Tuesday, September 12, 2023




GALVESTON, Texas | Back three years ago, on a weekend outing to Galveston with a good friend, I went looking for my old office from my days as the Island Bureau Chief for The Houston Post.

It was a neat, white stucco building on 45th Street kinda in the geographic center of the popular island.

I remembered there was a doctor's office in there down the hall, as was the local office for The American Red Cross and a busy enterprise doing business in the diet industry.

My marriage was on the rocks at the time, so, when my now ex-wife left me to return to her hometown of Fort Worth, I took up with the gal running the Red Cross office, not the same day, but soon after.

I was living at the Casa Del Mar hotel on the beach and working my ass off to forget about my marital failings. At the time, the Galvez Hotel had a "happening" lounge that is no longer there serving as social headquarters for the nurses at the UT-Medical Branch and a slew of other local professionals.

That was the place to be after deadline, me there to drown my sorrows and meet women. Well, the year I was there, before the newspaper transferred me to its offices in Houston and before they assigned me writing duties on the State Desk, which flung me all over the place, including Mexico, it was warm and comfy Galveston that held me that winter of my discontent.

Anyway, the newspaper shut down the island office a few years later. When I was there this last time, it was being renovated for future occupants. It can still, I say, tell a few good stories of my days as one of the occupants.

What a time it was...


[Editor's Note:...Photo of yours truly above taken by my friend, Margaret...]

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