Wednesday, September 6, 2023

NATIONAL AFFAIRS:...Proud Boys Tough Guy Gets 22 Years In Prison...



McALLEN, Texas | Everybody knows exactly what is wrong with our republic. But every now and then, something unfolds just right. Like yesterday, when the tough-talking leader of the January 6, 2021 Capitol Insurrection got his upbraiding in court.

Henry "Enrique" Tarrio, the 39-year-old rebel shown in photo above, looked up at the federal judge to hear him say the next 22 years of his life will be spent behind bars.

Yes, he gambled on revolution and lost. As The Eagles sang, "every form of refuge has its price."

This from [ Tarrio's sentencing caps one of the highest-profile prosecutions related to the Capitol riot, and his is the longest sentence handed down in the Jan. 6 cases. The previous highest sentencing record related to Jan. 6 was held by Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes, who was sentenced to 18 years in prison in May.

Tarrio, from Miami, was found guilty in May of seditious conspiracy related to Jan. 6, alongside other Proud Boys members. Prosecutors had sought a 33-year sentence for him. Tarrio wasn't at the Jan. 6 Capitol Riot because he was arrested days earlier for vandalizing a Black Lives Matter banner at a historic Black church in D.C. in 2020.

However, prosecutors have argued that Tarrio maintained command over Proud Boys members after his arrest and cheered on the group as its members stormed the Capitol. Prosecutors also noted Tarrio took credit for the riot on behalf of the group.

"No organization put more boots on the ground at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, than the Proud Boys, and they were at the forefront of every major breach of the Capitol's defenses, leading the on-the-ground efforts to storm the seat of government," said Matthew Graves, U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, in a statement.

"The leaders of the Proud Boys and the leaders of the Oath Keepers, who conspired before, during, and after the siege of the Capitol to use force against their own government to prevent the peaceful transfer of power, have now been held accountable." ]

It was a steady string of victories in court by the dogged federal prosecutors, although the FBI is still looking for others who may not have led but who participated in the day's vandalism of the Capitol Building.

Most have begged for leniency in court, some have cried, and some have invoked children and family as reasons to stay out of prison, but judges have for the most part been tough on these outlaws.

The crazy other part of all this is that more than one who received a prison sentence has said they firmly believe Donald J. Trump will pardon them if he gets elected president next year.

Good luck with that, boys...



Anonymous said...

That's all she wrote for this idiot. Giving up your freedom for Trump is a loser's decision. Lock him up!

Anonymous said...

We're free in this country - free to live or free to die. 22years in prison is dying. Dummy.

Eduardo Paz-Martinez said...

You make a good correlation. Supporting Trump has cost many their freedom and careers. He, I say, has the Midas Touch In Reverse - everything Trump touches turns to crap...

Anonymous said...

Love it! Jail them all!!!

Anonymous said...

Tarrio just looks like a prisoner. He'll get his inside.

Anonymous said...

Did he also cry in front of the judge? Ha ha ha Such tough guys. Spare me.

Anonymous said...

Prison and then deport him. He's no American.

Eduardo Paz-Martinez said...

Most of these guys had little going for them ahead of the Capitol Riot. Idle minds will always get in trouble. Poor bastards...