Wednesday, September 27, 2023

GUNS & ROSES:...Lock & Load, Baby. The Unknown Constable And A $15,000 Donation...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | He said "America prevailed," as if he wasn't in America. John Rourke, our recent visitor from Florida, met with Cameron County Commissioners yesterday and, this time, left in a happier mood. Must be that Sunshine State happiness thing.

Anyway, Rourke, shown at left (he likely hates being associated with that term) in photo above, was in town again to get approval for a $15,000 donation to Constable Norman Esquivel, Jr.

A glib walkabout social media dude, Rourke had this to say on his Facebook page: [  . . .We had our day in court today, and America prevailed. Judge @jreddietrevino did the right thing, apologized to Constable @stormn06, and approved the $15,000 donation @wefundtheblue made. I’ve included a list from the Constables office of how that $15k will be spent. ]

It always makes me laugh when I hear these guys drawing on the "America" thing as handy reasoning for all that they do, as if their idea/image of America is the only one. We're an immigrant country and everybody's got their definition of what this country is and isn't.

We still don't know exactly why Rourke and his outfit picked Esquivel, a constable we been told is a Republican, although not quite in the same image as Rourke.

No other constable got a dime.

But that's how you groom and divide, isn't it?

In any case, Rourke also posted a chart indicating where the money would go (in spending). So much for Constable Esquivel having any brains to draft his own list. This is a donation in name only. Rourke and his dudes are out, it appears, to arm the office. A nondescript constable's office? Well, yes.

The chart:

 A neat gun rack, too, it seems. $3,035 for it. How many guns can it hold? More than you're used to seeing in pickup gun racks. And a $2,195 McGruff costume for comic relief, we suppose. Oh, and an M-4 rifle, along with what is listed as Mossburg shotguns.

Does Constable Esquivel play McGruff in this silly B-movie?

Could be...Is this America or what?!...



  1. That is odd. Why would he only pick one constable?

    1. The one they picked is a Brown Republican. LOL


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