Thursday, September 14, 2023

TRIALS:...No Testimony From The Babe In Paxton Scandal...



AUSTIN, Texas | They never called her to the witness stand. So much for salacious stuff in that pretty-much-done impeachment of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. The Republican Show Trial should be done after today, with a vote before or during the weekend.

Yeah, Texas will host the Wyoming Cowboys at Darrell K. Royal Stadium somewhat nearby on Saturday, but the score in the Texas Senate on this vote should be interesting.

Paxton, the 60-year-old Playboy AG, could be out of a job and out of any possible future candidacies for other state offices.

They say he sold the office to developer Nate Paul, a shadowy figure in the story, one who trial testimony said was cool with the AG, to the point of doing him untold (expensive) favors in exchange for using the AG's office to "investigate" his enemies. The tale calls for those dudes who produced the TV series Perry Mason to storm out of their graves and offer us a new episode.

Paxton's trial resumes this morning.

What might've been a sort of climax (at least to that point) quickly fizzled on Wednesday, when the Babe in the story did not testify. Sexy Laura Olson, shown in photo above waiting to be called) was fingered as the woman Paxton romanced and likely laid (who knows on that, really?) while still married (to State Sen. Angela Paxton, shown with purse in photo above). We say that every political scandal with a woman sorta/kinda central to the mess needs to offer-up that woman's thoughts. Laura Olson has the experience and vocabulary; she's been married and divorced four times.

I know what Rick Perry would say about that: "Bring it."

As we wrote the other day, Paxton's fate was sealed long-ago, when the Texas House voted to go zip his pants. He'll be impeached and removed from office.

We're going with Vegas in saying the Horns will whip Wyoming on the football field this weekend and the Texas Senate will undress Kenny Paxton in the people's court.

You read it here first, you ever-weary you...



  1. Paxton's wife is plain-looking. The Babe is hot. easy to see that.

  2. Laura Olson looks like that white-haired chick in one of the Rocky movies. How old is she?

    1. 50 isn't what it used to be. 50 is not bad, not over the hill. That's 70 now.

    2. No, 50 is old. Too old to be FFFFF around with a politician.

  3. What questions was she going to get? We'll never know, at least not until she sells her story to some grocery store magazine or a book publisher...

  4. i feel sorry for his wife who must sit and listen to this. agree that mistress should have testified. how many free meals did she get from Paxton on the taxpayer dime?


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