Wednesday, August 30, 2023

MAYRA:...That Photo With The Bishop...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Has she been back? Back to visit with Bishop Daniel Flores. The photo you see above is one taken a few months ago, when Republican and 34th Congressional District candidate Mayra Flores was hot, as in front-center in national news.

We always wondered what their conversation consisted of, whether it was a roundhouse chat on all-things-religion or just on the hot-button issue of abortion.

Bishop Flores, head of the Brownsville Diocese, is pro-life, of course.

Mayra Flores, daughter of San Benito by way of Tamaulipas, Mexico, is anti-abortion, so the conversation had to be a pleasant one for both of these homo sapiens.

We tried to get at the bottom of this presumed symbiotic relationship, but were walled back from any direct answer from her camp when Miss Flores blocked all access to her Facebook and other social media accounts. We are persona non grata to the respiratory technician now living in bucolic Los Indios. Oh, well.

And then it hit us that this photo may also have been taken after she won the congressional seat once owned by local favorite son Fil Vela back last summer. Could be, we were told without any sense of definitiveness.

Miss Flores, of course, lost the important race against better-funded and better-educated Democrat Vicente Gonzalez last November.

If she hit up on Bishop Flores after winning the Special Election (and serving a brief six months), well, what could have brought her to his manger? Was she seeking advice (talking points from the cloth) on how to speak to the abortion issue up in Washington, D.C.? Was she interested in carrying news that her district in Deep South Texas was chock-full of anti-abortion Mexicans and Mexican-Americans?

Who knows?

By the way, Mayra Flores isn't saying much these days. She's actually quieted down. At least, publicly, although we're sure her Facebook page and her Twitter (now X) are full of the usual FOX News tripe. You know her cheap spiel: open borders, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's age, pro-gun psalms, the entire Republican Party platform stuff, in other words.

Has she said anything about Congressman Gonzalez?

Oh, for sure. She has him dead-center in her ledger notes of must-do daily utterances.

All that, yes.

We still wonder if she's stayed in touch with Bishop Flores. That's an intriguing friendship, I must say.

And, yeah, what ever happened to religion staying out of our national politics? What a crock, eh? The two are likethis these days. Thisclose!

In any case, I like that photograph. Look at it atop this post. What is Bishop Flores saying to her at the moment the photo was taken?

"I'm gonna need you to lay some Uncle Sam cash on me, child," that's what he's saying...



  1. Whoa! Biting stuff there. But I like it. More more more.

  2. We expect Mayra Flores to get excited all over again as the next election gets closer. She wants Congressman Vicente Gonzlez's post. But her fake Republican act is old and has tired...

  3. The Catholic church got billions in Covid-19 federal aid. What did they do with the cash?


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