, this one was a bit more excitable than the first two. Republicans can get easily angry in private, and, yes, they seem to be way better at it in public lately, but it is in rare moments when they must go for each other's throats that we see them for who and what they really are.

Debate III last night for Republican Party 2024 nomination hopefuls was the Ol' family knockdown-drag out.

It peaked with ex-South Carolina Gov. Nimarata "Nikki" Haley, but the other calico cats also chimed in with a few of their digs.

This moment from 51-year-old Haley, after a brief exchange on abortion as a political issue, from [ "I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice," Haley said at one point. The others on the stage took their turns trying to trip her up, going after her on political, policy and even personal matters. At one point, biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy attacked her for criticizing TikTok even as her daughter was once on the app.

"You’re just scum," Haley replied. ]

Ramaswamy, at 37, is the youngest and glibbest of the remaining five candidates (not counting oft-indicted Donald J. Trump, the Republican Party's criminal favorite).

Haley was described as a "female Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels."

She fired back that they were 5-inch.

It went on a bit like this on matters to do with immigration, the war in Ukraine, the Israeli invasion of Gaza and the whereabouts of no-show Trump. Fighting Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, polling best among these wannabes, openly said Trump "is not the guy he was in 2016 (when he won)," seeming to want to segue into saying Trump cannot win the 2024 General Election against incumbent Democrat Joe Biden.

The others - former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott - had their own moments, but both looked as if two dudes at the wrong party.

Scott's "girlfriend," a woman some pundits said may not exist, does, as news reports have it. It's a strange time we live in, so that piece of information filling out Scott's candidacy appeared to be important. Mindy Noce is the galpal's name, a lanky, hawk-nose white chick.

The "debate" was the last one of the season.

It's on to the primaries, with the Iowa Caucus next January 15 being the first test...



  1. Five clowns. That's what I saw.

  2. Haley is going for Vice-president. Clear to me.

  3. Swamy is toast. Goodbye, Swamster!

  4. one of the focus groups was asked if they voted for Trump in 2020, 16 out of 17 did, they were asked if they would vote for Trump in 2024, only 2 raised their hands. Very good debate no matter what FOX says.

  5. Not a useful debate for voters when the frontrunner isn't there. JMHO


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