Thursday, August 24, 2023

Day Of The Booking...Indicted Trump In Georgia...



McALLEN, Texas | Is this your day? I mean for sheer happiness? You know, Donald J. Trump being booked into Fulton County Jail on all those charges of trying to overturn the 2020 presidential election he lost to Democrat Joe Biden?

This afternoon, he will be arrested, finger-printed and stood upright for a mug shot of the sort reserved for criminals. Is that your simplest definition of karma, or what?

We offer this blurb from and a pictorial of the doings outside the Atlanta, Georgia jail: [ Donald John Trump is set to surrender to authorities at the Fulton County Jail today to face charges that he engineered a vast conspiracy with 18 allies to overturn his 2020 election defeat in Georgia.

The former commander-in-chief announced his intentions in a social media post, saying he would arrive in Atlanta in the afternoon to “proudly” be arrested on the 41-count indictment. He plans to arrive on the eve of a Friday deadline set by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, whose investigation stretched for more than two years and involved a special grand jury.

The media presence outside the jail has been growing all week. ]







  1. Love it. Someone should have driven Trump to the jail in a White Ford Bronco. get it?

  2. Trump just thinks he can do and say anything, regardless of the law. Poor guy is going to learn his lesson. Jail for sure.

  3. He's staying with it until someone stops him. Up to now, no one and nothing has...

  4. he'll be abandoned by MAGA after he loses the 2024 election. Old dude will fade away. JMHO

  5. It's just a shame that Trump plays with our justice system. He should have been jailed long ago.

  6. Actually, courts are pretty slow. Federal courts are even slower. But it all comes around eventually. Trump will have his day in court. You can count on that, reader...


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