Sunday, August 20, 2023

SUN STORIES:..."This One Was Not The Jealous Type"...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Jerry McLain went for it. Love had taken a nasty turn and he'd been alone for now going on six long years. Wife Valeria had passed on and three younger girlfriends that followed had only wanted his money.

What the Hell to do?

A friend at work turned him to a glossy Asian magazine featuring Ads for sophisticated rubber dolls. Jerry was intrigued by how realistic they looked and was further spurred by the manner in which they were portrayed in numerous sexy photographs. He had the ready cash.

The online Ad offered various models, some skinny, some full-bodied, ranging in price from $499 to a bit over a grand-five. He had liked the one set in the alluring sleeping-alongside-me pose.

South Texas nights once full of partying and laughter had grown lonelier, depressing and unrelenting in their awful mood. One day, after watching a football game between Notre Dame and Sacramento State on TV, he went online and quickly ordered the Sleeper Babe for almost $950, with a hefty overseas shipping fee.

He'd never been with non-white women and was suddenly entranced by the natural beauty of the Japanese women. Such calmed daintiness about them, their silky white legs and breasts as tantalizing as a generous slice of pineapple upside down cake on a cold, winter's night.

That first night after he'd unboxed the doll, anxious Jerry went to bed early. First, he wanted to know if things would change. A full year of being celibate was wearing thin.

Shortly after midnight as a wicked thunderstorm roared through town, he found himself reaching for her in a very marital way...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:..."Sun Stories" is a feature we generally offer only on weekends...]


  1. El Jerry, but not El Jerry. you have a way with words, Mr Editor. I have been reading your blog for a few weeks now and I am impressed. Keep it up, sir!

  2. This story is from our Fiction Desk. Any similarity to actual living individuals is strictly coincidental...


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