Thursday, July 13, 2023

Mayor On A Roll...



McALLEN, Texas | Gregarious Mayor Javier Villalobos is still after Mexico's lucrative business connections. Fresh off trips to coastal Tampico and the Monterrey suburb of Guadalupe, he recently set his eyes on nearby Reynosa. He is shown at left at confab photo above.

Notes Villalobos via his Facebook page: [ Governor of Tamaulipas Americo Villarreal and Mayor Carlos Peña, working in conjunction with our area and Index Reynosa for the betterment of our region.   Together we are much stronger. ]

The 53-year-old, pro-international trade mayor has been steadfast in his belief that the regional economy includes northern Mexico, not solely South Texas. McAllen, perhaps more than any other Rio Grande Valley city or town, has been mining potential business south of the border.

Villalobos, a Republican, was elected earlier this year and, frankly, has been on a business-seeking tear.

The City of Palms has drawn trade from Mexico historically. Its La Plaza Mall, the state's largest south of San Antonio, continues to attract well-heeled Mexican shoppers to its many high-dollar stores. The trade spreads itself across town, to restaurants and hotels, aiding the city's tax revenue coffers.

Where the mayor will pop-up next is the mystery.

He seems to enjoy this part of his public service, but obviously is looking for positive results and not just photo opportunities.

And unlike other RGV mayors, he goes to meet Mexican leaders in their backyard and at their business gatherings, like this latest one. But we suspect that he also invites them to visit McAllen.

Commentary on his Facebook posts is generally positive, with some city residents also expressing gratitude for his efforts.

Somewhere in there is a primer for other RGV cities and towns.

Mexico seems to be interested these days...


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