Tuesday, August 29, 2023

TAMPA:...Hurricane Idalia About To Slam Florida...



McALLEN, Texas | Geez, Louise. It was only last September 28th that Hurricane Ian raked its killer 150-miles-per-hour winds full-across central Florida, cutting northeast from Tampa to Lee County off the Atlantic Coast. In all, 144 Floridians died during that hurricane.

This one, say the weatherboys, will also be a monster.

And already, the state led by flaky Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis is battening up the hatches and stocking up on essentials such as water, paper products, ice and perhaps even beer.

This comment from a local about that from tampatimes.com: [ "People are worried. This is unusual, even for a hurricane," said cashier Tina Hayes, 57. Some might be more concerned because of Hurricane Ian’s destruction last year, she said. ]

DeSantis earned a bit of silly criticism after Hurricane Ian from Palm Beach resident Donald J. Trump, who noted DeSantis had lapped-up to President Joe Biden (Democrat) perhaps a bit too much when asking for post-hurricane federal aid, which he got.

This time, presidential candidate DeSantis quickly left the campaign trail in Iowa as this hurricane set its sights on defenseless Floridians, a favorite target of these meteorological bastards.

Hurricane Idalia is set to make landfall tomorrow morning, Wednesday.

I do love that name, yes...



  1. They're right in the middle of hurricane alley, just like our north Texas and tornados. May God save them.

  2. For all you who don't know...here is the GOOD NEWS the MSM does not want to give you! This part of Florida is the BEST POSSIBLE PLACE to have any Hurricane Land especially in Florida. It is the least populated and best suited for storm surge. The risk to life and property will be absolutely minimal compared to almost ANY other landfall area on the USA Gulf or Atlantic Coast. So time to quit the panic: anyone who know Hurricanes are not too worried about this one.

  3. Florida is a magnet for hurricanes. No surprise it's getting walloped again. Thanks for the update.

  4. Mother Nature has it in for the Red States, is what I say. Tornadoes in Texas and the South, flooding in the Midwest and 'canes in Florida. There's a pattern there, yes...


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