Friday, August 18, 2023

Woman Wears Strange Taco Salad Dress...Who Is She?...



McALLEN, Texas | I know, I know. Fashion in the Rio Grande Valley has no father or mother, it's all a loose-knit family of 12 with different fathers. Shake the plastic mannequins at the mall? Well, you can, but always - always - expect Valleyites in clothing that will absolutely blind you.

Like the woman above, who mistook Whataburger Wednesday for Taco Tuesday.

Who is she?

And why would she wear that out in public? We're led to believe that she is a public official down here, but you could put a slingshot to our head, ask us if we know who she is, and we'd fold.

Perhaps one of our readers will tell us.

We're okay with our female politicians wearing blue jeans and cowboy boots. That's Texas. At times, with the right female, it is even sexy. But that dress in the photo above - my, my! Made in 1955 Matamoros?

And me being a Grubhub dude, well, my order at Taco Palenque is already in for today's lunch. Local visuals, the scenery, we mean, do influence us more often than not when looking to dine somewhere. my friend Laura told me she saw a VW Beetle in harvest-brown color and decided on a double-meat at Burger King for her lunch.

Is there rhyme or reason here, to what people opt to wear on any given day?

No, is the initial answer.

Maybe, would say a shrink or two. Mood does the choosing when a woman stands in her expansive closet. What to pick does not necessarily hinge on a looksee out the window.

We have no way of knowing why the woman in the Taco salad dress decided to buy it, or, worse yet, to wear it! And there's a very good chance we'll never have answers for those questions, my friends. Perhaps a Brownsville blog will chase that story.

The Taco salad dress, we're told, was worn to an official public service function.

Wardrobe up!...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...Some days, we're a bit snarkier than on others. Know this - It all evens out...]

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