Saturday, July 15, 2023

With Mayra, It's Always What She Doesn't Say...



McALLEN, Texas | It didn't take long for nouveau Republican Mayra Flores to damn her upcoming opponent as one being against funding the military. That's to be expected in our ever-ragged partisan political cesspool.

But, again, Mayra stopped short of providing the full facts. That would have negated her comment altogether, only she's not interested in honesty. All she wants to do is win, win at any cost.

This is what she posted on her heavily-religious Facebook page: [ Today extreme Democrat Vicente Gonzalez voted against the National Defense Authorization Act, going on record to block funding for the United States military and a pay raise for our troops.

Funding our military and giving our troops a pay raise shouldn’t be political. ]

What she left out was this - the Bill was approved in the Republican-controlled House of Representatives. It will FAIL in the U.S. Senate.

But cheap is cheap, and, sadly, that's where Mayra goes at every opportunity. We've said she has a grand shot at being someone special, what with her cool Mexico background, only she would rather allow wedgie-addled GOP bigwigs to "handle" her than to be her genuine self.

Gonzalez fully supports the military, but he was not going to vote for a bill chock-full of anti-LGBTQ crap, as offered by racist/bigoted Republicans.

Being half-right is being half-wrong, Mayra...


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