Monday, May 6, 2024

BACK WHEN:...America Was Calmer And Little Dogs Were Not Being Shot Dead By Crazed Republican Governors...Cool Mexican Restaurant Gets Boost In Sales After Surprise Obama Visit...


  1. This visit came just nine years ago, but it seems from a whole other century. We are in the grasp of the worst of times, and, yeah, everybody and his mother is blaming cruel, heartless Republicans. How do you shoot a little house dog?...

  2. He was a "people" person and not all about himself. Harvard guy who actually cared.

  3. What a man, shakes & say hi to everyone. Asks people their names, god I miss having a real president!

  4. Donald Trump puts America on notice again: If he loses, he won't go quietly. That's okay. Law Enforcement loves jailing losers.

    1. No one is above the law. Someone drum that into his orange head. Tired of this dude.

  5. My question for the day: Where is Mayra Flores eating? Any bets???

    1. Commenter on Mayra's FB page identifying himself as Jorge Aleman posted this: "Have you noticed it?
      This lady stops are 85% at food joins only? Free loader? Just asking, because it sounds like the ORANGE 🍊 jesus."

    2. Has she been to Cracker Barrel - that's where the white vote eats. LOL!!!

    3. Any news on mayra's eating?

    4. No "Eating" post on Mayra's FB page.

  6. President Obama has something money cannot buy: class.

  7. Obama was a real world celebrity, not one made up by TV.

  8. Had it not been for our antiquated electoral college system, Trump would never have become president to begin with in 2016. Hillary Clinton bested him in the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. So, it's clear the overwhelming majority of voters never wanted him as president and still don't.

    1. Stop threatening to put him in jail and actually do it!!!!

  9. Can we just end this and lock this traitor in jail for a while? Maybe that will get his attention

  10. He is a disgraceful person and our country is worse because of him. MAGA must go. VOTE BLUE

    1. Yes, indeed Trump can be crushed on the witness stand as has been happening for now going on 3 weeks - crushed with tons of hard evidence and eyewitness testimony of illegal activities and broken laws. This explains the lack of smiles Trump displays in the media as he enters and exits the court room. He sees, hears and knows what we all do.

  11. It will be fun when Cohen and VonSchitzenpants are in the courtroom together.

  12. "The magnitude of this decision is not lost on me, but at the end of the day I have a job to do," the judge added. "So as much as I don't want to impose a jail sanction ... I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate."

  13. A group of 13 conservative U.S. federal judges said on Monday that they would not hire law students or undergraduates from Columbia University in response to its handling of pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

    The judges, all appointees of former U.S. President Donald Trump, called the Manhattan campus an “incubator of bigotry” in a Monday letter to Columbia President Minouche Shafik and Law Dean Gillian Lester.

  14. Save our country vote these bums out of office.

  15. Care about Trumps’ rights as much as he cares about anyone else’s. ZERO.

  16. After Donald Trump lost the White House in the 2020 presidential election, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner made a decisive choice to exit politics for good — or so the public thought. There are rumblings behind the scenes that the former president’s eldest daughter is reconsidering her position.

  17. He is nothing more than a normal citizen. He should have already been jailed just as anyone else would have been.


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