Thursday, June 29, 2023

Dept. Of Personal Attacks...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | Pat Ahumada was setting things straight. Or so it seems. The former mayor of this ever-brawling border town came out of his air-conditioned world and let the sleepy community know he believes Lesbians, Gays, Bi-Sexuals, Transgenders and Queers (LGBTQ) are the ruin of civilization.

Ahumada was not kidding around; he was as angry as a flea market vendor told his stall has been leased to someone else.

The summer-hot issue in Brownsville is Gay Rights. And one of its biggest defenders these days is City Commissioner Roy De Los Santos. Ahumada, shown in file photo above, went after openly pro-Gay De Los Santos, issuing a vituperative attack on the commissioner. The jarring missive was initially published by drama-driven blogger Jerry McHale on Wednesday.

You can read anti-LGBTQ into it, or you can say, well, Ahumada's just attacking Roy De Los Santos and not Gays. In any case, it went like this:

[ What can you expect from a sicko like Roy de los Santos who promotes gender identity for kids and Wokeness. The FU goes to show his disdain for the majority of Brownsvillians. The power as he sees is his to give us the middle finger with the FU because of his hate and heterophobia as a man. Perhaps before his term is over he will transition to transgender, letting his true self out of the closet.

But, hopefully, voters will rise and give him the finger on his way out of office not because he is gay, but because he is mentally unhinged and a disgrace to represent the gay community who for generations sought to be accepted in society. This demented soul has used being gay to become a degenerate. Starting with Trey Mendez who opened the door to this perverted ideology, this commission continues on the path of degenerates.

Roy! Fix our streets! ]

Really, I can't remember another time in the glorious history of the ever-struggling Rio Grande Valley that a former mayor went so low. Ahumada always has been something of a crusading windmill beater as a politician, but everything he's said and done before pales against this classless slam job.

We hear his pain. Non-Gays don't get it. We boys like to believe that men are men and women are for men. Pat Ahumada is as macho as they come, so perhaps that's where this came from. It is not rare in our divided society, the angered quite willing to go public with the worst of their ruffled emotions.

Mr. De Los Santos did reply, and he did it in a civil, articulate manner. He is shown in black shirt in photo above.

Maybe that was because he most certainly knows that every single word he says will connect with his role at City Hall. Ahumada has been known to offer punchouts at the drop of a cross word (see an old report in McHale's blog where he writes about being challenged by Ahumada to duke it out inside a bar).

The world is a spinning mess these days. Pat Ahumada will survive his moment of utter ridiculousness. We say that perhaps because we at The Sun do allow for all sorts of Americans.

Ahumada may not.

That's the crux of the matter...


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