Thursday, August 31, 2023

TRUMP:...Georgia Trial To be Televised...



McALLEN, Texas | Get your Coke and microwave popcorn ready. And plan on settling into the couch for a few days, weeks maybe. Donald J. Trump's trial is on the horizon and the presiding judge says it'll be televised. Whoa, Nelly!

Are you ready?


Not since the Trial of O.J. Simpson captivated America has a trial been this anticipated. Trump on the stick. There in court. Fighting like a sumbitch to stay out of prison.

This from [ . . .Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee has confirmed that Trump's Georgia felony trial will be streamed via the county court's YouTube channel and that a press pool will be arranged, allowing the trial to be televised. That news comes to us via The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

Each of the 19 indicted defendants’ trials will be televised, in fact; current legal wrangling has yet to determine which of the defendants will have their trials split off from Trump's, but a number of his co-defendants have already broken with Trump to request that their own trials happen much, much sooner than Trump's current (non-indicted) lawyers are pushing for. Attorney Kenneth Chesebro was the first to request a speedy trial, receiving an Oct. 23 trial date from Judge McAfee. Trump's trial is currently scheduled for next March. ]

Right about March Madness time, eh?


Or, as one Rick Perry might say about here, "Bring it."

There has been no response to this from Trump or his lawyers, but a judge's ruling on matters such as this one usually stands.

And, who knows, maybe Trump will even take the stand. We say that knowing that he seems to blow it every chance he gets with the legal system.

Anyway, it should be for good television during our cooler days...



  1. Botana plate! Grilled fajitas while they grill this Mofo.

  2. I say put Melania Trump on the stand. She knows all the secrets. Subpoena her ass.

  3. O.J. was innocent, tho. Let's not forget that.

  4. Damn straight OJ was innocent! Jury said so.


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