Friday, September 1, 2023

BROWNSVILLE:...Cascos Out Of 34th Cong. District Brawl...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | It's a "No go" for Carlos Cascos in that much-anticipated down-to-the-mat brawl with fellow Republican Mayra Flores. The former Cameron County Judge and ex-Texas Secretary of State has decided this fight's not for him.

In a note to The McAllen Sun, Mr. Cascos said this: "I've decided to sit this one out. Thank you to those with words of encouragement. I will be supporting those candidates that I believe will best represent our community while providing viable & sustainable platforms focusing on sound public policy. Stay well all."

It was not that big of a surprise.

This far out from the 2024 election, well, you'd really have to have wanted it.

It's a disappointment for us, because we feel Mayra Flores would have been put to a test she has not faced before in in-house competition.

Looks like incumbent Democrat Vicente Gonzalez vs. Mayra Flores in that 34th Congressional District contest one more time...


Our reply to Mr. Cascos: . . .I really believe you would have tested Mayra's mettle. That would have been good for voters. Her behavior in any sort of give & take with you would have been key. Against Democrat Vicente Gonzalez, she will be the usual hothead Mayra Flores - a repeat of that cheap 2022 act that raised eyebrows but never threatened Vicente... 



  1. Politics is a mud fight, man. Don't blame him. Vicente will win again. Mayra is just a wannabe.

  2. Cascos has a base in Cameron County. Wonder why he decided not to run against Gonzalez.

    1. Democrats will not lose this one easily. Gonzalez will get the funding he needs from the Democratic National Committee (DNC). And I suspect that the RNC (Republicans) have settled on Mayra Flores, since they pushed her to announce some two months ago!...

  3. Never met Cascos but he seems to be a level-headed guy. He was I am told an effective county judge.

  4. There was that question about him leaving the county judge after Abbott named him secretary of state. It didn't sit well with me, but maybe I would have done the same thing and taken it.

  5. I would have gone for it. what the hell.

  6. It's clear sailing for Mayra Flores now. Who's left to oppose her? I have no other names at the tip of my tongue.

    1. Don't be so sure about that. There is Mauro Garza. If he stays the course, he could be a good challenger for Mayra--she has already shown signs of pro-choice and clearly supported gun control. That's a shot in the foot.

  7. Mayra will win her primary election easily. And then she will lose to Vicente Gonzalez again. She should run for dogcatcher of her hometown. Where does she live anyway?


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