Sunday, June 9, 2024

KEEP THE CHANGE:...Hispanic Republican Mayra Flores Wants To Win The 34th Congressional District Seat...Could She Win It Without Being A Full-Blown, Trump-Kissing MAGA?...It's A Laidback South Texas District...We Say, "Yes, She Could"...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...As an experienced news journalist, you look at candidates for office and it doesn't take long to see what they have to offer and whether or not they'll go far. In many cases these days, the reporter's assessment is a tough one, as the bar has been so lowered as to no longer be seen above ground.

How do you properly gauge a loudmouth novice who is saying what is perceived as the right thing by his or her party leaders? Is volume now a must? Well, the ridiculous is selling in some quarters. In down-ballot races, it remains a task of appealing to your own people and not the Big Picture, national base.

With that in mind, we have been wondering how much it would affect 34th Congressional District candidate Mayra Flores, a relative newcomer to politics.

She's held hard to the troubled party's ". . .Elect Trump At Any Cost" platform, invoking her love of God, Country & Family as if to not do it would be to lose it in the first inning. That slogan does not differentiate her from 99% of the population, as Americans, indeed, have their faith, their loyalty to the land and, of course, love of wife, hubby, the kids and extended family.

We see no particular gain in that slogan.

So, she believes all that. Well, good for her; she's human and not some discount robotoid easily programmed to hand over her brain.

As we have said and written before, we see some positives in Miss Flores. She has mastered the art of outspokenness, which we wish for all Hispanic politicians. She seems driven to play the game, which is a plus for an immigrant who was born in hardscrabble BurgosMexico but grew up in the poverty-stricken Rio Grande Valley.

At times, she seems as genuine as a real diamond.

But it is her other side, one she has gladly adopted, that still bothers us. Mayra Flores has yet to be Mayra Flores, the original. To date, she continues to voluntarily play the harsh, often-racist MAGA card and its accompanying price; that of supporting convicted felon, racist, rapist, women fondler, adulterer Donald J. Trump.

That's a monster clash of values when compared to her upbringing.

Yet, there she is: All-Maga, All-The Time.

We could support her in this ongoing, clearly Quixotic campaign (she lost to Gonzalez by 11,000 votes in 2022) against deep-pockets, well-entrenched Democrat incumbent Vicente Gonzalez, who we see as a comfortable bureaucrat quick to quash critical commentary about his service for District 34 constituents.

But we are halted by her decision to stick to the national noise and not speak to issues and people who live down here along the Mexican Border, a constituency often characterized as forever struggling to put food on the table or a roof over their heads.

Mayra Flores is not talking about any of that. She keeps singing the same MAGA party refrain that actually goes nowhere down here. We say a photo op of her sitting in some area resident's living room would go far in overcoming her recent escapade of dining in eateries across the valley while saying she is doing it to support small businesses.

Screw small businesses!

Those here today, gone tomorrow capitalists all know what game they got into, and a congressperson's job is not to get them in the black.

Candidate Mayra Flores needs to humanize her cold-as-ice campaign by engaging, uh, PEOPLE!!!

And she can do it. But...

what's her message anyway? Hard to tell, even at this point. She offers herself in public settings and nothing on serious issues of the day. Nor does she express her position on policies she favors or disdains. Simply slamming the Democrat and waiting on the vote in November won't cut it, not after she lost by those 11,000 votes in 2022?

If only she got it out of her head that she needs MAGA. She really doesn't, not down here...



  1. Once more, don't be surprised if you get a "failed to publish" message after you submit your thoughts on our post. It's been working lately, but...

  2. No, sir. To my Rio Grande Valley people...let's go out and vote blue.

  3. I've never met Mayra, but I don't like what I'm hearing about her.

    1. She's running as a "white" person. Not getting my vote.

  4. "Beyond belief": Republican Clarence Thomas reveals that a GOP megadonor paid for his $500,000 Bali vacation

  5. Trump Needs to Serve Time or the Justice System Is Screwed

    1. Joe Biden's incredible experience and empathy saved us after a disaster!

  6. Man, it's impossible to make up an 11,000 vote loss. I've never heard of it happening.

  7. New Jersey businessman testifies he promised up to $250,000 in bribes for Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez's help

  8. Vicente is the, she's gotta take it away & give folks reasons to vote for her rather than Vicente. The political advisors she has may not be familiar with valley politics & that is a problem. At the end of the day, a specific platform & how she intends to fullfill it will be the key. What will she do to create build upon a business friendly climate, improve health care, jobs & educational opportunity, investments in infrastructure, beginning with addressing the drought & water issue, with more than penalizing Mexico, pragmatic solutions to immigration & border security, away from Biden & Mayorka bashing...specifically how, not political rhetoric. If elected, her first trip out of US should be to Mexico & begin to improve & strengthen that relationship. Its all about local politics & staying away from those polarizing issues that circle DC every day..IMHO.

    1. Interestingly, your words are the ones I've been waiting on from Mayra Flores. All on point, but she hasn't gone there. As you know, I've been following her campaign closely. Sadly, I've not seen anything "valley" about Mayra's effort. Her campaign manager - Jefferson Lines - is a guy from Dallas who contacted me 2 months ago and then never engaged when I asked a few things. And I suspect her overall campaign is being handled - and funded - by outsiders from up north. Mayra blocked me from Facebook about a month ago, perhaps after reading my stories here. Yesterday, Kristin Luckey, her director of public relations from Harlingen, deleted me on Facebook after befriending me a day earlier. That's petty stuff and the mark of amateurs. A pro takes the questions and the criticism and responds or takes action. It all has to bring laughs to Democrat Vicente Gonzalez. Thanks for your thoughtful comments, Mr. Secretary...

    2. Mayra is still a novice. She's not grown at all. Just another candidate out to yell and complain.

    3. She really has no formal education. A respiratory therapist? What about history, philosophy, political science, a learned view of the world? You base an entire campaign on your adoration of a loser, Trump? She gets no vote from me.

    4. mayra is running the wrong campaign for the valley.

  9. Convicted tax evader, adjudicated rapist, convicted defamer, convicted felon...among other things. No, this man Trump is disqualified to hold the highest office of the land.

    1. Trump is, and always has been, a flawed vessel to hold GOP hopes. Now the vessel is leaking like a sieve. And GOP hopes continue to drip downward.

  10. Voters in November need to be as wise as the New York jury.

  11. There are no traitor trump supporters in my family, we're all educated.

  12. He's a desperate criminal felon with armed secret service protection. How is that possible?

  13. More privilege: On Monday, newly convicted Donald Trump is scheduled to sit for an interview with a New York City probation officer. Trump will participate in the interview via Zoom from his home at Mar-a-Lago, which legal experts are saying is a bit outside the lines. (just jail him already)

  14. This is going to be some kind of a dance for Donald Trump. He can't show remorse because of his base and if he shows anger at the judge he's screwd.

    1. He doesn't have any remorse. Trump doesn't know the meaning of the word.

  15. Convicted felon Trump is absolutely crazy, and I wish people would open their eyes to witness the insanity that he is!

  16. President Joe Biden honors World War I soldiers, visits D-Day cemetery in France that Donald Trump skipped.

    1. They said it was raining and Trump didn't want to mess up his bird's nest hair.


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