Monday, September 4, 2023

DER BORDER WALL: - Mexico Installs Piece of The Berlin Wall At U.S. Border...



McALLEN, Texas | A few days back, we made mention that Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's next move against the influx of migrants across the Rio Grande might include buying the Berlin Wall for erection along the state's border with Mexico.

Well, Mexico did it first.

This from The Associated Press: [ As the U.S. government built its latest stretch of border wall, Mexico made a statement of its own by laying remains of the Berlin Wall a few steps away in Tijuana. The 3-ton pockmarked, gray concrete slab sits between a bullring, a lighthouse and the border wall, which extends into the Pacific Ocean.

"May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges," reads the inscription below the towering Cold War relic, attributed to Tijuana Mayor Montserrat Caballero and titled, "A World Without Walls."

For Caballero, like many of Tijuana’s 2 million residents, the U.S. wall is personal and political, a part of the city’s fabric and a fact of life. She considers herself a migrant, having moved from the southern Mexico city of Oaxaca when she was 2 with her mother, who fled "the vicious cycle of poverty, physical abuse and illiteracy."

The installation opened Aug. 13 at a ceremony with Caballero and Marcelo Ebrard, Mexico’s former foreign secretary who is now a leading presidential candidate. ]

Apparently, the fabled and hated Berlin Wall separating East from West Germany, has been sold in pieces, to collectors, business owners and foreign countries. As something to breed conversation, it is being said.

Well, that ugly fence can now be said to be part of America's Border Wall fiasco, even if it is on the Mexican side.

We keep wondering what Republican Gov. Abbott will do next, now that his buoys and razor wire fencing have been a dismal failure.

Will he place a bid for sections of the Great Wall of China?

Hey, Abbott's acting as if anything and everything is on the table to stop the massive migrant invasion that isn't even an invasion...



  1. LOL. Abbott must be going nuts at hearing about this.

  2. I think it's hilarious. Mexico's sense of humor, however, is unmatched...

  3. Hopefully we'll get a piece of it down here in the RGV. Hey, did you know that Berlin has some spectacular taco joints? Really!!!

    1. Yes! I read a story in the NY Times about tacos being a sensation in Berlin. Eateries owned and run by Mexicans, it went on...


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