Friday, May 17, 2024

LABELED STOOGES:...Trump's Supporters Leave Job In Congress To Sit In NYC Courtroom...Blasted As Being Morons...Including Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, Who Didn't Attend Criminal Son's Recent Court Appearances...



McALLEN, Texas |...Well, it certainly was an American first. There, in a Lower Manhattan courtroom described as being dingy and in need of remodeling, a covey of Republican congresspeople and senators sat for long hours while their leader - one Donald J. Trump - saw and listened to his alleged crooked business dealings as if watching a cheap, Italian B-movie saga.

Send in the clowns, yes.

This while news reports also had it that U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Samuel Alito had at times flown the American flag upside down, said to be a protest move against the 2020 election Trump lost. We are on the precipice of a coast-to-coast joke gone wrong.  

And at a hearing in the House of Representatives, a few obvious facts crashed off the hallowed halls of a very old political chamber in the Capitol Building

". . . . What Republicans won't show you," New York Congressman Jerry Nadler said, "is the mounting evidence that Trump is mentally incompetent to hold the office of the president."

Nadler scoffed at Trump’s inexplicable praise at a recent rally of the fictional character Hannibal Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs."

". . . . 'The late, great Hannibal Lecter,'" Nadler quoted Trump. "I can't even begin to understand how Republicans have chosen this man as their champion. But they have. And now House Republicans are paying for it by flocking to the sidelines of his criminal trial, sacrificing their integrity to defend them against, frankly, indefensible acts."

Truer words are rarely spoken in the D.C.

But Republicans do not care. That also is a fact, cold and mineral as it is. These burning-grill MAGA people are hellbent on something they likely would eventually despise. Annoying pain sometimes turns into something more serious.

Republican Lauren Boebert of Western Colorado was one of those in attendance for Trump's latest day in court yesterday. What she may know about hush money payments to porn stars is a question we cannot answer.

But we do know that her son was arrested back in Rifle, Colorado and charged with burglary and a few other crimes associated with such things. Boebert's only comment about that was that the family was going through a litany of problems that also included her divorce from the kid's father.

Then she said getting her son a lawyer was problematic in that it was an expense she could not afford.

But there she was in New York, backing Trump. Talking loudly when addressing the press outside the courtroom, as if all was hunky-dory in her own crumbling house.

And then some dude walked up to her and handed her a Broadway bill (show's program pamphlet) for the show Beetlejuice and we saw Boebert frown and walk away. Beetlejuice, well a performance of the stage show in Denver, had brought her notoriety a few months back.

She had been caught on theater cameras groping a date's todger and being groped about her breasts while seated alongside other theater go'ers.

Her saliva-fueled anger aimed at Trump's prosecutors seemed silly, artful and fake.

Lauren Boebert?...



  1. A reminder. Some commenters are still reporting problems getting their submissions approved. They are getting "Failed to publish. Try again later" messages. Those are not from me. They are being added by Blogger, our platform provider. All I can say is, keep trying. We have sent Blogger several notes about this...

  2. Somebody let me know when he's convicted. I'm sick of his lying mouth.

  3. Hey Donnie! Take the stand if your defense is so great!
    The MAGA GOP is pathetic. VOTE BLUE!!!

  4. I was on a trial jury once, where the attorney got all worked up. It didn't affect my decision at all. I voted to convict based on the facts.

  5. Too bad all the documentary evidence was already established prior to Cohen's testimony. Cohen's testimony may have been the icing on the cake, but the cake was already BAKED.

  6. Mayra Flores suspended her "All You Can Eat" campaign? Figures. She has no true political convictions. Just another opportunist.

    1. I think she was putting on too much weight. looking chubby in the face. Big brown cheeks.

    2. She'll be back eating soon. That's who she is, a wanderer. Nothing about issues or policy.

    3. Nothing but Republican talking points from Mayra. Never has an original thought. Let's keep Congressman Gonzalez, who is DOING the job and DOING it right, for us, not for Donald Trump - like Mayra Flores.

  7. Politicians are dictating your life. Republicans want to enslave you. VOTE BLUE

  8. Thank God Lauren won't be coming back to Congress. Praise the Lord!!!

    1. She's from the poor side of town. twice married. high school dropout. got her GED. Divorced but kept her husband's last name. A loser.

  9. Stooges: English for Pendejos.

  10. When the Democrats take control of both houses of Congress in 2025, one of the first orders of business should be to pass legislation that raises the number of Supreme Court Justices from 9 to 13 or 15. Then President Biden can nominate and get confirmed new Justices to balance out the Court. It is more than obvious that conservatives have packed the court with right wing ideologues for years. Time for balance. It only takes a simple majority in both houses. The Democratic Senate can either get rid of the filibuster or get rid of it for this one purpose.

  11. There are two Justices that need to be removed, upside-down-flag Alito and Uncle Tom Clarence Thomas. Both have shown that ethics is not part of their makeup with accepting expensive gifts as well as them or their spouse supporting lies of Trump of the 2020 election. They are a disgrace to the court and our Constitution. It is not about their rulings, it's about their behavior and actions. Enough!!!

  12. Micro manager Trump knew it all.

  13. Donald Trump is a fool, a fraud and a criminal. If this compromised Supreme Court allows him to avoid consequences for his criminal actions, there will be a complete loss of confidence in that entire branch of our Federal Government. The damage they did in overturning Roe will be nothing compared to the damage they'll do if they allow Trump to skate.

  14. Should Boebert not be in court for her son, who is almost surely going to jail?

  15. Marjorie Taylor Greene needs to be DISCIPLINED

  16. From District 34 Congressman Vicente Gonzalez, a Democrat:

    It’s #InfrastructureWeek!
    Big investments I’ve helped bring to South Texas:
    ✈️ Airport upgrades
    💧 Floodwater channel expansions
    🚢 Port funding
    🚆 Rail improvements
    🔜 And more to come...


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