Tuesday, September 5, 2023

TACO TUESDAY:...Bellying Up To The Salad Bar...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | What does it take for a friend to block you on Facebook? We're hip to the roiling of the abdominal gases, but we were rather surprised when the age-old blogger Jerry McHale pushed us off his FB page after we left a smarmy comment about the dude you see in that photo above.

His name is Abel somebody, an obscure constable somewhere within the bottomless abyss of Cameron County constables. (Editor's Note: In earlier version of this post, we had him in Port Isabel and not in Brownsville; a keen-eyed reader corrected us.)

Anyway, El Jerry had posted the photo with the caption that said Abel was "seeking reelection". We amended that to say Abel should be "seeking weight reduction" and there we went, quickly shunned aside over that little nothing.

Later, in a text message, El Jerry sent us an explanation, of sorts: He said we were "undermining" his agenda.  

We deduced that Abelardo was paying For-Hire Blogger McHale to post good news and things about him, like that he'd soon be up for National Constable of The Decade. The amended caption we wrote perhaps sent Abel on some Border Tizzy of the sort only minor politicians can ever comprehend. You think?

I know. Who cares?

But it quickly became a prime candidate for Taco Tuesday, our weekly feature to do with the minutiae of "Life In This Rio Grande Valley".

We would have loved to be able to tell you who Abel's opponent is in his reelection, but we passed on wasting our time looking for that info online. We'll keep tabs on El Jerry's voltaic blog. Sooner, rather than later, he'll identify Abel's nemesis and start bashing him. Then we'll know.

Yes, the cheap drill we've known for all these Blog Years around here. Ho Hum, indeed.


What's the latest from New Republican Laura E, Cisneros? Anything? She threw herself whole-hog into the upcoming 34th Congressional District 2024 race and then...vanished. We have spent some time looking around for any and all info that may have come from her camp (does she even have a camp?). Nothing. Like the Big Nada.

Miss Cisneros was a Democrat only a few weeks back.

But now she's with the party out to bring a revolution to our streets, to our schools, to our border, to our colleges (watch out TSC!), to our elections, to our damned way of living. I know. It's a helluva reach for this woman, who is reportedly an oncologist (one who diagnoses and treats tumors, cancerous too)

I dunno. I look at her and I see a woman more the image of someone good at baking pies.

Politics? Never in a million years would I have guessed that Laura E. Cisneros knew much about our Congress. Quick, Laura, how many members in the House of Representatives?



Any news on Brownsville's Eternal Promise of building shelters for poor passengers along its many bus routes?


Okay. Bus shelters, like the notorious Border Wall, remain nothing more than a political wedge issue in town, one always there to be pulled out of the hat by chortling-behind-the-scene bloggers and all those Bozos at City Hall.

Meanwhile, the sun blisters, the air-conditioned buses roll, and the poor riders perspire like Pachuco-beaten dogs...


Former City Commissioner Ben Neece has not said one word about rumors he is about to make a trek up the local 10-foot-tall educational mountain and seek a seat on the fan-cooled Texas Southmost College Board of Trustees. To bring you facts, we checked with both the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame and the Texas Bar.

Nothing there.

There was a spark of sorts when another Brownsville blogger blogging from (get this!) cornpone Iowa posted something about TSC board power Tony Zavaleta about to "kick ass," so we surmised that Tony was moving campus earth and speed bumps to bring Ben aboard as easily and with as little effort as possible.

You know, like how he got Delia Saenz on the Board.


Come on, Ben. As a local celebrity, you're bigger than Tony!...


Boy, we could go on and on and on and on with Taco Tuesday material. But we're late for breakfast at my favorite restaurant, so we'll clip it here.

Tune in next Tuesday when you'll hear All-World Constable Abel rag us for bringing up that McHale Blog dust-up, which really wasn't about some miles-wide dust devil but about some Valley dude looking too chubby for a law enforcement uniform.

We're forever critical, but that's what Taco Tuesday is about here at The Sun.

Keep on chooglin'...



  1. Wow! Love it. We need to shame some of our own people especially our public servants. You do it well.

  2. Most of our cops are fat overweight dudes. I see them up and down the valley. Why deny it?

    1. I'd tend to agree with you, although the only fat cops I see in McAllen are the motorcycle guys. It would be a hoot to compare RGV police departments not by the work they do but by the girth on the force...

  3. Mr Paz, your the goodest blogger we have. Dont take nothing serious from the old man. People critic what they dont understand. Can you find out about the light bill? Mine is over 300. Thanks

    1. I did, Jim. Your light bill is monthly at the trailer park...

  4. Abel Gomez is considered a good guy.

  5. Laura Cisneros is using the come-from-behind victory model. She just looks bored.

    1. Hers is the essence of the "Longshot" candidacy. There is nothing in her background to indicate she's anywhere near ready for this sort of position. But then, we could've said the same thing about Mayra Flores in 2022. Newbies in politics have it tough. Can she do anything to set herself apart. I mean, in a positive way. She already has too many negatives...

  6. Constables are like nurses. They are second bananas.

  7. Laura Cisneros will drop out. 100 pesos says she will!


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