Saturday, July 15, 2023

RFK Jr's Campaign Gets Cash From Brit Clapton...Uh, No...



McALLEN, Texas | British guitarist Eric Clapton should be getting his cash back any day now. The former frontman for the band Cream tried to sneak a $5,000 contribution to troubled Robert F. Kennedy Jr's presidential campaign.

It was flagged as being a bit much and illegal.

This from a report at [ Clapton attempted to make a donation supporting Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s U.S. presidential run but the campaign refunded his contribution, which "went way over the legal limit."

The three-time Rock & Roll Hall of Fame inductee seemingly tried to give Kennedy, the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorist shown in photo at right, $5,000 for his Democratic White House bid before the donation was flagged for a "Refund in subsequent period," according to a federal election filing.

The amount conflicts with federal campaign finance laws that cap contributions from individuals at $3,300 in a primary or general election.

Campaigns are also barred from accepting donations from foreign nationals. ]

Kennedy's campaign is not gaining traction. It also has drawn way too much support from Republicans for him to ever get the credibility he needs with voters. Plus, he has said he admires Donald J. Trump, who just may be the Republican Party's 2024 nominee.

As national campaigns go, Kennedy's is a loser...


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