Thursday, August 24, 2023

Vivek Wins, DeSantis Chokes and Trump Booked In Jail...



McALLEN, Texas | Well, that would be wild. I mean the Prime Minister of England - Rishi Sunak - is of Indian descent. Yeah, what if Vivek Ramswamy shocked the universe and won the American presidency in 2024?

Hello, tandoori chicken!

It's a bit farfetched, I know. But the world spins on an axis that every so often changes, so...

Anyway, it appears that 37-year-old Ramaswamy had a very good night at yesterday's Republican Party debate in Wisconsin (see graphic above. click on it to enlarge.). He clearly won the debate? Could be. Candidate Nikki Haley, who schooled Vivek a time or two on his lack of experience during the show, might disagree.

Anyway, here's what posted: [ Biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy won the first Republican 2024 debate on Wednesday evening, according to an exclusive poll for, narrowly beating out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (shown in photo at left). He put up a combative performance, trading blows with opponents such as former Veep Mike Pence who seemed intent on cutting him down to size. It made him the focal point for much of the debate. That was enough for 28 percent of respondents to say that he had the best night, pipping DeSantis who won the approval of 27 percent. ]

American polling had various results, but a slew of media outlets were pouring additional shine on Ramaswamy, perhaps the most emotional debater on stage. He looked raw as a politician and at times looked as if he thought he was at a high school debate, his smiling a bit over the top.

But he did way better than dour-face Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who never rose above mediocrity in appearance and words. His answers were thick, often wordy and a certain awkwardness emanated from his persona. He's toast.

Ah, but today is the day Donald J. Trump, the dude not at the debate, turns himself into the Fulton County Jail in Atlanta. Arraignment day for the cat that tried that Coup d' Etat on the good Ol' USA. That'll charge the news wires. Somebody tell him he's in for much more than he imagines.

Oh, and something tells me Trump will be at the next debate.

He's an attention-needy soul and there won't be much going on by then - not like this week...



  1. That guy was not Barack Obama? Man, he looked too much like him. Brought back memories for me. I agree that he won't win.

  2. Obama was 47 when he won the presidency in 2008. Vivek Ramaswamy is 10 years younger - 37...

  3. That guy is sharp, but not ready for president. He should run for the senate in his state first. Good speaker, tho.

  4. There is no question about his intelligence. He attended Harvard and Yale, plus Yale Law School...

  5. He's just too green. Amateurish. Maybe next round for this guy in 2028.


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