Monday, September 18, 2023

DEPARTMENT OF CASH DONATIONS:... Co. Judge Trevino Says, "Hold On."...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | There was one of those always intriguing continuations of the slam jobs on Cameron County Judge Eddie Trevino the other day on former County Judge Carlos Cascos's Facebook page. The comments some of his followers submitted to a post about Trevino were not new, or novel, or even interesting.

It was the usual all-alarm attack on Trevino, and not the first in Brownsville's social media.

Criticism aimed at a politician belongs in our discourse these days. Drop some anger on that public servant just because, goes the line. We have no problem with that, only we do when the attack seems wrong on most counts and unnecessary.

At issue was a $15,000 contribution offered to Precinct 1 Constable Norman Esquivel. No, it didn't come from the Girl Scouts Cookies organization; it was from a Republican political action group led by someone named John Rourke.

It seems Rourke, shown in photo below, approached the Cameron County Commissioner's Court recently to ask that it okay the contribution, and to do it publicly and posthaste.

County Judge Eddie Trevino, a Democrat, said in so many words, "Uh, no."

Rourke then went public with his anger and disappointment, taking Trevino to task for some sort of disrespect he felt he got from the county judge. Soon, Rourke was on the far-right cable talk shows blasting Trevino. Trevino said no more, other than the contribution would be approved or disapproved after further review.

On the Facebook discussion entertained by Carlos Cascos, the verbiage went to how Trevino could deny such a generous offer.

We chimed in with a few questions about the contribution and the group behind, asking also why only Constable Esquivel was being singled out as the lone recipient. Initially, we noted that Esquivel is a Republican, only that is somewhat up in the air.

We further said it was a good decision by Trevino to not approve the donation immediately. We noted the fact that Rourke is aligned with Donald J. Trump, so that, for Democrat Trevino, was something to throw into the equation and think about.

"I don't think the issue was so much the $$, but more the treatment, disrespect of the constable & the politicizing of the event," Cascos, the former county judge, threw in. "Stating the flyer mentioned Bidens name when in fact it did not, he made it political. That's the way I saw it."

Disrespect, I did not see.

Yes, Trevino was likely not happy at seeing Rourke show up. And, as is his wont, he reacted pretty much as he always does at anything he does not like. That's all politicians, however. Cascos did note that he faced criticism while serving as Texas Secretary of State and always dealt with it civilly and with respect.

That's Cascos.

That's not Eddie Trevino.

As for the out-of-the-blue donation, we wonder what Rourke and his Republican pals would do if a Brownsville Mexican showed-up at a county government meeting in Florida and ask that a bag of cash be okayed for one of their own deputies.

The response would likely be: Cat-quick, wild-eyed insinuation that the benevolent Mexican was a member of the Drug Cartels out to buy local influence.

You know it. And I know it...



  1. i agree with Mr. Trevino on this one, although not always. he can be rude.

  2. It is not uncommon for county departments to receive earmarked donations. The protocol is to accept it, deposit it in the county's general fund, then appropriated to the intended department. In this particular case, an earmarked donation was provided to a specific department in exchange for the work that was spearheaded by that dept head. Trevino stated that the flyer mentioned Biden. It did not, so he was either misinformed or outright lied about it. It was much to do about nothing. The contribution was made, should have been routinely accepted & a thank you to the donator. Pretty simple.

    1. I'm just stopped on my tracks by the "why" in this. What motivated these people to come here and drop $15,000 on one constable? I don't for one second believe they were doing it for nothing. Maybe it isn't thanks they were after so much as making a Democrat look bad. I'm not a fan of County Judge Eddie Trevino's way of serving the public, but he was right on this one. The moneychanger arriving at the county's doorstep was a political operative. There is no other way to see these people, not these days. Not all "donations" are equal - you have to consider the source...

    2. Most donations come for a reason...acknowledgment, advertisement whatever...they always have some this case, it drew more attention than it should had. Had the donations been acknowledged, this would not have made any least thats how I see it....

      No one said a peep.

    4. I'm not arguing your position, per se. I'm just wondering a whole Hell of a lot about this guy Rourke's motive, as we should. I know I would also be free to donate $5,000 or so to my favorite constable, only would I just donate it or make it a "Look at me!" show at a commissioner's court meeting? Had the Rourke $15,000 donation been acknowledged, Rourke would have completed his political mission. Btw, I'd feel a bit differently if it had been a known local making the donation...

    5. there you go.....we would welcome a

    6. As for the Arnold Schwarzenegger donation, did he show up here and make a scene? Did he go on TV talk shows to note his benevolence or characterize the reception it got? NO! He made it and went about his business. This guy MAGA John Rourke is no Arnold Schwarzenegger. He is a known political operative, a meddler. You have to question the motives of such people. This time, the donation was for a constable, but what if he comes back tomorrow and hands bags of cash to all County Commissioners except County Judge Trevino? You could say Rourke merely wanted to embarrass the Democrat county judge...

    7. no..he zoomed in...point is he made a $250K donation to the elections dept, it was accepted with no fan fare...all Im suggesting is that had it just been accepted, there wouldn't have been the unwarranted publicity....all the county commissioners are democrats, & none said a word. ...& knowing he was a political operative, why give it the attention? It wasn't that big a deal. Quien sabe.

    8. You still haven't addressed Rourke's quite-political motive. It was that. And, btw, did Constable Esquivel complain at the time? Has it yet? I keep my nose to this point: Why would a Far-Right dude like John Rourke do it, here and, apparently, in Laredo. (1.) to trash the border and (2) to score political points in a self-manipulated controversy. His low-rent game is obvious. Acceptance of his "disrespected" complaint and nothing else is damned naive. We live in Political Times. The other county commissioners said nothing because they agreed with County Judge Trevino. You think? Methinks yes...

  3. They're coming here from Florida to hand out money? There has to be something in it for them. But Republicans are always out to screw people. jmho

  4. If the donor was a Republican, then the co judge was right to question it. why not question it? I would.

    1. Everything is Republican or Democrat today. Why can't they work together and not as rivals?

  5. Although the mention of President Biden wasn’t mention on the flyer, it was posted to the constables official Facebook page. “… shine the light on the failures of the Biden Administration.” The Constable made it political.


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