Wednesday, May 1, 2024

WHEN WINNING IS LOSING:...Liberal American Politics...Again, We Tease Disaster...Veterans Lining Up Against Trump...He's All About The No-Good...



McALLEN, Texas |...Anyone remember George Wallace? Lyndon LaRouche? They were Trump before Trump became Trump. All three delivered crazed political campaigns out to draw gasps and damnation. Wallace was shot on the campaign trail. LaRouche was simply a wild man before his time.

They preached the White Story, one that has White people building this country and then not wishing to share it. History has so much more to add to this too-brief equation. But they didn't care. The time had come for White people to stand up and fight for their country.

Now it seems that was the precursor to what we have seen - and are seeing - in Republican presidential candidate Trump.

Time magazine is about to bring you a lengthy interview with Trump in which he bemoans the stet of White America.

Excerpts from the magazine, via [ On "anti-white racism" protections: "I think there is a definite anti-white feeling in this country, and that can't be allowed."

On disbanding the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy, established under President Biden: "I think I would. ... I think it sounds good politically, but I think it's a very expensive solution."

Time, in the cover story going on sale May 17, calls Trump's responses "the outlines of an imperial presidency that would reshape America and its role in the world."

Asked by the magazine about his statement on Fox News in December that he'd be a dictator just for Day 1 of his presidency, Trump said: "I think a lot of people like it." ]

I know. I know a lot of us have heard this before.

What I have not heard - or seen in reporting - is any credible threat to White America. Really? Where? No news reports saying a group of Whites were shot dead while dining on pot roast at Cracker Barrel. No news report of Whites voicing fear and loathing.

No news reports of any ethnic group ganging up on Whites.

What's Donald Trump talking about here? Well, "talk" is what it is. Fearmongering for votes. Saying the craziest of shit just to get noticed. It would be hard to not notice an orange-faced man, but Trump does it every day. Is it vanity, or is it insecurity?

He definitely has a need for attention.

If he wins, as Time magazine asks on its front cover, well, he wins.

This country may be in a world of bad breadth these days, but I say it would survive Trump, like it did between 2016 and 2020.

The United States will not be sunk by one man. Yes, he has his legion of weirdoes, but another power rules behind the scenes: money. Make of that what you will, but I'm sure you get my drift...



  1. Trump on political violence in 2024: "If we don't win, you know, it depends"

  2. His run for the presidency should end right now and it has nothing whatsoever to do with his own political position, persuasion, and thought because, if he thought he could make headway on his scheme to transform us into an autocracy (with himself as autocrat) as a Democrat, he would gladly switch and leave the Republican Party in the lurch.

  3. The RNC plans on having people go to polling places to make sure voting is done correctly. They cannot put their hands on ballots. They shouldn’t even be there. 60 courts some with republican judges that Trump placed said the 2020 election was not rigged. He is the one planning nefarious deeds.

  4. As for Trump's threats of violence, we remain confident that the USA has the military/law enforcement machinery to deal with those very quickly and efficiently.

  5. I'm so fed up with this sociopath getting special treatment. It's an absolute disgrace.

  6. Oh, Oh. A law firm that has long defended Donald Trump’s campaign and businesses from employment lawsuits has abruptly asked to withdraw from a yearslong case over what it calls an “irreparable breakdown in the attorney-client relationship.”

    1. Translation - "We have not been paid a dime for all our work and the client will not listen to the attorneys."

  7. A new abortion law goes into effect in Florida on Wednesday. It will sharply restrict the procedure after six weeks. Florida’s new law includes exceptions for rape, incest, fetal abnormalities and the life of the mother.

  8. Where's Mayra eating today? LOL

    1. She doesn't cook? Too good for that? LMAO

    2. Check her Facebook page tomorrow. ha ha ha

    3. Maybe Mayra will post photos of her outdoor grilling. Ja ja aja ja ja. I mean her own photos not some she steals off the Internet!!!

    4. No update on her Facebook page for lunch today. Maybe she had a pepperoni taco at home.

    5. Does Mayra think Grubhub is leftist? LOL!!!

    6. Everything is leftist to Mayra Flores - even right-turn-on-red!

    7. It appears she stopped by Rolling Smoke BBQ for a lunch meeting in San Benito. Mayra does not cook at home; she's a Republican now.

  9. Shutting Trump up is now a valid reason to vote for Biden. VOTE BLUE !

    1. The pressure is getting to him. His money and businesses are being taken from him. He is facing what could amount to a life sentence in prison. Trump is cracking up.

  10. Where can I find the best tacos in McAllen?

    1. House of Wine. Shrimp tacos: 3 for $27

  11. South Dakota Republican Gov. Kristi Noem: I bet she screamed “stop resisting!” Before killing the dog

    1. Her dog's name was "Cricket," Not quite "Killer".

  12. I want Trump to sit in that chair and deny under oath that he did not nail Stormy and Karen.

    1. Everything implicates Trump.

  13. Wants to so be like Putin. Republicans want a dictator

  14. I tell you something….if trump becomes president again… wow, there’s gonna be some carnage in the media. Vote blue like yours and my life depend on it.

  15. Why have they not removed Marjorie Taylor Green yet? She’s the one that’s causing so much chaos in her GOP party.

  16. If the judge says jail, trump goes and no one can stop that.

  17. Why does Time magazine put him on the cover? It just strokes his ego and gives him more credibility with his fans and people in doubt.

    1. Actually, it's a good interview. Trump soils himself.

  18. Many of former President Trump's supporters have no interest in his alleged criminal conduct, his policies, his philosophies or even his politics. They simply admire his hyper-macho patois and gangster emulation, and buy into his over-the-top tough-guy swagger.

    And yes, if Al Pacino’s "Scarface" were actually running in this election and embraced the right-wing talking points, he’d easily get 30% to 40% of the electorate.

    Or, God forbid, even more.


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