Monday, April 29, 2024

PLAY DEEP:...In Congressional District 34, Rumor Of War...Busy Bee Incumbent Vicente Gonzalez Posts An Accomplishment, Republican Opponent Mayra Flores Digs On Him...Cue The Mariachi...



HARLINGEN, Texas |...The Democrat was in town to announce a $4.5 million cash injection into the Rio Grande Valley economy. By way of repairs and improvements of Valley International Airport here. He, as he often does, noted the benevolence on his Facebook Page, as did Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda on hers. It wasn't long before someone threw cold water on the moment.

That would be one Mayra Flores, the Republican candidate in Vicente Gonzalez's 34th Congressional District election this next November.

This was the announcement from incumbent Gonzalez: [ "Yesterday was a monumental day as we broke ground on the new air traffic control tower at Valley International Airport in the City of Harlingen. I was proud to secure $4.5 million from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to improve air traffic safety and efficiency. Grateful for the collaboration with FAA, Mayor Sepulveda, and local leaders. This project marks a significant advancement for our community's infrastructure." #TX34 ]

So far, so good.

A local politician doing what he's sent to Washington, D.C. to do - working daily for his constituents and making sure monies doled out by Congress includes some for the district back home.

Yeah. Bang the drum one more time.

Cat-quick came Miss Flores in chiming-in, posting this on Gonzalez's Facebook page: [ Mayra Flores - Congressman Vicente Gonzalez has voted to send billions overseas then into his own district but takes credit when pennies make it. ]

We should, of course, note that Miss Flores, who served a brief six-months stint in Congress during the second half of 2022 after winning a Special Election before losing to Gonzalez in the General that same year, also brought home the bacon in this fashion.

Her share in a spending bill that year delivered $4 million, also for the Harlingen Airport. We must also note that these did not come from stand-alone legislation but were included in Bills that awarded monies to most other sectors of the country.

But we're into the campaign season, boys. And even the slightest dig has a chance of getting a vote or two, so we'll be seeing much more of these as the days, weeks and months wear on. The gung-ho Miss Flores is a regular contributor to Gonzalez's Facebook page; he does not reciprocate.

Whether that's a winning strategy for Republican Flores is anybody's guess. My feeling is that a public debate or two or three would serve the constituency much better.

We'll keep tabs on this particular race, as we're sure the current heat will eventually rival the biggest of volcano eruptions...



  1. Note to commenters: We have been having trouble with this feature, as some commenters report not being able to post after seeing "failed to publish" following attempts to submit thoughts/replies. It is not us, and we have sent Blogger a note about this...

  2. Republican South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem defends shooting family dog that was "untrainable."

    1. She named her puppy "Cricket" and then she shot it. Killed the dog.

    2. The puppy wasn't bad, she was just a poor trainer. She should have given it to an animal rescue. Animal and child abuse are never acceptable!

  3. Vicente is genuine, Mayra looks manufactured.

    1. Mayra took a photo with Ken Paxton and proudly pasted it on her Facebook page. That was a big no-no for valley voters.

    2. Mayra is not one of us. She's gone to the other side, the side that hates Mexicans.

  4. Republicans are Party before country, real Americans are fighting to save democracy from the same ideologies we fought in WW2. Unfortunately the less learned allow history to repeat itself.

  5. Vicente con la gente. He's puro Valle!

  6. That funding Vicente Gonzalez is taking credit for wasn't approved when he represented District 34. He was represented District 15. Filemon Vela and Mayra Flores shared a term and represented District 34 when the Bipartisan infrastructure law was signed.

    1. That one was for runway work, this one is for the airport tower, dude.

    2. The letter Flores and her backers are using to counter is one that states, "...the initial grant will be used to extend runway 17R/35L...the initial grant totaling $7 million was previously announced on July 21, 2002." Flores assumed the office on June 21, 2022...

    3. Democrat Filemon Vela gets the credit Mayra is taking. His resignation in the summer of 2022 and her Special Election win soon after fell in nicely with the appropriation. She wasn't involved.

    4. Mayra had been in office one month when the appropriations were announced in 2022. Of course she didn't have anything to do with it. What gall!!!

  7. The Supreme Court could not be more disgraceful.

    1. Clarence Thomas still waiting on a chemical cleansing of his black skin.

    2. @10:24 LOL!!! You win the Internet!!!!!

  8. Show MAGA the door in 2024.
    Keep Democracy alive in 2025.

  9. What has happened to American values? How can one man have so many court cases against him and be innocent? He has been in court over 4100 times in the past 20 years (you can fact check me if you like). Is this the character of a President? I am a registered Republican but, I cannot deal with 4 more years of Trump’s political chaos and continues stream of lies. Enough is enough. I will NOT be voting for Trump in November, and you should do the same if you want to save this country....

  10. Judge Merchan taking Trump to the

  11. Dallas Cowboys resign Ezekiel Eliott! Number 21 is back!!!!

  12. Twas a dark and Stormy night for Donald Trump.

  13. Walt Nauta should have worked with the feds instead of Trump because he will spend the rest of his life in prison when this is over and he deserves it.

  14. RFK, Jr is now openly gunning for Trump voters — and Republicans are starting to worry

    1. They never had a chance! We can't wait for election day!!! Go Big Blue!!!

  15. Obama Says Trump’s Behavior as President Didn’t Surprise Him: "He’s Not Considered a Serious Guy"


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