Saturday, May 4, 2024

BRIBERY AS SPORT:...Our Politicians Are Quick To Take Freebies...Too-Quick...No More Four Strikes And You're Out...Democrat Henry Cuellar Needs To Go...His Wife Also Is Accused...$600,000...



McALLEN, Texas |...Yes, hang Congressman Henry Cuellar. The both-sides-now Democrat from Laredo's been indicted after years of being under investigation for taking bribes. No one is above the law.

Bring him to trial. Let the evidence either convict him or lack of set him free. The federal government says it has more than enough.

Cuellar, who represents the 28th Congressional District, is the last of the anti-abortion Democrats in Congress.

So long, loser.

This from [ Minnesota Democrat Dean Phillips on Friday became the first House Democrat to call for Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas) to resign over federal conspiracy and bribery charges.

Cuellar is the second sitting member of Congress currently under indictment, along with Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.), who has faced calls for resignation from over half of his Democratic colleagues.

"While the bar for Federal indictment is high, trust in government is at an all-time low," Phillips said. "That's why I believe any elected official or candidate facing such charges should resign or end their campaign. That includes Sen. Menendez, Donald Trump, and Rep. Cuellar."

In a 54-page indictment, the Justice Department accused Cuellar, 68, and his wife Imelda of taking nearly $600,000 in bribes from an Azerbaijani government-controlled oil company and a Mexican bank.

In exchange for the hefty bribes, prosecutors allege, Cuellar pushed legislation and pressured government officials to benefit Azerbaijan and the bank.

Cuellar has proclaimed his innocence and said he plans to run for reelection in November. He secured the Democratic nomination in March. ]

Time to clean house, top to bottom. No more games. 

There was a time in this country when an indictment was something serious. Jerks from both parties in Congress don't seem to get it. These days, an indictment is the equal of an unwanted bad telephone call from a constituent back home - something easily blown off.

Shifty Cuellar has played both sides of the aisle, voting often with Republicans.

Vote him out.

The stench from Laredo is palpable here in the Rio Grande Valley...



  1. The Trump Effect - they're all crooked.

  2. From the "All You Can Eat Campaign": Mayra Flores ate at a BBQ restaurant in Brownsville yesterday.

    1. new photo on her FB page. Still eating in Brownsville. It appears Mayra came to this country to eat! LOL

    2. Mayra, how about a photo of you paying! ja ja ja ja

    3. In the congressional cafeteria, Mayra would be mistaken for a cleaning lady or server. U know it!

    4. Ask her if she defends Von Shitzinpants. LOL!!!

    5. Of course she defends Von Shitzinpants! That's her idol.

  3. Interesting the NRCC is calling for him to resign and suspend his campaign with this threat of indictment.

    Wish Republicans held the same standard with members of their own party.

    1. The NRCC is 100% right, people under indictment should not seek public office.

    2. So, what you are saying is, if indictment becomes a political weapon, just indict those who you do not like, and then demand they resign. The question is, why would a president be immune from indictment for official acts, but not a congressman? For me if you engaged in a criminal act as an elected official, as a matter of law you could not have done it in your official capacity.

    3. First, it is a Grand Jury that indicts (after weighing the prosecution's evidence, yes). A president is not immune from indictment, as we have seen with Donald Trump. Your third point is the thoughtful one here: Yes, any law breaking by a sitting member of Congress is in "official/elected" capacity. Henry Cuellar could not have aided anyone if not for the fact that he is a member of Congress. And, as always, a trial jury will decide if evidence points to guilt...

    4. No, the Grand Jury issues the indictment based on what the DA allows them to see. Because of this a grandy jury will indict a ham sandwich, as the saying goes. Cases are dismissed by the courts shortly after the indictment is released because if the defendant can hire a good attorney, they will show the judge the DA withheld exculpatory evidence. Like an eyewitness statement from an independent 3rd party the crime never happened.

  4. El Paso man gets prison in armed harassment of migrants 'for America' outside church

  5. Vote Blue, America. Biden for President all the way. The American people deserve at least an honest man as President. Not crooked Donald J. Trump.

  6. Cuellar was on the way out, at least as a Democrat. He barely won his last election by 300 votes. Plus, some said he'd talked about switching to the Republican Party.

  7. Our politicians are catering constantly to the demands of wealthy, oil producing countries that don't share the same values we do. These politicians should be punished and kicked out of Politics.

    1. They never think they’ll get caught.

  8. Trump wears adult diapers? Really? No Shit!

  9. In a healthy democracy leaders would be looking for compromises, not ripping us apart. Hey, Republicans, Country before Party!

  10. It’ll be funny if Melania secretly votes for Biden. I believe if Trump loses, Melania will file for divorce as soon as possible. She probably wishes he doesn’t win so she can get away from him as quickly as she can.

  11. Yes, its gonna get worse. The republicans in the last 10 years has gotten away with the most crooked and corrupt politics. They are not only getting away with it but they are changing and setting the bar so low that all elected officials feel safe committing crimes and getting away with it.

  12. As Trump airs his election doubts, many supporters say they won't accept a Biden win in 2024

  13. MAGAs keep asking "What's the crime?" The indictment has been posted on the DA website for weeks. They won't read it because they don't want to know. They think if they refuse to examine the facts it's all nonsense. Same in the Georgia case. 88 felony charges total. Highly doubtful he will escape all of them. Sadly, Trump will never go to prison when convicted on any of his felony charges. Either the Saudis or Russia will issue a diplomatic passport preventing arrest. The jet will be waiting.

  14. Get him out! I'm a dem and I want nothing to do with people like this. See you later, good luck, and goodbye. Find a job more suited to shell companies and laundering money. So what if his brother is sheriff of Webb County and his sister is a county judge. So what!!!


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