Sunday, September 17, 2023

THE PAXTON FILES:...Texas AG Gets His Job And Mistress Back...Is That It?...



McALLEN, Texas | We're not going to re-hash the trial's particulars. History will do that enough. Our take on the "Acquitted" verdicts that came after Texas Attorney General Kan Paxton's trial is an expected one - he is soiled and should take no damned pleasure from not being expelled.

The 60-year-old Paxton came out with his usual strong, "fuck you all" statement about his acquittal, which was to be expected. He's led a charmed political life, as we often write here. Let that self-serving statement he handed to the press stay in its overnight grave; we're not publishing it here.

What must be said, Dear Texans, is that this hangnail trial was all a Republican move, play and result.

Democrats were the so-called curious onlookers, the guys on the sidewalk as the circus rolled into town. We had wondered about why Republicans would bring a case against one of their own. Entitled Paxton has been MAGA Republican since the election of Donald J. Trump in 2016! To expect a well-settled domestic and public life from this guy was to expect Leave It To Beaver come to life.

He's back on the job as Texas Attorney General after a three-month suspension.

And we also know that he has a sort of vengeful personality, so we should pity his office's entire staff. Many of them turned on him when he started doing it all for his benevolent backer, the shady real estate mogul Nate Paul, a dude so present under the FBI's microscope that any super tiny-ass germ would be as visible as Mt. Fuji.

No, we don't expect anything to change. Even Republican Gov. Greg Abbott welcomed him back. So much for accountability and great expectations. Ken Paxton won and to the winners go the spoils. That may include a continuation of his sexual acrobatics with the mistress in the story who never got to testify - one 50-year-old Laura Olson (shown in photos at above and below).

Has there been even a remote apology from Paxton? Anything resembling one?

Is Mrs. Paxton, Angela, a state senator, going to say a word or two about his wanton, very public infidelity? He threw it in her face! Everybody knows the salacious story. We don't expect her to, because he, too, is a Republican and they don't always play the societal game we all have to. If she suffered her fool in midnight weepings, well, she'll likely keep doing it. At 60 years old, Angela Paxton's too old to think divorce and the singles scene one more time.

Laura Olson, married and divorced four times, no doubt knows her role in Texas politics. We'll leave it at that.

It's a sad day for Texas, actually.

Its attorney general, the top lawman in the state, is a rotten dude whose record does not lie. He helps his friends in fights against his very own federal government. Paxton uses the color of the office for self-gain and personal fights. For being good at this, we pay him.

Tomorrow begins another day.

Playboy A.G. Ken Paxton will rise with the sun and thank his lucky stars.

He'll perhaps round it out by giving Laura Olson a call...after kissing his wife and wishing her a nice day.

Some attorney general...



  1. nobody cares. News flows daily whether we want it or not. post some of your fiction. see you at the restaurant Monday morning.

  2. it makes me sad and exhausted because I feel like they didn't change anything


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