Wednesday, November 29, 2023

POLITICS:...Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban Thinking Senate, White House Run ?...He's Not Talking...Others Are...



DALLAS, Texas |...Smooth Mark Cuban challenging oafish Ted Cruz? Or someone else, maybe for the White House. There's talk. The owner of the Dallas Mavericks is said to be seriously considering sale of the NBA franchise, perhaps to seek political office.

It's not a done deal, nor has he announced anything.

But talk swirls in Big D.

This from [ Mark Cuban is upending the world of pro sports team deals, reportedly agreeing to sell the Mavericks without relinquishing operational control. This could spark speculation about Cuban's political ambitions.

Cuban, who bought the NBA club for $285 million in 2000, would sell a majority stake to casino magnate Miriam Adelson and her family at a $3.5 billion valuation.

The Mavericks won't relocate west, despite the NBA's desire to put a team in Vegas. Instead, the Adelsons - who control Las Vegas Sands Corp. - would be charged with developing a new sports entertainment complex in Dallas.

Cuban, an active startup company investor, would retain a minority stake while continuing to run the show. It's a unique arrangement, and one that's certain to pique the interest of other owners who might want to cash in without losing their proximity to NBA power.

Per usual, all of this would be subject to league approval.

Cuban has long toyed with the idea of running for office, and this sale news comes just after he announced that the next season of "Shark Tank" will be his last.

Maybe that means a presidential run. Or a Senate bid, where Texas' Ted Cruz is up for re-election next fall and John Cornyn comes due in 2026.

He could be a very strong candidate. Cuban's got the billionaire businessman and TV personality background that helped Trump, without the baggage. His ideology is more pragmatic than partisan, which could appeal to independents, and he's spent the past several years working to lower prescription drug prices (via a strategy that big insurers like Cigna are now copying).

He also would be flush with cash, plus business partners with an Adelson family that's known as a GOP mega-donor.

But, but, but: It would be a mistake to presume the Mavs sale and TV retirement are de facto leaps into politics.

The bottom line: The Mavs sale structure is a reminder that, when it comes to Mark Cuban, it's best to expect the unexpected... ]

The Mavs are having a good season so far this year, although it's early.

Our all-in political times are such that some interesting Americans see opportunity. Mark Cuban has been talked about as a political figure for years. His popularity in Dallas is unrivaled, and his TV show doesn't hurt his reputation.

What the country as a whole would think of a Cuban candidacy is the mystery...



  1. He could be an intriguing candidate. Definitely a threat to both Ted Cruz and John Cornyn.

  2. I'd like to see him take out Cruz. Hate that guy.

  3. Democrat or Republican?

    1. He's not on record on either. Cuban, however, has "jokingly" said he'd go Republican in a race for the White House. I do believe he's needed more in the GOP, yes...

  4. In the long run, is there a casino coming to Dallas? Adelsons are big in Vegas.

    1. Texas Legislature would have to approve casino gambling, and they're not doing it anytime soon.


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