Wednesday, October 25, 2023

WAR:...19th Day Of Wanton Killing...Palestine Still Under The Gun...More Than 5,000 Palestinians Killed...So Far...



McALLEN, Texas | It continues. Like a TV drama series, Day 19 in the Israeli war with Palestine brings a certain halt in the story. It is a temporary halt, as some aid is allowed into Gaza and while the world awaits the threatened all-out invasion by the Israelis following that horrendous attack by Hamas terrorists on its settlers.

Images from the scene tell a sad and disgusting story of wanton killing.

This from [ Palestinians in Gaza tell Axios they are not certain they will survive this war as Israel intensifies its air raids and prepares for a ground invasion.

More than 5,000 Palestinians have been killed since the Israel-Palestine war began, according to Gaza's Ministry of Health of the Hamas-run government. The besieged enclave has been under heavy bombardment in the two weeks since Hamas militants killed 1,400 Israelis in the worst attack against Israel in decades.

U.S.-backed Israel has also imposed a "complete siege" of Gaza, cutting electricity and largely blocking food, fuel and other supplies from entering the enclave, which is home to more than 2.2 million Palestinians.

Three convoys of trucks carrying assistance have been allowed to enter Gaza from Egypt since Saturday, but aid groups say this is only a small fraction of what Gaza needs. The assistance also doesn't include fuel, which hospitals in Gaza say they desperately need in order to keep their backup generators running.

The border crossing remains closed to Palestinians who may wish to leave. Even before the latest fighting, Palestinians had to get special permission from Israel or Egypt to leave the enclave, which was often difficult to receive.

About 1.4 million people have been displaced in the 140-square-mile Palestinian territory, which is about the size of Detroit. ]

There is no one official number as to how many children have been killed, numbers in the world press ranging from 1,500 to 4,000 - most of them in Palestine. The United Nations is condemning the ever-blooming war. Israel has said its invasion will not be deterred.

And it isn't all Israel as the aggressor. It has a right to avenge the murder of its citizens, but that is coming at a price. In the Jerusalem Post, it was reported that there has been a 400% increase in antisemitic attacks in the United States alone.

In these things, well, nobody wins...



  1. Whose side are we on again?

    1. We're always on the side that sells us influence. That's why we're trillions in debt!


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