Tuesday, September 26, 2023

GOVT. SHUTDOWN: ...Skittish Border Officials Worried...As Are Federal Employees...



McALLEN, Texas | The end of the month will bring a load of headaches and problems for many Americans if Congress does not approve a spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. Federal employees - some four million - stand to go without paychecks, including military troops and the U.S. Border Patrol.

Agents will remain at work but will not be paid until the issue is resolved.

All will be paid retroactively once the legislation is passed.

But some border towns are feeling the migrant-crossing pinch already. This from Time magazine: [ With the threat of a U.S. government shutdown looming at the end of the month, local officials in border towns are worried that staff shortages among federal workers would make it harder to stop criminal activity and process an influx of migrants.

Victor Treviño, the mayor of Laredo, foresees a "catastrophic situation" if House Republicans are unable to agree on a spending plan. 

"It's totally different than the rest of the country. We're at the border," Treviño says. "Three to four days will throw everything off scale, it'll cause devastation." If the shutdown occurs, he says he’s prepared to declare a state of emergency.

Calls for increased border security have intensified this week after a recent surge in migration near the southern border overwhelmed already-crowded facilities and temporarily closed an international bridge, placing border security in the spotlight as Republicans in Congress hope to link controversial border measures with the government’s spending plan.

As the Sept. 30 spending deadline approaches, a government shutdown is increasingly likely. Congress is yet to pass any of the 12 appropriations bills that need to be signed into law to keep the government running as House Republicans remain divided over top-line spending levels and various policy concessions. ]

There has been no comment from Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, a Republican, about this, but we do expect him to again blast the Biden Administration as soon as he does.

Some things in politics are quite predictable...



  1. No paychecks? Wow. Not for me.

  2. Republicans don't care about the people. It's all about dinging Democrats and making Biden look bad. Love this blog.

  3. Cool boat in top photo. Nice job if you can get it.

    1. Pay for BP agents is between $43,000 and $141,000, depending on experience and rank. Do it!

  4. Abbott knows it's his Republicans holding up the spending bill. He never rags on them.

  5. Republicans are to blame. fact

  6. Do you need a college degree for those jobs?

    1. It's tough to get in. Good luck.

    2. you have to be at least 5'8" tall and weigh at least 140 lbs. And you have to be under age 40 when hired. Military vets get waivers.


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